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I ride one of these, and it handles surprisingly well for a bike that size. And it is definitely “fun” to ride.
net–so you take it off road to get to your favorite mountain stream for backwoods trout fishing heh? Or do you mean fun of the type that goes straight down a paved highway? That kind of fun?
I was on my 175cc Kawasaki one day and a road hog like this came up to me at the light. He stopped, then just fell over like a cartoon. He forgot to put his leg out for balance. He was having so much fun he fell asleep.
Ha, ha. Road couch. HEY!—that was kinda fun.
# 1 bobbo, “Too powerful, too heavy, too road hog for me.”
It’s rainy season here in Thailand. A couple of days ago I saw something that scares me every time I see it: a cycle rider using an umbrella. Then they got closer and I noticed he was using a cell phone and his wife, behind him, was holding the umbrella. Between his knees was a young child, maybe aged five. Between driver and wife a second child, maybe three years old. It was the usual 100cc Honda Wave.
Once saw a family of seven on one small motorcycle in Surabaya, Indonesia. At least they weren’t talking on the phone or using an umbrella.
704lb dry weight. That tips over, don’t be underneath it!
#2 bobbo’s idea of fun is sitting at his computer 16 hours a day posting opposing views to everything blogged on DU.
Have any of these commenters actually seen the clip?
I would not want to be the guy who was on the road.
#6–jobs==are you calling me the Triumph Rocket III of blog trolls? Not to disagree, but what you say is Not exactly precisely 100% true: Last week Alfie was called a hypocritical humanity hating christian hate monger and I agreed with that. And just yesterday, it was posted that Pedro couldn’t ride a donkey even when sober, and I agreed with that too.
But to be fair, riding a hog is more fun than driving a car, if its not raining. But you have to give it to me that its not really a momopedal==its more of a two wheeled car than a motorcycle. Radio? Air Conditioning fer Aflie’s sake? I don’t think so. If you aren’t grabbing air, you ain’t on a cycle.
…..ha, ha…..: but why are the opinions of this blog so uniformly wrong? That can’t be an accident. What could account for that?
Hi bobbo. I think all our problems, including posts being uniformly wrong, all stem from the belief that zero has a value.
I had one experience with a motorcycle. I was 17, and a friend who I wished was a ‘girlfriend’ let me try her 750cc bike. I knew how to drive a standard transmission car, so I thought it would be ‘easy peasy’. We were on a country road, she was behind me, and I got her into second (the bike). We came to a T intersection. Well, I just put-putted right across the road turning about half of what I should have (not leaning enough)… and drove into the ditch on the other side. We came to a full stop…. not even 0 mph. The bike stalled and we fell over.
She never went on a date with me. She had cute pigtails too.
Skeptic==good one. Joke that is. I had the same experience with my gal on my Kawasaki. Up in the mountains, beautiful day—and just like you, after hours on the bike on one particular curve, I just didn’t lean enough and off the road we went. No one hurt but my gal didn’t marry me. I blame the dirty japs and their cheap motorcycles which is now why I always don’t ride Triumphs.
Off road for toys==perfect rides. But any long term relationship: almost impossible.
WOW! a 2 wheeled car. I’d still love to find a nice Bonneville…
I used a BMW R1100rta for 2 years instead of a car. Great fun.
Live to ride, ride to live!
Great video……. Maybe we could use the same technology to help Congressional Republicans to grow a brain and Congressional Democrats to grow some guts.
Either way growing this stuff in black sludge is totally appropriate.
This documentary has been abridged, somewhat. They left out the minor stories that describe the installation of momentum and traction, but on balance, it’s a good piece.
These same people have done documentaries on spaghetti harvesting and parlaimentary harrumphing.
It’s fugly.