1. nethound says:

    I ride one of these, and it handles surprisingly well for a bike that size. And it is definitely “fun” to ride.

  2. bobbo, are we Men of the World, or Isolationists? says:

    net–so you take it off road to get to your favorite mountain stream for backwoods trout fishing heh? Or do you mean fun of the type that goes straight down a paved highway? That kind of fun?

    I was on my 175cc Kawasaki one day and a road hog like this came up to me at the light. He stopped, then just fell over like a cartoon. He forgot to put his leg out for balance. He was having so much fun he fell asleep.

    Ha, ha. Road couch. HEY!—that was kinda fun.

  3. Animby says:

    # 1 bobbo, “Too powerful, too heavy, too road hog for me.”

    It’s rainy season here in Thailand. A couple of days ago I saw something that scares me every time I see it: a cycle rider using an umbrella. Then they got closer and I noticed he was using a cell phone and his wife, behind him, was holding the umbrella. Between his knees was a young child, maybe aged five. Between driver and wife a second child, maybe three years old. It was the usual 100cc Honda Wave.

    Once saw a family of seven on one small motorcycle in Surabaya, Indonesia. At least they weren’t talking on the phone or using an umbrella.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    704lb dry weight. That tips over, don’t be underneath it!

  5. jobs says:

    #2 bobbo’s idea of fun is sitting at his computer 16 hours a day posting opposing views to everything blogged on DU.

  6. Look, LOOK! says:

    Have any of these commenters actually seen the clip?

    I would not want to be the guy who was on the road.

  7. bobbo, are we Men of the World, or Isolationists? says:

    #6–jobs==are you calling me the Triumph Rocket III of blog trolls? Not to disagree, but what you say is Not exactly precisely 100% true: Last week Alfie was called a hypocritical humanity hating christian hate monger and I agreed with that. And just yesterday, it was posted that Pedro couldn’t ride a donkey even when sober, and I agreed with that too.

    But to be fair, riding a hog is more fun than driving a car, if its not raining. But you have to give it to me that its not really a momopedal==its more of a two wheeled car than a motorcycle. Radio? Air Conditioning fer Aflie’s sake? I don’t think so. If you aren’t grabbing air, you ain’t on a cycle.

  8. bobbo, are we Men of the World, or Isolationists? says:

    …..ha, ha…..: but why are the opinions of this blog so uniformly wrong? That can’t be an accident. What could account for that?

  9. Skeptic says:

    Hi bobbo. I think all our problems, including posts being uniformly wrong, all stem from the belief that zero has a value.

    I had one experience with a motorcycle. I was 17, and a friend who I wished was a ‘girlfriend’ let me try her 750cc bike. I knew how to drive a standard transmission car, so I thought it would be ‘easy peasy’. We were on a country road, she was behind me, and I got her into second (the bike). We came to a T intersection. Well, I just put-putted right across the road turning about half of what I should have (not leaning enough)… and drove into the ditch on the other side. We came to a full stop…. not even 0 mph. The bike stalled and we fell over.
    She never went on a date with me. She had cute pigtails too.

  10. bobbo, are we Men of the World, or Isolationists? says:

    Skeptic==good one. Joke that is. I had the same experience with my gal on my Kawasaki. Up in the mountains, beautiful day—and just like you, after hours on the bike on one particular curve, I just didn’t lean enough and off the road we went. No one hurt but my gal didn’t marry me. I blame the dirty japs and their cheap motorcycles which is now why I always don’t ride Triumphs.

    Off road for toys==perfect rides. But any long term relationship: almost impossible.

  11. Motorcycle Dude says:

    WOW! a 2 wheeled car. I’d still love to find a nice Bonneville…

    I used a BMW R1100rta for 2 years instead of a car. Great fun.
    Live to ride, ride to live!

  12. Pays2Think says:

    Great video……. Maybe we could use the same technology to help Congressional Republicans to grow a brain and Congressional Democrats to grow some guts.

    Either way growing this stuff in black sludge is totally appropriate.


  13. Buzz Mega says:

    This documentary has been abridged, somewhat. They left out the minor stories that describe the installation of momentum and traction, but on balance, it’s a good piece.

    These same people have done documentaries on spaghetti harvesting and parlaimentary harrumphing.

  14. Special Ed says:

    It’s fugly.


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