1. bobbo, you just can't trust machines says:

    The WORLDS LARGEST HAILSTONE, and all he got was a lousy tee shirt?

    There ain’t no justice in the world. He should have at least gotten a reality based tv show for a year or two? Driving around on the range looking at the weather? Imagine: Worlds Grittiest Dust Storm and other similar events?

    Tv worth watching.

  2. MadTruckMan says:


  3. Floyd says:

    I retrieved a hailstone once in Minnesota that was the size of a tennis ball. My truck was OK, but the windows on the east side of my apartment building were badly damaged.

  4. B. Dog says:

    Yup, it’s a hailstone, not a meteorite.


  5. LibertyLover says:

    My hometown was known for having a catfish that swallared a dog whole.

  6. Miguel says:

    That one’s a killer…

  7. Who says:

    That redneck in the Dakotaland hat looks like, “aw hail!”

    Check out the Dakotaland vacations, that Fat Tire Festival caught my eye:

  8. Special Ed says:

    Who, you missed the Tractor Museum.

  9. Iceman says:

    Kinda looks like a chunk of ice he grabbed out of the ice maker to me.

  10. deowll says:

    This is much bigger than anything I ever saw in person. A real skull crusher.

    I did collect a few from my yard once that were about 4 inches the long way shaped kinda like a cucumber or sausage with spikes ending in small balls. They looked seriously freaky and were more than large enough to cause serious damage to roofs and all vehicles in the open.

  11. admfubar says:

    man their flash is effed up, wont load for me..

  12. UncDon says:

    The world’s largest kidney stone? That must’ve left scars.

  13. Dexton7 says:

    Most interesting.. Funny T-shirt.

    However, let’s just hope that hail stones of that size never ever become common phenomenon on Earth…


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