![]() Executive Producers: Yaz, Chad Marbut, Lina Derderian Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
![]() Executive Producers: Yaz, Chad Marbut, Lina Derderian Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
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Adam is especially angry this show.
Good job Adam, destroying thee show before minute 5 has passed. Kathie Gifford? That fluoride seems to be working wonders for him.
Doesn’t surprise me in the least to hear that Chris Matthews is a lying hack.
toomanypuppies…. really? wow
The president of the USA presides over several departments, each department head being a secretary (Defense, Transportation, Education, and so on).
Spread the budget deficit across your agencies, or shut down just one agency within one of your departments?
The democratic party head Barack Obama has made the decision: The people in just one agency within just one department will not be paid this week, nor the next, nor the next week after that.
Reagan (R) was a union buster. Reagan’s government famously busted the workers in the FAA in the 1980s.
The only difference today is that Democratic Party hates unions just as much as Republican Party now.
Oh did you notice the world’s largest airline merger is about to take place as well?
The world’s largest airline would LOVE to have a nonunion shop. It would be worth so much more profit to the world’s largest airline.
Obama has heard his corporate benefactors, and he has acted accordingly.
Obama (D) is the new union buster.
The USA has fully earned its place as the brave new bipartison corporatocracy, a place where both major political parties are the puppets of the airlines and big business.
Obama’s continued bank bailouts and continued wars and continued wiretapping of non-corporate entities should have made you notice that Obama and the Democratic Party are every bit the corporatists as the Republican Party. But if not, here is yet another chance for you to pay attention.
The unions must STOP backing the Democratic Party immediately. Choose a political party that is not going to destroy your union already.
No one has commented on Hillary?It looks to me that if she would have opened up like that for Bill there would not have been a scandal.
#5 – We lost the only union shop grocery store chain, in my area. All part of the A&P conglumerate. We lost the Super Fresh stores. Which were only a little more pricier than some other chains. But so are Safeways and Food Lions. And we still have one of each of those, nearby. If it weren’t for more regional chains like Mars and Weis, we’d have to depend on the nation chains. Super Fresh was the last to appear in town. And now the first to vanish. Having a unionized work force, had to have been the straw that broke its back. A local steel producer, that once had 30,000 workers, wound down to less than 2,000. Eventually was sold to a Russian concern. And recently resold to another industrial speculator. I doubt there’s still a union there. So are workers’ unions going to be the poison pill of other employers, in this new century? Apparently, when Americans have no more representation than foreign labor, the jobs MAY come back to America. Blame Wall Street and the Big Banks.
I just heard that China was shipping fake IDs to US teens, hidden in imported toys (chinese checkers and playing cards). Such ID forgeries are also a possible terrorist aid. So naturally DHS is concerned. But apparently not concerned enough to read the Chinese government the “riot act”, and threaten sanctions if they don’t stop this. The Chinese don’t care much about stopping the sale of anything copyrighted or legally protected from forgery. But the Chinese have no problem censoring free speech and internet communication, entering and leaving China. So obviously they’re very choosy about what they police, and why. The US State Dept. should be giving them more reasons, WHY, the should care. Instead of worrying whether US corporation can manufacture there, cheaper than in the US.
1. It took 18 minutes to reach Bin Laden. His wives had time to shower before donning their explosive vests.
2. Video of the hovering helicopter could have been shot from above, like scenes from Black Hawk Down.
It seems JCD may have to apologize to Adam. S&P is still on track to downgrade us over our fake money. Unless Adam’s prediction applied to Moody’s only.
I want the new energy source of Chicken McNuggets.
which is wrong.
It used to be the KIDS HELPED as soon as they could walk and see over a table.
Then what do we do when we bring home ALL our military?? Mobile unemployed..
Same thing happened during WWII..we put women into the work force, and all the jobs LOST at the end of war, put most of them on the street, and the MEN that came home..NO JOBS..
Are we persecuting our Kids, for no reason??
This has been happening for along time. The School I went to in Pendleton Or, they MOVED out side the city, and FENCED it in…and is locked down During the day.
Who remembers when there was a Grocery store within 1-2 miles of everyone?? That was alot of jobs..NOW they are 1 5-20 miles of you..LESS JOBS.. But they are making MORE MONEY.
It would be cool if 1 person could only have 1 job..but you dont see that at the top..1 person is pres of 1 company, is on the board member in 2-3 other companies, and so forth..
Even the poor cant live on a single income.
Stupid thing about politicians.. What do the law makers do, when everything is working correctly?? ask the USA and the Aussies..