A policeman flung into the air by a criminal driving a stolen car incredibly gets up and chases the offender on foot.

PC Dan Pascoe used his Taser stun gun to stop Lee Adamson escaping before collapsing from his injuries.

Dramatic video footage shows the officer being thrown violently to the ground after his police car was rammed by a blue BMW driven by Adamson on July 3.

Police set up a road block on a slip road of the M25 at junction 11, near Chertsey in Surrey, to stop the stolen vehicle. PC Pascoe had just got out of the parked patrol car when the BMW ploughed into the back of it at speed, sending the officer flying.

Amazingly, the policeman rolled, got up and brushed himself off before running after Adamson, who had abandoned the stolen car.

His fellow officers arrested the criminal on suspicion of vehicle theft and other driving offences.

Throw away the fracking key.

  1. birddog says:

    I would not have chased him, I would have busted a cap in his ass.

  2. Hawkeye says:

    This guy Robocop or the terminator in disguise?

  3. msbpodcast says:

    And now he wont be getting that raise this year so some rich scumbag can keep his bank balance topped up. (Its not even as if the rich scum bag was trickling some of that money down anymore. That was Reagan’s BS.)

    Lets do away with political parties altogether because, it gives party a bad name.

  4. CityEmployee says:

    @ msbpodcast

    I definitely don’t agree with your summation. After working in the public sector for the last 7 years I am disgusted at most if not all police officer associations. Public safety is very important and do not deny that, however public safety salaries are outrageous in some areas of the county, such as California. This is my personal opinion. There should be better regulation on Public Safety overtime. There is balance that needs to be met. The question is do you want better paid cops or more cops. I would opt for the latter…

  5. jescott418 says:

    Well his charges went from a simple car theft to attempted murder of a Police officer. I think he will never worry about anything again. The State will take care of him.

  6. green says:

    Adrenaline’s a B.

    Bet he was sore the next day.

  7. deowll says:

    Could we deport the driver of the blue car? I don’t care if he is a US citizen.

  8. kerpow says:

    So you would rather more quantity of police vs more quality officers? Sounds like the TSA. No thanks.

    @deowll and others,
    This didn’t happen in the US.

  9. LaMoora says:

    This took place in the U.K. where the majority of police officers do not carry firearms.

  10. Lou says:

    The Cop is an idiot standing behind the car.

  11. fargough says:

    #10 You are the idiot he is getting out of the car not standing behind it.

  12. supercujo says:

    #9: Except the ones who shoot unarmed Brazilians

  13. bobbo, hero worship is rarely warranted says:

    What’s fearless about this cop being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Seems to me he violated some basic protocol like being in the middle of the road on which he new a fleeing felon was speeding down? Thats not fearless: that is stupid.

    So, being in the middle of the road he gets hit by the fleeing felony and as ONLY LUCK would have it–he wasn’t too badly hurt in the crash. Is he trained enough to stay calm and call it in or to go rushing off in pursuit with who knows what injuries? Thats not fearless: that is stupid.

    Police work is about protocols and team work. Both violated here. do I “know” what I’m talking about? Abolutely not.

    Just saying.

  14. birddog says:

    Number 9 I said I would have busted a cap in his ass and I don’t live in the friggin uk.

  15. skunkman62 says:

    #7 “Could we deport the driver of the blue car? I don’t care if he is a US citizen.”

    yeah, looks like all the drivers were on the right side of the cars. don’t think this happened in the US.

  16. skh.pcola says:

    That police car must be made of super-strong alien material. It sustained no visible damage.


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