I hope you’ve enjoyed our National Theater Company’s recent production of “The Debt Ceiling Crisis” as much we enjoyed performing it for you on a world stage. Don’t forget to watch the movie version sequel coming this January!

If the definition of a compromise is something that most folks don’t like, then the $2.4 trillion debt-ceiling deal worked out over the weekend by President Barack Obama and GOP leaders in Congress is a resounding success.

As details of the framework began to leak early Sunday, the far wings of each party quickly rejected the compromise as capitulation. Democrats angrily noted that the plan was all spending cuts and no revenue increases. MoveOn.org, the liberal advocacy group, panned the deal and called on Congress to “pass a clean debt ceiling bill that doesn’t force the middle class and the poor to bear the brunt of this crisis.”

Conservatives, meanwhile, worried that the deal left open the door to revenue increases and could lead to steep defense cuts. “Republican Leaders are asking their members to accept tax increases or massive defense cuts and senior anger right before the election,” blogged Erick Erickson, editor of the conservative website RedState.com.

Clearly, Tony winning writing and acting with a surprise, twist ending like this that is all illusion:

Conversely, the one clear winner from all this seems to be President Obama. If the bill passes, he can now claim the mantle of fiscal conservatism – a surefire defense to ubiquitous Republican accusations of socialism and big government. If the debt ceiling were breached and the economy tanked, he likely would’ve borne the greatest political price. But by swooping in and making the deal at the last minute, Obama can say he saved the day.

  1. PSnider says:


    You TAX the rich because they have the money

    It’s funny you used a statement used by bank robbers.

    Sutton is famously known for answering a reporter, Mitch Ohnstad, who asked why he robbed banks by saying, “because that’s where the money is.”


    I believe Billy the Kid used a very similar line.

  2. bobbo, are we Men of the World, or Isolationists? says:

    PS–yes, the simple truths. Its why the Pukes are after MediCare and Social Security. No body tries to rob a voter registration booth.

  3. chris says:


    That is not the reason. The combination of evangelical religion and big business into the modern GOP is not about a plan to steal from government.

    The real reason is to displace government as an organizing force. Essentially business is where you go to get salary and ALL benefits. The more tightly health and retirement are tied to your company the greater leverage the company has at salary renegotiation time.

    The unions are the test case of this idea. Give better health benefits in each round of negotiations rather than salary, then take it back later. Salary has never gone up, people aren’t calculating raises off of it.

    On the social side, US religious organizations want to force themselves back to the preeminent social arbiter. Churches used to some legitimate say in people’s sex lives, because any excess kids would be sent to a religious based org. Today they want that role back.

    In either a company or religion you have a boss, who can fire you or send you to hell. Keeps people in line. In a democracy you, at least symbolically, are the boss.

    Very dangerous to the power structure.


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