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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Silly question.

    Apple can’t print it’s own money if it wants more.

  2. The0ne says:

    Nope, but Apple can as sure buy up IPs and sue other companies if it wants to. Paying 4.5B for patents and rights for pending lawsuits is a great idea, sucks for the rest of us though. I will never trust this Apple company.

  3. Miguel says:

    How much will Apple change after Steve Job’s death?

    I predict a huge crumble, with office-politicos going on a cash/power grab… Anyone agree with me?

  4. Skeptic says:

    Steve Jobs for president? It’s as American as Apple pie!

    Imagine, new ideas that inspire! Groundbreaking solutions to all your problems that will make America #1 again. Sure, other countries will try to copy them, but they will never be as popular or work quite as well. Jobs will keep America #1, and everyone will want to live there. You’ll have rich people lining up down the street, around the corner… some even camping out… to pay more taxes so that they can claim that they have a piece of that ‘something’ that Apple will devise. Rich people will be buying special Apple houses and as Apple upgrades newer houses with incremental new devices, they will discard the older houses for new improved Apple houses. There will be plenty of amazing houses for the less fortunate to grab at 1/4 their original cost. Jobs will become plentiful as more and more round buildings pop up in every State.

    Oh, it will be beautiful… just beautiful.

  5. Faxon says:

    Fine. Let fucking Apple run the world, why don’t you?

  6. Faxon says:

    Steve Jobs is dying? Naa. There must be more poor boys in Tennessee with the necessary organs he can simply buy to keep him going indefinitely.
    Steve should move to China, where organ availability is so much higher, for obvious reasons.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    Well I was going to comment on what a shame it was that a private company, one, just one, representing a mere fraction of a percent of the population, has more cash on hand than the entire federal gummint, how we should be ashamed that its come to this and asking what we could/should/would be willing to do about this country meeting its obligations, but I can tell it isn’t worth commenting.

    You’re a bigger bunch of losers that I’d thought.

    This country now belongs to the rich, handed over by Bush and Boehner, and you’re all sliding down the razor blade of life, using your balls for brakes.

    Bakunin was right… Every government is fundamentally criminal at heart.

    But he forgot to add that the government just reflect the small and narrow-minded aspirations of its people.

  8. Skeptic says:

    Not to worry. iJobs 2 is ready to go, and iJobs 3 is in the planning stage.

  9. Skeptic says:

    All kidding aside, Pedro you are as anti-American as anyone I’ve ever come across. Canada will be extremely happy to take Apple off your hands. We’ll even build him a round glass building for free.

  10. JimD says:

    But the US CAN PRINT MORE, while Apple has to STEAL IT FROM GULLIBLE KIDS !!!

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Some other headlines from today to warm the hearts of the far-left redistributionists:

    * GDP at 1.3%

    * Boston Scientific to lay off 1,200 plus

    * Consumer confidence at a 2-year low

    * 1st Quarter revised downward to 0.4%

    * Mexico unemployment 4.9% vs 9.4% in US

  12. skitsbox says:

    Apple should have more money.
    I am more happy with my apple products I have paid for than the government products I am forced to pay for.
    It goes to show you you can make more money by providing people with what they want than out right stealing it from them.

  13. foobar says:

    jbensen2, take a look at the actual wealth redistribution in the US over the last 30 years.

  14. chuck says:

    Apple doesn’t force anyone to buy their products or give them money.

    The US government will put you in jail if you don’t pay your taxes (unless you’re Timmy Geithner).

    Which one is the greedy pig?

  15. jbenson2 says:

    #14 foolbar – you mean the liberal “war on poverty” going back to democrat President Lydon Johnson? Not much of a success in the inner cities.

  16. Breetai says:

    #1 Ah Yeah,
    One Problem. the Moronic Americans Don’t print their own money. The FED Reserve prints and charges interest for the service.

  17. foobar says:

    jbenson2 is a little mathematically challenged? 😉

  18. foobar says:

    Or just living in the past…

  19. jbenson2 says:

    Foolbar – learn to check your facts before trolling. The war on poverty kicked off in 1965. It stumbled badly during the 1970’s . In the mid 90’s, it was replaced by Clinton’s Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act. And continued on to today with Head Start, Volunteers in Service to America, and Job Corps.

  20. Buzz Mega says:

    If this country were being run by Apple, there would be no recession.

  21. foobar says:

    jbenson2, 2011 – 30 != 1965

    Maybe you should buy a Mac. 😀

  22. TooManyPuppies says:

    Hopefully we soon end up like Snow Crash so I can move to Apple Town and start my own franchise of The Clink.

  23. msbpodcast says:

    In # 11 JimD said: …Apple has to STEAL IT FROM…

    Give it a rest. You sound like an idiot.

    Nobody’s forcing kids to buy squat.

    They don’t have the discretionary income to do it.

    The iPod is a dying franchise, (and Apple is perfectly aware of it,) and iPads and iMacs aren’t for kids except of the grown-up variety.

    I’m 57 and I own lots of kit from everybody, but I prefer my Apple stuff. I’m not a kid and I’m not a hater like you.

  24. msbpodcast says:

    In # 12 jbenson2 said: … Mexico unemployment 4.9% vs 9.4% in US

    Yup, ever wonder what they’re doing right?

    You should.

  25. chuck says:

    #25 – What is Mexico “doing right”?

    A: They export their unemployed to another country just north of them. Problem solved.

  26. foobar says:

    pedro, Apple actually has products and they are pulling up an important sector for the US along with a handful of other companies. If it wasn’t for Apple and Google then non-US company would be dominating the global move to mobility. But then you do like Win2K. 😉

    Biomedical and diversified energy should also be growth industries.

    Manufacturing in the US has dropped from 24% of GDP at around 1980 to around 11% today. In the same period financial services has grown from 10% to 23%.

    I’m amazed how many Americans rat shit on their own growth companies in the private sector and don’t have an alternative. You might not like their products. Fair enough. But don’t blame them for the US’s financial incompetence.

    I’ve made a whole shit load of money of Apple stock. Thank you AAPL, that was easy money.

  27. The Dude says:

    #10, Agreed. Peedro loves our government’s handouts too much to give them up. Hence his stance.

    He also would rather buy a device that requires constant rebuilds and tweaking instead of one that works. Anything he doesn’t understand how to use he labels as a toy. This narrow-minded viewpoint he promotes is his forte. (as is putting words in other peoples mouths)

    Stand by for his crafted boondoggle reply of words that are constructed to sound clever but really mean nothing!

  28. bobbo, the future comes, and then you live in the past says:

    Obviously a successful corp like Apple needs tax breaks and loopholes so that it can make more money so it can create JOBS. Heh, heh–even more circular than normal given Steve’s last name.

    Oh, well. You know the drill. Steve would rather “do nothing” than drive his company to success if you increased the corp tax rate by 3% on those marginal dollars over One Million, because, you know, unlike you and me, he’s an entrepreneur who is motivated only by the exercise of absolute freedom, ie, absence of taxes.


    How tall a pile of cash does it take before it becomes clear that corps benefit from a society that can afford to purchase their products?

    All hail excess of revenue over expenses.

    Yea, verily.

  29. LibertyLover says:

    I think people should look for the tongue in cheek wrt his comment on taxing them to death. He was pulling your leg. And it worked.

  30. Bob says:

    If apple spent money like the US government, they would not only be broke, but Jobs and the rest of their board would be in jail.


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