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nice find 🙂
I worked in a non computer field near Silicon Valley in the 70s and 80s. My Dad was interested in computers and we had early punch card models from Encyclopedia Britannica, TV’s from Heathkit and what not. I saw the early Commodores and pong units. I used my first computer at work mostly for internal email. The wife got our first computer in order to do academic research. Win 95. I helped her set it up and get it working. I got my own Win 98 a year later.
It was only a few years later it occured to me that computers, but more relevantly, the WWW was a big deal. I had been a customer of the development this revolution and never really saw it coming. Never moved to Silicon Valley to be a part of it. For me, it all started as a toy with little functionality and grew so slowly I hardly noticed it.
Amusing. I assume the steam engine was the same way. Genetics now.
I am no visionary. But, I do think we all miss most of our human potential==individually and together.
Read a book. Imagine.
I’m looking at before then, then, now, and the future and I see a huge potential choke point. Band width. Everything depends on bandwidth. The band width exists and could be hugely expanded but the IPs would rather not let you have it while charging more.
Because they have what amounts to a monopoly and can buy Congress and the WH not so good for the public.
If you want bandwidth move to somewhere around the PacRim.
A cable modem is the equivalent of dial-up and it wil take an act of God, not congress, to get you more, unless you’re willing to pay for it.
Plenty of bandwidth capacity is buried underground and is still available in dark fiber
This MTV News channel had a better grasp of current affairs then today’s CNN, Fox News or MSNBC.
Their journalistic style is so much more succinct then anything on TV today.
Where are they now when we need them?
0m:45s, Sandra Bullock has an interesting way to hold a mouse, sideways with two fingers on the right button.
I think that mouse has also a special button on the bottom of it, that Sandra’s pushing with her thumb.
Will the Internet run on my Banyan VINE network? If not then I’ll stick with ARCNET, thank you very much.
You think we’ll have speeds faster than 33.6k on our modems someday, Dave? And mom keeps complaining I’m hogging the phone line.
I think my record is 4 posts in a row. Maybe it got to 5 as I googled more and the thread was inactive. But 15? With no new facts or ideas?
I’d delete if I had the power. No ban. Just delete. Save everyone reading having to confirm there is nothing there. Editing–not censorship.
“This” troll needs more room.
[Done. – ed.]
My first internet access:
Of course as it was long distance I used PCPursuit. T’was way back in ’87 I believe.
Bobbo, where can I get the drugs you are on.
Please tell Sandra that what exploded all over her screen in only two years was the World Wide Web and not “The Internet.” There were plenty of us playing with “The Internet” 10-15 years before she first touched a computer with a Web browser.
Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to check if DRUDGE REPORT has an FTP site and search it using Archie.
Leave Sandra alone. If she touched me like that, I wouldn’t mind.
My grandfather used to write colums for the mercury paper in the 80s on his Texas instruments computer and sent it over the phone line before we called it the Internet. I wish he was alive to see what has come. I got interested in 98 when my friend showed me how to play half-life multiplayer. I spent 1500 for a computer to shoot my friends from home. And now I can’t live without my smart computer phone. And I still play tf2 which came from half-life 14 years ago. 56k modem hogging my land line. Almost forgot about my webtv befor my computer. Those were the days webtv. My friend still has a working webtv email address. Excite,hotbot,Netscape
I’m somewhat shocked (shocked!) to learn that pr0n has always been a part of the internet.