Powell was shot in the head at about 12:30 a.m. after handing William Holloway a hot dinner of fish and chips from his family’s van on the 1000 block of 47th Avenue. Bullets struck Powell’s 3-year-old stepdaughter in the arm and grazed his wife’s shoulder. Powell’s 7-year-old stepdaughter was also in the van but was not hurt.

What a craphole of a city. I always laugh when people tell me they are moving to Oakland because they “got a good deal.”

  1. kkk says:

    Gauran-fuckin-tee it was one of them negroe folk who dun did the shootin

  2. Dirty Harry says:

    Oakland, apparently, isn’t any different than any other place that’s full of niggers.

    • Patricia says:

      There is so many reasons this place is crappy. The beggars harrassing me every corner they are on. The little assholes that rob innocent people. Inorant loud black people, it is dirty the list goes on and on.

  3. Jambi says:

    #29 at least they had the decency to leave the shit in a bag. Oakland can’t possibly nearly as bad as Camden, the scariest place in the US. Gary, IN also comes to mind. America has some very scary places that should be cleaned up.

  4. NoAgendaEnt says:

    A lot of Oakland is a decent place ~ the shooting took place down in the shit hole area of International Blvd., which is quite a bit southeast from the rest of Oakland. The only reason to go down there is to find a whore or a taco truck. I recommend the taco Truck at 1st and International, which is close to the lake and has awesome carnitas but the truck isn’t located in a garbage strewn pit further down the road.

    Most of Oakland’s problems stem from it’s culture in the ghetto. Teen kids get guns and rob. The rest suck on welfare and throw their trash on the ground making the place look like a big garbage dump. Even worse, a lot of teen girls get pregnant and have more kids perpetuating the problem.

  5. Wow, what a messed up world we live in. I just moved into Harlem in NY, but that seems to be wonderful compared to Oakland!


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