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Graph with fundamental lies, worst of which is counting Obama Administration spending from 1/2009 to 9/2009 as “Bush sending”. Than, picking and choosing what exactly was debt spending (ex. 3T$ in Bush tax cuts… vs. any of SPENDING during his era. Not getting the money is NOT debt. Debt is not getting the funds but SPENDING some amount on something… What we went into the debt with is not tax cut but whatever spending that happened during that period).
So, big lying spin.
The fact that Bush has ruined the economy for generations to come is no mistery.
The question is WHY the Americans allowed him to stay on the job for the full two terms.
THAT is a mistery.
Any tax cut without a corresponding decrease in spending is an inherent increase in spending and, hence, an increase in the debt.
First subtract the tax cuts counting money that is ours in the first place is not a deficit so it does not count
that makes it 4 trillion over 8 years which is still god awful but not even close to what Obama has heaped on in 2 years
Pretty sure that Obama’s policies have continued the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan….. so let’s move that line a little.
Playing the blame game is childish. The question is what do the people in charge need to do if they wish to avoid a catastrophic disaster.
1. Constitutional Amendment: Require Congress to pass a balanced budget each year or forfeit all compensation as a Congress Critter for that year along with the President and his Cabinet.
2. Stop raising the debt ceiling. This is going to end with our creditors noticing that our debt is growing to large for use to ever pay off. (I think we are already there and would have down rated us.) At that point our credit rating will fall into the crapper and then we will balance the budget either by running the printing presses wide open and debasing our currency into worthlessness or failing to pay off our creditors which again may mean we won’t be able to buy anything from other countries unless we hand over gold, sliver, or somebody else’s currency.
so why doesn’t the cbo go back to pre Regan taxes and then tell us what our debt is then , why pick and choose
Here’s how #1 is emotional and wrong:
A country has 100U in revenue and 100U in expense. If the country decides to reduce revenue by 20U without reducing expenses by 20U, then the country must borrow 20U. Therefore, the country is now 20U in debt.
The Bush tax cuts put the US in debt because they reduced revenue without reducing expenses. In fact, Bush reduced revenue while INCREASING expenses.
That 5.6Trillion on top shown as economic ruin (grey) should be a bright Bush RED.
He let the economy crash. He then let Lehman burn instead of enabling a soft landing. Bright RED.
Also not shown is the $2M for Planned Parenthood. This was a week long deficit debate in Congress mandated by the Christian Taliban coalition. Why is this critical deficit component not shown?
Oh, and by the way, the “Bush Tax Cuts” – which were approved overwhelmingly by both parties in the House and Senate – was enacted in June of 2001.
That was three months before 9/11, before we had Homeland Security, the Iraq war, Afghanistan, Democrat nutters running Congress, and all of the other horrendously expensive, nonsensical crap that has followed since.
Just more BS
#12 “Why is this critical deficit component not shown?”
For the same reason the Libyan kinetic military action is not shown.
I’m reminded of Foghorn Leghorn (who was modeled after Senator Claghorn,) You can argue with me, son, but, I say, but you can’t argue with mathematics…
Not all of the money under Obama has been spent either.
Bush was the one who was running up an astronomical debt while starving the treasury for funds and borrowing like “Willie da Pimp” trying to by a “grunt” with a third party check.
Bush spent the money paying for two unnecessary wars on the other side of the world.
Just ask Dick Cheney and his friends if they didn’t get paid…
Then duck.
That literally heartless sociopathic bastard wil shoot you in the face. He’s done it before to his friend (and never even apologized.)
My brother So is so right.
Mextli FTW.
bush tax cuts were suppose to save us from the Dot Com bubble bursting (you know, back when people who bought stocks In companies that had no business plan *couldn’t* lose money).
imagine all the people, who would lose their josb, if the damn terrorists hit us again?
We can’t face the lies. That our leader (pick one) told us, starting with Regean.
We know the truth, but like a person in need of an intervention, we won’t face it until we’re confronted full force by someone who cares more about us than themselves.
Not since Jesus, or maybe Carter, has there been someone like that. Well maybe FDR or Bush the Wiser.
Democrats, mainly.
First during the early 1930’s via the New Deal. If the entitlement spending never got any more extravagant, there probably would be no federal structural debt problem today.
The Dems massively expanded the entitlement programs in the 1960’s via The Great Society programs. The Dems have been incrementally expanding entitlement programs ever since.
And the Dems spent a chitload of extra money that didn’t exist on the various “rescues” shortly after Obama was elected. You know, when the Dems controlled Congress and the Presidency?
Did the Repubs play a part? Sure, but most of that was/is of the non-entitlement type that doesn’t increase automatically year after year, such as unnecessary wars (like Iraq & Libya). In any event, it’s far less total than the entitlement spending championed by Dems.
For the last decade or so, there’s been essentially been almost no difference between Dems and Repubs on fiscal responsibility. It’s only a matter on what they waste money the government doesn’t have on.
The USA is still recovering after 8 years of W.
Its one of the few times I will say we the people are responsible. Responsible because BushtheRetard expressly planned this result and it was obvious to anyone who cared to listen. Then he was elected to his second term. THAT is our responsibility.
Our country really, I mean Really, needs to get more anti-war in our policies. No wars on governments, peoples, tactics, or values that we don’t like. Now, war is fun—we just can’t afford it. Maybe real time streaming of covert black ops hit teams would fill the void????
The only open issue right now is how well will we learn to hop after the leg with the foot we shot ourselves in is amputated? Still in the top 3, just not effortlessly on top. 50 years before we get totally pushed off the top of the mountain unless the Pukes really do regain the Presidency any time within current human memory. THAT can’t happen can it?? Rick Perry???? Ha, ha.
Some things are obvious.
All of Obama’s spending is to fix the mess Bush left. It’s a miracle that America is still standing.
America, FUCK YEAH!
Ronald Reagan help spend trillions, like a drunken monkey. Of course, he was only doing as he was ordered to do. By those California based defense contractors, who got him into office. Reagan even came up with the whole “Star Wars Defense” plan, to unbalance and violate the START treaty. But really, it was his contractor friends who fed him that idea. Going over the heads of the President’s advisers. Who supposedly was as surprised as anyone else that Reagan came up with it. Do we really think a former actor, had enough technical savvy, all on his own, to dream up weapons platforms in orbit? Come on! In any case, it’s been an expensive failure. Funded for years, with little or no positive results. And that was just the tip of the Reagan spending iceberg. Hundreds of billions more went into upgrading military weaponry. Even though the Soviets were known to be on the brink of economic ruin. Much the same way the US is now. So the likelihood of them starting a war against the US, back then, was very remote. But this didn’t stop Hollywood making movies and Tv miniseries about it. Helping to sell Reagan’s build up plan. And they Bush (I) continued the spending spree with the Gulf War. Negating the so-called “peace dividend” the taxpayers were suppose to get, by no longer having to defend Germany from the Soviets.
I love how it’s always the Republican’s fault for everything that’s wrong with the country. Where were the Democrats during the last 10 years? They were either aiding and abetting the Republicans or they are totally incompetent and inept and not capable of doing anything.
Either way, vote them all out, it’s the only way to be sure…
What a bunch of lying liberals. The “Bush Tax Cuts” caused no damned deficit. Spending caused the deficit. Do any of you know what the total gross revenues were for the Bush years? Of course not.
In 2001, total revenue was $3.55T
In 2002, total revenue was $3.23T
In 2003, total revenue was $3.44T
In 2004, total revenue was $3.89T
In 2005, total revenue was $4.24T
In 2006, total revenue was $4.70T
In 2007, total revenue was $5.17T
In 2008, total revenue was $4.70T
During the same period of 8 years, GDP increased yearly from $10.29T to $14.44T
So if you take 2001 as a baseline, then revenue was down $320 billion in 2002 and $110 billion in 2003. In 2004 revenues were up $340 billion over 2001, wiping out most of the decrease of the previous 2 years. By 2008 the total revenues were $32.92T. If revenues had been flat using the 2001 number then revenues would have been $28.4T. Using the 2000 revenue of $3.68T they would still only have been $29.44T.
So even with the George Bush Tax cuts during his presidency revenue increased to the treasury of from $3.48T to $4.52T. So where did the $3T deficit on the chart that the Bush Tax cuts caused come from? Simple. It came from the Progressives asses where they pulled it out from.
The idiot Dems are falling apart.
Their tax and spend party had to come to and end.
This graph tells the truth, for all those who know how to click on a link (that leaves out Bobbo).
Remember, children, it’s congress that writes the checks!!
Ah Yea–got a link to that chart? Hard to believe you can have two wars, an unpaid drug program, and tax cuts and hardly a bump in debt to GDP ratios. I’ve heard liars figure.
Listen closely ALL retards: Debt = revenue less expenses. Yeah, thats right–two, count them: two elements to the equation.
Ha, ha. Time to regurgitate the Keynes discussion? or how much cheaper single payer healthcare is? or how Wallstreet no longer functions and is just a skimming operation? How another chart: the wealth disparity tells a very troubling story?
Slipping on the dogma.
Ah Yea–sorry about that. You provided the link. I was looking for an explanation of the link.
I doubt any explanation will be found. Here dupes: believe this chart and spread it far and wide, then vote for Bachman.
Alternative realities. Yes indeed.
“The moniker of the Liberal Left is “Capitalism has Failed.” //// So, no quotes. No attribution even? No footnotes??? Just made up dogma for the stooges to consume. Thats how conservatives/teabaggers rule these days. Pure Dogma.
Why aren’t you embarrassed Ah Yea?
I have a solution to the debt problem. Eliminate the party system, in US politics. Because all they ever seem to do is square off against each other, over every bill to cut or curb spending, and raise taxes for those who have managed to not pay as much (if any) as everyone else. Or eliminate various federal subsidies, to billion dollar industries who don’t need it, but will lobby like hell to keep it.
The US Congressional members are either just pretending to oppose each other’s bills, at every turn. Just to have some excuse to obey their special interests’ commands. Or they genuine believe their jobs are to play this political game for real. Like some kind of Football game. Where they must clubber each other to the bitter end. But that’s not what they were elected to do. To play some damn stupid blood sport, while serious problems go unresolved, over partisan politics. And it looks like these clown are prepared to keep doing this. Even if it throws the US into a full blown depression. Blaming each other, for not cooperating.
So the voters need to give up this party system that they’re so fond of, that isn’t working for them. When all it’s used for is to prevent any positive progress in balancing the budget and reducing the national debt. Oddly, they always agree on raising their own salaries. And foreign trade deals, like NAFTA. But solve domestic economy and job problems? Screw the US citizens, we’re too busy fighting. Yeah, so you really love it being the Demos vs the Repubs, day after day. Like some never ending Football game, where nobody really wins. And everybody, but the players and their sponsors, lose! I say quit waving the blue or red flag for your side. And rid the US Congress of this outdated polarity of wasteful contention.
Most of these clowns would switch parties in a heartbeat, if it meant the only way of getting reelected. As some have already done. So why remain loyal to something, that the players have no loyalty to? And why give them an excuse for not doing their jobs, by claiming they’re being loyal to their party’s wishes? It’s their States’ citizens, they ought to be loyal to. And all of them, not just the top wealthiest 5% of them. So let them all know that if they run under either party’s banner, you won’t vote for them. Make the Congress 100% neutral. And let them engineer some new excuses why they can’t do their jobs. Probably “big end” vs “little end” (e.g. Gulliver’s Travels”).
Glenn–you broke the eggs, I’ll make the omlette: what we are already seeing right now but will come on strongly is NOT party politics, bad as it is, but worse: corporate sponsored politics.
Its here now with the TeaParty: astroturfed Big Corp candidates shilling for continued wealth transfer to the Super Rich. Hard to figure who is going to get hurt worse with credit rating downgrade: the Super Rich or the poor. Which is worse: going from 50 MM to 49.5MM or going from $200/week to $190/week? Yes, the hardship will be experienced by all.
Citizens United: Money rules. Brightest sign on the road to failure there could have been.
bobbo, the master of links…
And how about this one for blithering idiotic Dems screwing up again?
Hedge funds regulation: It’s not working out.
Welcome to the feudal future of global finance.
Ah Yea–show me a rich person and I’ll show you if not a criminal then someone who most likely is skimming from true wealth producers. All of Wallstreet, all Hedge Funds are like this: what do they produce?
And the answer is Nothing. They arrange the market in order to skim the profits away from everyone else. Probably true with money exchange rates as well, but I “know” that even less.
Why not a federal stock transfer “fee” or tax or revenue enhancement or whatever you want to call it. IE==make investment for the long term. Not a computer automated to make millions of transfers and back within a nanosecond.
Maybe “capitalism is a failure” but don’t quote me.