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I apologize for not linking my list at Post #64. It was in an email.
#69–Buzz==you mean like super scuz bag Joe Walsh, media hound of the Teabaggers? So typical:
Who is responsible? Every person who voted Democrat or Republican over the last 20 years. The electorate is getting what they asked for and deserve.
DEFAULT clap clap clap DEFAULT clap clap clap
Welcome to reality. It took 50 years but the flow of tribute, that roman empire thing is coming to an end. Money is about to become scarce an those who are reality based need to hold firm.
We are in Ayn,s collapse phase, although the route was slighty different.
We can forever dish out that old cliche but the dinocruds will never acknowledge reality.
You want to know, Who’s Responsible?
Answer:WE ARE!!!
frap it, Costa Rica is looking better every day.
Throw them all out and start over. Riiiight.
Cgp said “We are in Ayn,s collapse phase, although the route was slighty different.”
Nice. The Harold Camping approach to economic management.
I have some questions: Does this chart account for the 2.4 trillion that Barack Obama is asking for in new debt?
And if it did, would it assign it all to Obama, or spread it out over other presidents?
>Do you support the provision of medical and retirement income benefits “basically” at the level they are provided now or for whatever reasons do they need to be cut? Why?
Yes to both parts.
Let’s not forget Reagan’s contribution to the National Debt – he took our 200 year old debt – through the Revolution, the Civil War, WWI and WWII and DOUBLED IT – WITHOUT WINNING A GOBAL WAR IN THE PROCESS !!! He then handed it off to the IMBECILE “W” – who DOUBLED IT AGAIN !!! And in a FINAL FINGER TO AMERICANS, GAVE WALL STREET AND THE BANKS THE “TOO BIG TO FAIL BAILOUTS” !!! So the BLOODY HANDS OF THE REPUKES ARE ***ALL OVER THE NATIONAL DEBT*** !!!
@#63 bobbo
You are right that most rich and republicans are liars. Sadly we live in a world where we aren’t free to abandon some of those fundamental lies, because we will face crucifixion at the hands of the media, moralistic busybodies, and any relevant thoughtcrime laws the bureaucracies care to bring up.
The big lie that is kept? We don’t care if you live or die. We don’t want to feed you now and we don’t want to feed you in your old age. We don’t want to pay for your quad bypass when you have wrecked your own body. We are quite content to let you starve, and don’t want to pay to see you buried. The wildlife can dispose of your carcass. You are nothing and nobody to us, and the same goes for probably six and a half billion other people out there.
Okay, that was cathartic, but also true. We rich and conservatives don’t feel any more or less of a disconnect to other primates than the rest of the planet does, we simply accept this truth and don’t feel guilt over it. Us bipedal apes aren’t wired with the psychological capacity to give a damn about more than a few score other individuals. We aren’t wired to live in such a large society or world. You can harp on about any special interest, any religion or any other evil you choose and you will never really get it. The hidden truth is that none of us gives a damn about most of the rest of humanity, but the vast majority accept and promote a shared lie that requires we pretend otherwise. We would all be a lot happier and healthier in mind and body if we just admitted this.
#79, and the current president is doubling it again.
If the current President requested and received a debt ceiling increase of 1.9 trillion, how is he only responsible for 1.4 trillion?
Comparing Ayn Rand’s Atlas shrugged plot to bible numerology?
Ayn’s plot was reality as is except the corporations massive profits and the return to slavery as a means to production. She never would have believed todays storyline. She would have assumed that the corporations in their ‘good greed’ would never be so evil.
The doom of today is that the link between production and consumption has been forgotten.
This is the doom we face today, that this misunderstanding of reality cannot be quickly reversed, the corporations will not have it.
Can kicking can not halt the imminent 3 trillion annual unreality check in the mail.
It is OVER!!!!!
Don’t forget, if Bush chopped the head off an orphan and raped the throat hole, then it’s perfectly ok for Obama to do it. And since Obama did it, then it would be perfectly ok for the next president, and so on, and so on, and so on.
For some reason, the Obamaphiles seem to hate Bush with the white-hot passion of a thousand burning suns, but are completely content with Obama doing the same thing.
See, these people are what we call political whores. They would joyfully be the center piece of a party supported Bukkake.
#56 & 57: Ah, excuse me. It’s not my chart. It’s from the White House.
#64 bobbo: I would agree with at least 90% of those being cut.
#65: Ah_yeah: The military is always the best place to start drastic cutting.
The chart says the wars have no contribution from Obama.
“‘Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,” Dick Cheney told Paul O’Neill during a Cabinet meeting. “We won the (2002) midterms. This is our due.”‘”
#81–jolly==I think man does have a dual nature. You caught it well in having a caring impulse for about five people but not the whole society. What you more clearly meant was: immediate family. But that is a good start.
There is man in his natural state, made sane by society building a structure to support his better instincts in a non hypocritical manner: ie: social safety net.
The thing is that this social safety net is actually what makes a country “strong” and allows more individuals to get even richer than in an imagined Darwinian state of everything for me and mine.
Big Business should be for Universal Healthcare–getting the cost of it off their backs making their products more competitive worldwide. They aren’t for the history of it/unions/status quo non-thing.
As to healthcare–it can indeed be provided to everyone at half the out of pocket expense those who pay are now making. Much of “for profit” anything is in essence waste and often abuse. I am also for death panels. Its logical: decide how much money is available for healthcare and match it to a rank order of who get what==heavily weighted AGAINST the very old and the premature/very young and the congenitally handicapped. Don’t like the result?—pay for it yourself.
Life is hard. Choices have to be made. We can rationally do much better than we are now. Now is a death spiral of our own complicity==that and the corrupt bought and paid for hacks we have in office now.
Tax Guy – what drugs are you on. A decrease in income is not in any way equivalent to an increase in spending. It does change the % of income being spent but not the expenses themselves
LiverFreeorDie said “A decrease in income is not in any way equivalent to an increase in spending.”
I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing you’re not an accountant.
I agree.
The morans are obvious by having a talking point fed brain.
Still saying “Bush did it” even after racking up as much debt in 2 years as Bush did in 8?
One also needs to take into account that Senator Obama
voted for tarp and President Obama has continued the worst of Bush’s war mongering and human rights violations. (And those hated tax cuts for the rich.)
And Libya, let’s not forget Libya our first preemptive war to intervene in a country’s internal affairs.
Oh, and don’t forget that Obama was the #2 Recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions (How was that even legal?) second only to Chris Dodd.
So he can take shared credit for the financial mess too.
Adam Curry is right to call him “George W. Obama”.
It’s depressing to see how many of you are still fooled so easily.
But I guess you want to be.
#91 that you are not broke not even close, is the unreality of the last two decades.
Trillions building up to what level? How much will you tolerate?
It is OVER. No more can kicking. Democretons stop lying about lying.
Get your LOTR staffs out and stamp ” YOU SHALL NOT PASS”.
Don’t raise the debt ceiling, vote no on an increase unless they cut spending.
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies.
Over the past 5 years, our federal debt has increased by $4.5 trillion to $13 trillion.That is “trillion” with a “T.” That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers. And over the next 5 years, the President’s budget will increase the debt by almost another $7 trillion.
Numbers that large are sometimes hard to understand. Some people may wonder why they matter. Here is why: This year, the Federal Government will spend $280 billion on interest. That is more money to pay interest on our national debt than we’ll spend on Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. That is more money to pay interest on our debt this year than we will spend on education, homeland security, transportation, and veterans benefits combined. It is more money in one year than we are likely to spend to rebuild the devastated gulf coast in a way that honors the best of America.
And the cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the Federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy, robbing our cities and States of critical investments in infrastructure like bridges, ports, and levees; robbing our families and our children of critical investments in education and health care reform; robbing our seniors of the retirement and health security they have counted on.
Every dollar we pay in interest is a dollar that is not going to investment in America’s priorities.
97, I don’t think we need to raise the ceiling at all. Once we do that, all bets are off. They will continue to spend until it is reached again. They have no restraint. The federal budget has turned into nothing more than a vehicle to pay off special interests who help keep those in power there.
The rest of your post I agree with 🙂