Video shows the effect of the shockwave.
Video – CCTV From A Shop In Oslo One Block From The Bomb
By Gasparrini Wednesday July 27, 2011
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Did the blonde make it??
As interesting as watching someone being hit by a bus.
Those guys look guilty to me.
Book em Dano.
It is hard not to have some empathy for those innocently going about their business that day.
How do the bigots spin this terrorism though? it wasn’t by Muslims trying to destroy our way of life.
Too bad. The blond missed the blowout sale. Products were just flying off the shelves.
It was done by an anti-Muslim trying to save Europe….
Saving people by killing them?…. mmmm… dat duzn’t sound kuite rite to me, maybee I’m stoopid…
That blonde was smokin hot and the two dudes in the shop never turned their heads to see the behind view. I couldn’t resist the temptation.
Unless my wife was with.
I hope she was ok. The guys ran to the street but ran back and offered no assistance to the injured. Pansies.
Nasty fertilizer bombs. Boom.
Mr. Fusion, are you talking about the Muslim bigots, the Christian bigots, the political bigots or the bigot bigots?
#8 LOl
Sorry, I don’t think this is something one should be making fun of.
Scary. This happened all the time in London and Ireland not too long ago. On a regular basis.
Luckily all those pictured are thin to all squeeze through the corridor to get to safety. In USA, well you know what i’m getting at.
“Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg vowed Wednesday that the twin terror attacks that have stunned his country will not intimidate Norway and that his countrymen will fight back with “more democracy.”
Not like the USA where we must do something.
Invading country’s to make it all better. Invade where, the Vatican? HA.
In #2 sargasso_c said: As interesting as watching …
It was as interesting as watching a bus plunge over a cliff in India, or pictures of Amy Winehouse’s autopsy.
Death is always as hypnotically, ghastly, fascinatingly attractive as that.
I bet Murdoch is sorry he can’t cover it with lurid pictures in News of the World anymore.
He’s such an amoral prick he’d surely try to come to the defense of the right-winder who blew up the government building Oslo just to get people to buy his fucking fish wrappers.
Hmm… The only person with an idiotic comment is #3, bobbo. Figures…
Let me read myself, ….. dispassionately ….. with the goal of self improvement within the family of man.
Hey, that was kinda stupid….well, at least ambiguous.
Maybe you’ve never been to Hawaii?
#12 Like
It’s just as someone else said. This is Norway’s Oklahoma City. NOT their 9-11. and speaking of 9-11. This wasn’t the first time Washington DC was ever attacked. In 1812, invading British troops, set fire to the first White House. What we see today is the second White House, rebuilt from the ashes of the earlier. And now the Brits are the US’s greatest allies. It only took about a hundred years. So I guess there’s hope for US – Arab relations. Maybe some century Israel will become the common enemy, of everyone other nation. And the US will stop defending them, just because they bribe the gov. more than anyone else. A hundred years can change a lot of things. Even political entrenched loyalties.
yet we let bomb makers out of prison because they are “ill” physically….
There is nothing like making up your own history.
The British attacked Washington and burned the executive Mansion (White House), yes. BUT, it was in retaliation for the Americans attacking and burning York (now Toronto). They also burned several other public buildings. Call it fortunate or luck, a severe storm struck as the Executive Mansion was being torched. The rains extinguished the flames. The British made their way back to their ships, anchored in Chesapeake Bay.
The fleet then attacked the outer fort protecting Baltimore, Fort McHenry. A local slave owning lawyer had gone out to the fleet to discuss a truce, which the British declined. He was detained on board until after the bombardment finished.
While there he wrote down his version in a poem and later put it to the score of an old British Army drinking tune. And today, we have the Star Spangled Banner telling us about the “Home of the free”.
AND, Britain became an ally of America very shortly after the War of 1812 ended. It was Britain’s use of cotton that helped fuel America’s economy and their abhorrence of slavery that helped contribute to the demise of slavery in the North. The friendship between America and Britain helped settle several boundary disputes quickly and amiably throughout the 1800s.
Norway, where everybody is attractive and thin.