
Assassination. Targeted covert ops. Not sure how US military manufacturers are supposed to make money without a full scale war, but it is the cheapest approach (actually learning from the waste of money in Iraq and Afghanistan??) and it won’t generate the bad publicity that collateral, civilian deaths cause. Or in this case, cause Iran to start shooting missiles around. Hopefully.
Western security agencies were most probably behind the killing of an Iranian scientist, analysts have said.
Darioush Rezaeinejad, 35, was shot dead by gunmen in eastern Tehran on Saturday, the third murder of a scientist in the city since 2009.
The Iranian government’s past responses to such incidents have appeared confused, but from the outset the authorities have adopted a strikingly different tone in the Rezaeinejad case.
“Assassinations will continue to be a tool used in this covert war. While it’s impossible to tell with certainty whether Rezaeinejad was an active nuclear scientist, his death appears to be another episode in that war,” said the London-based analyst Ghanem Nuseibeh, the founder of Cornerstone Global Associates.
Oddly enough:
A US spokeswoman denied any American involvement.
Who else but American or Israeli “interests” could be behind this? No one taking credit, USA doesn’t have the balls. That leaves only the Israeli’s.
I love those guys.
Does Israel count as the West now?
Was he Norwegian, by any chance?
This site was complaining when Pat Robertson recommended assassination to avert a war.
Who said we’re complaining? If someone is going to do something to stop Iran, this is a better way that all out war. I was just pointing out the lack of profit potential (pretty much the prime reason we do anything overseas) in covert ops.
When it comes to “Spy vs Spy”, even the “Intelligence” Agencies don’t know who is who !!! Deep Penetration Moles lived on both sides of the Cold War. This stuff in the Middle East is no different !!!
>> bobbo,
>> Who else but American or Israeli “interests” could be behind this?
The Saudis are definitely on the A-list, too, of suspects. They absolutely don’t want Iran to have the bomb.
#5 exactly, you were complaining when Pat Robertson said it, but now agree with him.
If it doesn’t involve air-dropping lots of shiny, expensive, explosive shit on somebody else’s lawn, its just not our style.
We don’t care who dies, or how many of them die, just as long as it isn’t one of our soldiers.
Lots and lots of civilians, contractors, the occasional enemy combattant, sure! In spades!
But putting our soldiers at risk? We even spend a gazillion dollars running a war by really remote control so they can be home from the “front” in time for supper.
The safest service to be in is the air force. Your weapons platform is thousands of miles away from your seat.
These days all you need to get a commission is the ability to play Call Of Duty or some other FPS (first person shooter) and not look too crazy doing it.
#7–Greg==thank you. Always good to be reminded the “Arabs” are not monolithic but like other groups rather are composed of many fractious infighting subsets. Much more, they’ve been fighting the Persions for 3000 years? My prejudice is showing–I just don’t think of Arabs as competent to do anything, much less in secret? Yeah, I’ll get mine when I get renditioned, but I think they are good at that.
Tell me your prejudice, and I’ll tell you where you are from.
Heh, heh.
Ever get the feeling Barack Obama is a lot like Michael Corleone? Did Bin Laden recall the movie when he got his own “Moe Greene Special” in the eye?
Also, in hindsight, it’s interesting how a Democratic president brought the Serbs to their knees without invading but a Republican with considerably more ties to the military-industrial complex and Western oil companies fearful of Chinese self-service plans was willing to send thousands of Americans and exponentially more innocent Iraqis to their deaths when a concentrated effort to destroy infrastructure and with it the comfortable lifestyle enjoyed by the middle class under the Baath regime could have accomplished the stated mission.
Just remember that if we start making this our policy our enemies will return the favor. That said I am all for some “forced” retirement of our political elites.
# 9 msbpodcast said, “…its just not our style.”
Poddy: in another thread just a couple of days ago you were proudly claiming you were not a ‘Merican. Please make up your mind and go away.
# 1 bobbo, “…taking credit, USA doesn’t have the balls.” Bob! I’m shocked (shocked, I say) that you might even consider the USA responsible for an assassination. O’Bama renewed the Presidential Directive forbidding such killings. And we all know O’Bama is a ,am of his word. What? Usama? Oh, no that wasn’t an assassination. It was self-defense. bin Laden made a grab for the remote control to turn off the porn! The SEALs, in the heat of the moment, mistook the remote control for an AK-47.
Personally, were I president (there’s a joke for you) I’d probably also disavow political killings but run a secret “double O” squad. You could solve so many problems in the world if you’re just willing to kill the right people.
Ricin is cheap and easy to make. And organic, too!
#7 msbpodcast,
Where are you from? What is your ‘homeland’?
Sorry for having to re-ask the same question, but I’m now even more confused about where you are coming from.
Although I comment here quite often and alot of the stories are about or from the US, I don’t think I’ve ever had the brass neck or duplicity to present myself as being American. Especially when commenting on American foreign and domestic policy.
After your last rant on the FAA story I was thinking maybe you are some kind of decoy, or an agitator with a chip on their shoulder trying to wind up Americans. However, even teenage trolls are more consistent than you.
oops. not #7! should have typed #9.
Why can’t I see these typos before hitting submit.
#13–Spineless Obama had cover regarding OBL==at war, follow on to BushtheRetards program, AND he pushed the responsibility for the action onto the Seal Team.
No such cover for a Double OH program. I could buy encouraging the Israeli’s to do it AND he hope he has the brains not to trust the Arabs to do it.
Yep, my mind is just about made up based on my prejudices only.
Efficient, pragmatic, honest. Not a USA kinda program.
Now–back to the PUKES trying to kill/disable poor people in America: VOTE ALL “NO NEW TAXES” POLITICIANS OUT OF OFFICE.
It should be clear to everyone now that in rejecting no new taxes program cutting plans that leave MediCare in tact==the pukes are out to destroy the poorest among us: the Old and the Sick. PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASS—you/we are next.
Simple, pragmatic, and honest.
You don’t pet a rattlesnake.
Gee, Did anyone think to consider that being a nuke weapons scientist for Iran might be a poor career choice? It carries a high risk of being knocked off by your state’s enemies.
Sorry. I have no sympathy for this scientist. He know exactly what he was doing. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. It is not like he was curing cancer of something.
@ bobbo,
Way off topic. I think I read a post on another comment page where you mentioned a Vita-Mix blender. What do you blend? Can it juice raw veggies?
I have been using a Breville juice fountain for a couple of weeks now. I am somewhat satisfied but there is a lot of clean-up. And slowly the pulp is more and more wet.
I have adhesive capsulitis in both shoulders and trying to heal with vitimin ingestion.
Just to remind us all that Pakistani Nuke Scientist that sold Iran the secrets necessary to get their program off the ground is treated as a hero in Pakistan.
Yep, kill a pervert for molesting your kiddie and you go to jail. Create the proliferate a weapon to kill millions for the money and get rewarded.
You do the math.
in #16 Pedro said: … Canadian.
Right but I’ve been living in and around New York City since 1995, working for the same scum-sucking banks that we’ve all grown to hate, until my MS caught up with me, left me walking with a cane, and the HR guardians of the health care racket decided they didn’t want me around, ’cause their policies might go up (as if they could do anything to stop that.)
Now I’m just living on my savings. Might as well spend them, they earn me shit interest anyway. (Sorry all of you right wingers, but I’m not interested in trying to exist off of what SSDI pays. Find somebody else to blame for your country’s fiscal troubles.)
#4 and #8 MikeN There is a huge difference between assassinating a scientist who may be working for a government you don’t like and assassinating the LEADER of a country you don’t like.
#19 pedro,
But where’s bobbo?
Kool-aid overload?
Oops, me type too fast. Meant #21.
It will do Iran no good to possess one or ten nuclear weapons- their use would result in Iran’s immediate annihilation and they know it. Maybe some of the moderate intelligentsia in Iran are behind the killings. There is a significant proportion of the Iranian population that is friendly toward the USA and the west- Perhaps they will have an Iranian spring.
#28, pedro,
This… “TURN THE OTHER CHEEK”. Too loud?
My passion of nature and outrage at the fiendish calculated one to the chest and one to the head. Coldly snuffing young optimistic lights out.
My Bad.
#21 pedro,
Well at least it’s not the kool-aid the Japanese people are being served. Makes you glow a faint green at night.
#22 Poddy: Let me get this straight. You’ve lived in the US for the better part of two decades. You worked here for a good portion of that time. I assume you manage to get your medical care in the US. You are either receiving or are eligible for US disability payments (you weren’t clear). But you proudly proclaim you are NOT a US of American. And you take every opportunity to bash nearly every aspect of MY country. You must really hate the US. Let me make a small suggestion.
Go home. Seriously, look at the plus side. Almost anywhere is cheaper to live than NYC and you – poor boy – are living on your savings. You could get in line for that wonderful Canadian health care! (Make your appointment now: you should be in by spring.) And I’m sure Canadian disability payments will be more than adequate. And, best of all, I hear they have the interwebs, too! You can still come to DU and bash the US. Life would be so great! Go home.
#19–sp==I’ve juiced for years. For the taste and to get rid of old fruit (my fav: spinach stems, carrots, apple). I use the Jack Lalaine Power Juicer Express. Any centripetal shredding juicer will produce dry pulp and are easy to clear. I don’t like the taste of VitaMix Juice–too pulpy, more like baby food. I’ve seen some use it to pulp their food then put it thru cheesecloth. Too Messy.
Staying on topic of what is messy:
#23 Cap’n==I see no semantic difference. The illegal by international law and treaty of killing foreign nationals applies equally to dozens of scientists or single leaders. Only difference is scope and message. Not assassinating leaders and instead fighting costly wars at the cost of 1000’s killed is just another rich man’s manipulation of society mores against you and me.
#27–Johnny==you should follow the news, at least by century? The entire issue of Iranian Nukes is that they are a THEOCRACY and have stated being annihilated might be a fair tradeoff for ridding Allah’s Creation of Israel. Does Israel keep nukes outside of Israel?? Ha, ha. Who would retaliate for a nuke in Tel Aviv? Already sounds like an accident to me. Iran had its “spring” two years ago. Government assassins (($10 if you can spot the international tool that can also be used domestically)) killing peaceful protesters brought it to a halt.
Animby–if you had just a very small life savings and income, where would you retire to? Where are you planning to retire to?
Actually, there was a fictional movie based on this idea, which came from a novel or comic book. The movie was called “Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins”. And the target of the assassination was a US Military [weapons] manufacture. Who was defrauding the taxpayer, making phony and crappy weapons. And killing off any witnesses to his fraud. So naturally, an off-the-books, government agency, is tasked with “cleaning up the filth”, anonymously. It was an entertaining flick, in spite of the violence. But reality check. The US gov. is so in bed with all its Defense Contractors, that the likelihood of this ever happening is ZERO!
And BTW, many of the USA’s present day enemies, were once its allies against the Russians, or some other political enemy. And afterward funding and training them. They got left begging. So in order to assassinate them now, the US would have to recruit and train more foreign agents. Only to leave them in the cold, and deny that the US ever knew about them.
You see, these foreign killer types just don’t get it. They’re not regular army. It’s not lawful for the US to recruit and pay them for their service. But like the French Foreign Legion, they get the job done anyway. But then when they’re cut lose (as inevitably they must). They get mad that they don’t have jobs for life, as US agents. And now have to earn a living, through hard work (not just padding their US work hours). So they declare war on someone else. Generally someone the US supports. And thus they become US enemies. And the taxpayer end up spending billions, to fight an enemy, that could have been pacified for tens of thousands of dollars. So rather than spending far less to end a relationship, with a covert ally, over a few years time. The US more willingly spends billions to reduce troop numbers in a country it’s defending from these estranged former allies. Which I guess makes perfect sense to do, from a Defense Contractors’ viewpoint. More business for them.
#32 bobbo, Spinach,carrot,apple is good.Even though I fridge the fruits and veggies I enjoy the juices on ice. I think I’ll affix some cheese cloth to the pulp receptacle. Then squeeze whats left. Fruits like black berries and blue berries
get thrown to the top.
Try pineapple,Valencia orange,and peach. Great wake up juice.
Thanks for the reply. And info.