Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we again look closely at what appears to be a classic mixed market up and down with a twist — the debt ceiling.
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  1. jpfitz says:

    Mr. Dvorak you wear Crocks. Oh man holy rubber shoes. Never tried Crocks. What style are you a fan of? Please expound.

    Zappos is great, free shipping to and from. Clothing also. 365 day return policy. Been a happy customer since 2005. Great business model. Happy employees equal happy customers. No I don’t live in Henderson NV. and don’t work there.

    I hear there is a tour anyone can take at the Zappos facility.

    With the clothing catch a sale and make sure to wash before wearing, that’s assuming your keeping the clothing.

  2. mriegger says:

    I lol’d a few times during this one. Dvorak casually bringing up that he had a geiger counter, and AH suggestion about lying down on the conveyor belt at the airport.

  3. Publius says:

    Pundits are not even analyzing their own speech. How is it that Europe with its socialized medicine has lower taxes than the USA?

    Dvorak is an idiot like every other propagandist in the echo chamber.


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