Found by John Ligums.

  1. JimD says:

    Thank You for the Twin Carbs on the Cars, and the Twin 38D’s on the Ladies !!! Praise be to God !!!

  2. GregAllen says:

    What a great idea! Product placement in prayers!

    I wish I had thought of that. It could be a great new revenue stream for cash-strapped churches.

  3. sho off says:

    Having sat through these invocations many times, this one shows some creativity.

    The big question is, “Who will top it?” and on what stage?

    Praise the Sprint Nascar App on my “rocking hot” EVO for those of us stuck in church listening to the less inspired drone on Summer Sunday Mornings.

  4. deowll says:

    Not sure if that guy is much of Christian or not but nobody can doubt he’s a Nascar fan!

    I’ve been listening to some really great preaching in church and if they don’t get on your toes like a road packer it’s because you don’t have any.

    It is great to be in the House of the Lord and Listen to a sermon by a Preacher that’s saved and want’s you to be saved.

  5. Breetai says:

    Some striking similarities here. Except this one is by a comedy team:

  6. derspankster says:

    Cars go round in circles, hillbillies get drunk!

  7. GregAllen says:

    >> derspankster said, on July 25th, 2011 at 10:12 am
    >> Cars go round in circles, hillbillies get drunk!

    Even the pastors may have a couple of Buds too many.

  8. Animby says:

    The Church of the Holy Nascar

    Why not? Sounds less wacky than Catholicism. Probably get most of their converts from Southern Baptists.

  9. Mike says:

    This guy should be ashamed of himself. Maybe now that he’s sobered up, he is. Nah, NASCAR’s not just for hillbillies… oh wait, maybe it is.

  10. ctlaurin says:

    But it wasn’t God that created those things, it was human beings.

  11. The Pirate says:

    Religion needs more of this. A lighter-side, a social chuckling, a come together-ness of bygone eras.

    All religions would do well to laugh at themselves occasionally. So saith The Pirate.

  12. jpfitz says:

    I saw this clip yesterday. The funny part is, well there’s two funny things, the crews laughter and his wife is a big woman.

    Maybe he got some head after that inspiring invocation.

    And I love all women big and small.

    If he just left out that J word.

  13. foobar says:

    I absolutely think this guy is terrific.

  14. Cursor_ says:

    Well why not a prayer like that.

    The only reason why people watch that sport is so they can see someone crash.


  15. birddog says:

    Don’t worry God has a since of humor he will understand after all he made you.

  16. Mark says:

    I think this was a takeoff the prayer Will Ferrell said in Taladega Nights. I remember the smoking hot wife part.

  17. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Made my skin crawl and almost throw up.

  18. BK says:


  19. jpfitz says:

    @ #18 bobbo,

    The Christians are coming.
    The Christians are coming.
    The Christians are coming.

  20. Dallas says:

    How pathetic can these thumpers get. Making a mockery of our lord and savior Jesus.

  21. He should check out some of our smokin’ hot nuns. One girl here could wear three sweaters and a down vest over her habit and her nipples would still stick out.

  22. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Sister==could you walk over to the dormitory with your Kodak and take a picture of that gal? Your latex babe doesn’t really demonstrate your point.

    Its good to know you’ve kept your doors open to all comers. Sweaters can be loose knit allowing for the truth you speak, but I’ve not seen that phenomenon with a down vest being worn. If not, I’ll just wait for the image to appear on my next waffle.

    Keep up the good works.

  23. JohnnyBGoode says:

    He’s better than the pastafarians!

  24. Ok Bobbo, this is indicative of what I had mentioned.

  25. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Ha, Ha. About 55 degrees? Well done.

  26. Animby says:

    #13 jpfitz : Thanks for showing us she really is smokin’ hot. He’s pretty much a stud, himself!

    #22 Sister – Love the new habit. Does it squeak when you kneel?

    #23 bobbo, “latex babe doesn’t really demonstrate your point.” Or her’s!

    #25 Sister – quick get that girl out of the sweater. She’s got a couple of cockroackes hiding under there. Or else a pair of terrorist cells. She must drive the TSA screeners wild…

  27. Likes2LOL says:

    #24 He’s better than the pastafarians!

    Compared to this Flying Spaghetti Monster propaganda video? I don’t think so!

    Once you’ve been touched by his noodly appendage, there is no going back.

  28. Likes2LOL says:

    BTW, I’m struggling with competing belief systems:
    Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
    Marc Perkel’s Church of Reality

    I’m looking forward to dying to see who wins!

  29. Riker17 says:

    #10 – Who made human beings?


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