Efforts to avert a shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration failed Friday amid a disagreement over a $16.5 million cut in subsidies to 13 rural communities, ensuring that nearly 4,000 people will be temporarily out of work and federal airline ticket taxes will be suspended.

Lawmakers were unable to resolve a partisan dispute over an extension of the agency’s operating authority, which expired at midnight Friday.

Found by Baron Pelsmaekers.

  1. JimD says:

    Well, the Repukes promised “Less Government” !!!

    Next, they will ROLL UP THE HIGHWAYS !!!


  2. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its touchstone values become DOGMA says:

    #37–Its not about personal happiness. Its about Adults being more worthy than kiddies. Kiddies are fungible, there are already too many of them, and they can be replaced at will either by having more kiddies or adopting a pet.

    Its only children like LOSER that see’s everything in the world thru the lens of their personal likes and dislikes. Its soooooo personal, talking to LOSER is like talking to Pedro’s Donkey. figures LOSER and the Donkey would ultimately get in contact.

    Birds of a feather.

    Silly Hoomans.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    I’m not exactly sure what the FAA does. Does anyone else know? I’ve said that FAA stands for “Friends of Airline Associations”. Because the agency appears to defend whatever these guys what to do in our nations airspace. And worry about whether or not it’s safe, much later. So many avoidable accidents have resulted in allowing airlines to cut corners, where they shouldn’t.

    And I don’t know what this Rural Airport funding is. But if it means that Travola now has to pay for his on airstrip, out of pocket. Then I say YEAH! Screw these subsidies to private “rural” airports. That only rich folks are likely to be using. It ain’t farmer Brown and his crop-dustin Jenny. And maybe fewer of these 75+ year olds, will be flying recreationally. And having heart attacks mid flight. If they’re not able to afford the extra cost of supporting their rural home airport.

  4. ggore says:

    So, according to the people on here we do not need highways from Podunk to the Interstate…. interesting. So we should turn all paved roads back to dirt except Interstates if the states can no longer afford to keep them up.

    I guess we don’t need to have any highways to get our food products to processing facilities any more, since they need to travel over these secondary roads to get from farms in California or Oklahoma or Indiana or wherever to the Interstates and then to the General Foods plant that is not on an Interstate, or say, the Swift meatpacking plants in the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma that are 200 miles from Interstate highways.

    I guess I could take the attitude that I as a rural resident don’t care at all about you city people in the first place, and begin to only raise enough food to provide for my and my family’s needs. Screw you people in the cities, I don’t need you to survive, I can live in my little hut and grow my own food and be just fine, just like the cave man did.

    I don’t need your oil and gas wells on my property either, I will shut them down except the ones that will provide all my own fuel needs, too. You can buy your oil from the Arabs, that’s fine. Deal with them yourself, fine with me! You don’t need any secondary highways to drive the oil drilling rigs and tanker trucks over either.

    I could go on, but the ridiculousness of this whole argument is lost on city people who think the entire planet could cease to exist outside their megacity limits and they would never miss it. I will just sit back and watch what happens in a few months with all those poor people in the cities begin to riot and tear the place down and laugh.

  5. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Algore’s Even Dumber Brother==thats right. Its called the free market. Nobody grows more food than they need for themselves except to make money. I think you have a unique dibs of the “me first” philosophy that is more often found in Corporate Board Rooms than at truck farms.

    Alternatively, why do you want to pave over paradise? A little dirt might keep those city folks away preventing them from finding out just how retarded your inbred clan really is.

    Know what I mean?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, LL,

    #33, As for “Freedom of Association”, no one is forced to join a union.

    You crack me.

    No, you don’t have to join the union but we are going to take your money anyway.

    The typical response from liebertarians is to take without paying. When a union negotiates working conditions for all employees, even those opposed to the union benefit. Even if you don’t use a specific highway, you still benefit as society uses that highway to further its goals.

    Liebertarians hate America, just like the Tea Baggers.

  7. LibertyLover says:

    #44, Yeah, yeah, the ol’, “I know what’s good for you so just shut up,” right?

    Liberals hate what America stands for but LOVE the old style soviet system.

    BTW . . . why are you going to let a bunch of kids burn to death to save your wife?

  8. LibertyLover says:

    The new flag according to Mr. Fusion.


  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #45, LL

    Yup. Same ole same ole. Liebertarians want all the comforts but don’t like to pay. In the union example you brought up, even non-union members do benefit from the negotiated contract. Yet you don’t see that paying for that negotiation is equitable.

    Again, you don’t like to pay for what you receive.

    Liebertarians hate America. They prefer to pay only for what they directly use, and even then, grudgingly.

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #45, You are suffering from a gross conceptual error.

    You think that when someone votes against the union they really want the benefits. How do you know what they want? Do you have some majic mind power that let’s you read someone’s mind?

    Whether they want the benefits or not, you are forcing them on someone who may not want them. That is wrong and you know it. You just can’t figure out a way to justify it so you resort to weak comebacks.

    Why are you letting the kids burn? By the sounds of your responses here you should let your wife know that you would let her burn instead. What’s good for the many outweighs what is good for the few or the one.

  11. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #49–LL making Confusion look entirely lucid:

    You say: “You think that when someone votes AGAINST THE UNION they really want the benefits.” //// Ordinarily, I say that was a typo but it falls right in line with all the other “opposite from lucidity” puerile pubescent porridge that you post.

    Hard to tell just what nonsensible point you are actually trying to foist here.

    A Yes vote means representation is desired.
    A No vote means the worker’s family is being held hostage.
    A non vote means the worker’s family is being held hostage but the worker still can’t bring themselves to vote against their own self interest.

    Its the math stupid.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, Bobbo,

    Ordinarily, I say that was a typo but it falls right in line with all the other “opposite from lucidity” puerile pubescent porridge that you post.

    HAR !!! I love the poetry.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #49, LL,

    Whether they want the benefits or not, you are forcing them on someone who may not want them.

    Then they are free to return the benefits they don’t want. A very similar position to your desire to see those who want higher taxes to voluntarily send more in. It ignores the fact that the Liebertarians still want all the benefits but don’t want to pay for anything.


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