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#31, Must be scary to be an Obama supporter these days.
But moving past that, these are professionals. They aren’t going to touch you or your property.
And you can ask them yourself then. I promise it to be very civil.
But you should read the following before you come up. You might just realize that the correct answer is not what you’ve been led to believe.
@ #30 Ah_yea,
So I’ll guess… Reagan and the arm wrestling Beretta carrying J. Peter Grace. Those men were honest and never lied.
If your a minority or poor in this country these men were your worst nightmare.
I remember being very busy working 65 hours a week on defense machining in machine shops back around Reagan’s time.
jpfitz, how about debunking a single thing they said.
So there is no waste in government?
wow, we have a new Dallas!
And speaking of which,
Didn’t thing so.
You prove again that you’re an idiot.
Ah, I just have to come back.
jpfitz, your comment was also incredibly dumb.
Didn’t read the link? Are you Bobbo??
You must be a liberal because liberals are Morons, Idiots, and Imbeciles.
I feel unqualified to comment on this thread: The only thing I run is my mouth, and the only thing I read must be under 500 words.
The Grace Commission huh? I didn’t see any details in the first 500 words: looks like changes at the margin while the elephants are running wild.
Fraud and Abuse will always be with us. The government saves/spends money by directing the ships of state: do we start a war(s) or not? Do we raise taxes to pay for such wars or not? Do we implement a major spending program from revenues or deficit spend for it? Do we regulate the debt swap market or not? Do we put bank fraudsters in jail or not? Do we allow unlimited spending by corporations to bend elections or not?
Big Questions/Answers.
Not little rat turds called details at the edges.
Your cheese may vary.
@ #34 Ah_yea,
No, Not a liberal, not a genius and there’s waste in all things. Company’s, Government agencies – you name it. That’s a given.
From the debt projections without PPSS they are off by just a boat load of money.
If you made $400,000.00 back in 1961 you paid 91% in taxes. Different world. Loop holes helped though.
Chinese Professor
jp==when you copy and paste a www address–deleting the www. will make the link clickable.
Its a glitch we have to work around.
Yea, verily
Just lazy commenting.
Every time I turn around, they change the COLA numbers. ANd what they are based on.
In the last 3 years, there has been NO RAISE in social sec or disability.
Has anyone noticed the cost of food?
When there was a $2 raise, in min wage…WE didnt get a raise.
Do you think those STORES that hire LOWER waged workers, Thought it was good?? THEY DID..they can now have a reason to RAISE the price of food.
a neat trick to detur insects…
DRYER SHEETS..2-4 around the area..short range..
#32 your charts are meaningless because it doesn’t take into account the built in tax loopholes that everyone except you seem to know about.
You toss these federal tax rates around as if that’s what corporations actually pay. You should be ashamed of yourself. That dog doesn’t hunt. Is that what your feeding your engineers?
May your hemorrhoids be blessed.
X’ marks the spot, all asshole..
May the camels of 1000 fleas infest your arm pits..(yes its correct, think about 2-3 camels in your armpits.)
I see your lips moving, you must be Farting.
#43, your charts are meaningless because it doesn’t take into account the built in tax loopholes that everyone except you seem to know about.
If you truly knew what you were talking about, you would know that the EFFECTIVE tax rate is the amount actually taxed AFTER the loopholes and deductions are applied.
One chart is effective tax rate.
The other chart is the MARGINAL tax rate. That is the rate BEFORE loopholes and deductions.
Dude, if you are going to argue in favor certain policies, it would do you a whole lot of good to actually understand what you are talking about.
SOP business practice ISNT to hire ALL smart people to do a job.
They hire 1, to be a BOSS..and 15 laborers to do the work.
They wont fire the 1 boss…they fire 10 of the laborers..
Its worse at the TOP of the pile.
15 boss’s getting $1,000,000 per year, and 2000 employees to clean up the building/Paper work/Bookkeeping).
(USA does little in manufacture now, so none of them)
WHO do you fire, to cut wages and show HIGHER PROFIT?? NOT THE TOP.
1 top boss, wages, would pay the salary of HOW MANY LOWER PAID employees, even at $40k per year? 100? 200? 400?
Which of the 2, has a better chance at having SAVING??
#45–Loser==Your historical effective tax rate chart begins in 1979. History goes back to earlier than that when tax rates, marginal, effective, and average where higher than that. I’m sure you didn’t cherry pick your data but you are taking too much advantage of Big D’s simple misspeak.
Only a fool, idiot, or tool disagrees that the USA taxing today is very low compared to other similar countries and our own historyl
Oops—you could also be a shill.
Big Puke Lie #1==the rich provide capital. Hah, ha. All capital flows from the productive collective action of labor.
VOTE ALL “NO NEW TAXES” POLITICIANS OUT OF OFFICE. We’ll get to the less dogmatic later.
#45 two points.
1. Those effective tax rates you’re proud of are what gets applied to about 30% of what many american corporations report as taxable profit. Today, 60% is magically off shore and untaxed. Is that factored into this? No. In other cases, corporate income is in the ceo’s bank account so he can pay at individual tax rates.
2. GE paid nothing in taxes. Point to the row and column that shows zero taxes due on 10’s of billions in earnings. I could not find zero in there anywhere.
#41 ECA,
No substantial pay raise in at least a decade.
That only applies for the working class. The white collar financial band of rich merry men
all made big dough and larger benefits INCLUDING BONUSES. The likes of which most workers will never earn in a life time. Big fat Xmas bonus for that new in-ground heated pool.
Some of these mostly white men do deserve compensation, but holy cow.
As far as SS my Mom lives on a fixed income and is over 65. All she complains about is not the price but that the price has risen while the contents are shrinking. You under estimate their sneakiness.
Dallas–a good point, and a bad point. Loser is such a loser you shouldn’t give him an opening like that. The reason the effective corporate tax rate is in the single digits rather than closer to the marginal tax rate of 35% is because as you recognize and attempt to tutor Loser: our largest most profitable corporations pay zero in taxes or actually receive subsidies from the Treasury.
another chart out there: % revenue from corporate taxes. Used to be around 35%–down to 8 percent now. Its all reflective of the wealth gap equating the richest country int he world to Bananna Republics of yore.
Again, Loser will find charts that miss that fact. Offshoring profits is not on that chart though===excellent call. USA should tax that offshore at the full marginal rates.
The Chart That Should Accompany All Discussions of the Debt Ceiling.
#45 Those effective tax rates you’re proud of are what gets applied to about 30% of what many american corporations report as taxable profit. Today, 60% is magically off shore and untaxed. Is that factored into this? No.
Do you have numbers for the 30/60 thing? That is way higher than the numbers I found. But I do agree it is high. Too bad these companies can’t find a friendly government here to do business with.
But regardless of the exaggeration, those aren’t counted as “American” companies anymore. They are foreign companies.
In other cases, corporate income is in the ceo’s bank account so he can pay at individual tax rates.
It is not in the CEO’s bank account. It is in the company’s bank account. During tax season, owners of companies get a Schedule K form (you can find it on the IRS site). This form tells them how much they have to report on their personal 1040. It looks like their income but it isn’t in their personal account.
Whether the company is a Sub-S or not, the money does get taxed. My company is a Sub-S.
GE paid nothing in taxes. Point to the row and column that shows zero taxes due on 10′s of billions in earnings. I could not find zero in there anywhere.
These are averages. You know what averages are, right?
But I’m glad you see the “lowest taxes in 60 years” is now really quite the truth.
%51, Puh-Leaze!
Tax cuts are not spending. If your boss decided to cut your salary by 20% does that mean you are now spending 20% more?
Stop believing the hype.
#45/52 But I’m glad you see the “lowest taxes in 60 years” is now really quite the truth.
That should be
But I’m glad you see the “lowest taxes in 60 years” is not quite the truth.
#53, Puh-Leaze!
“Tax cuts are not spending. If your boss decided to cut your salary by 20% does that mean you are now spending 20% more?”
Uh dude, it’s called double entry bookkeeping for a reason. Oh sorry, grown ups shouldn’t point out the stupidity of easy populism.
#55, Double-Entry is WHY something is called spending and it is supposed to lead to balanced books. As that was not the case (we ran deficit budgets), you can’t call it a debit.
It is not spending.
#50 Bobbo, agreed.
The Fox sheeple only read the part in big letters and avoid the details.
Why, because the devil’s in the details and the devil is a bad thing.
#52 do you have numbers for the 30/60 thing?… agree it is high… Too bad these companies can’t find a friendly government here to do business with.
Apology accepted for being ignorant. The last part is an irrelevant red herring comment to coverup your foolishness.
..those aren’t counted as “American” companies anymore. They are foreign companies.
Oh, I see. So you disagree with BOTH parties that this is a tax loophole. How fucking convenient. How about ALL of it being offshore? Why not?
It is not in the CEO’s bank account. It is in the company’s bank account.
No it’s not.
GE paid nothing in taxes…because the charts are averages… You know what averages are, right?
I wonder if the IRS is OK if I pay no taxes because, well, on average taxes do get paid. Brilliant.
#57, Complain all you want. I don’t watch Fox News or read their website.
But you still have yet to prove any of the anal seepage you’ve smeared over this page.
I’ll give you an easy task — show where the numbers, from the government site, are wrong.
You’ve said the taxes are lowest they’ve been in 60 years. According the government (you know, the ones who are trying to get more money out of us) that is not the case. Where are your facts?
Come on. Are you going to go ball-less on this as well?
#54 Again, you are wrong.
Corporations *pay* less taxes now than they have in over 60 years.
Get over your tax rate chart because it means shit. I’m happy to pay 95% in taxes for the first $10,000 and nothing after that.
#58, do you have numbers for the 30/60 thing?… agree it is high… Too bad these companies can’t find a friendly government here to do business with.
Apology accepted for being ignorant. The last part is an irrelevant red herring comment to coverup your foolishness.
No proof? Just insults? We would have expected more out of someone trying to convince us otherwise?
..those aren’t counted as “American” companies anymore. They are foreign companies.
Oh, I see. So you disagree with BOTH parties that this is a tax loophole. How fucking convenient. How about ALL of it being offshore? Why not?
Now you’re being deliberately asinine.
It is not in the CEO’s bank account. It is in the company’s bank account.
No it’s not.
I’ve got some. Come on up and I’ll SHOW you my K forms since I’ve been in business. Then I’ll let you look at my company’s account and mine. One has my company’s name on it. The other has mine.
I know it’s easier to believe what you do (probably helps justify your low self-esteem) but the facts of the matter is that is called “co-mingling” and it is against the law.
GE paid nothing in taxes…because the charts are averages… You know what averages are, right?
I wonder if the IRS is OK if I pay no taxes because, well, on average taxes do get paid. Brilliant.
You really are a moran, aren’t you?
They are averages of what everyone paid. Some paid more, some paid less, some got money back.
However, overall, tax receipts are not their lowest in 60 years.