![]() Executive Producers: James FreeHollowBooks.com, Brian Doerr, James Howard, Christian Winter Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
![]() Executive Producers: James FreeHollowBooks.com, Brian Doerr, James Howard, Christian Winter Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
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#60, Corporations *pay* less taxes now than they have in over 60 years.
Where is your proof?
Saying it over and over and over doesn’t make it true.
Here’s the proof you asked for.
#63, Ah, but that is not what he said.
He said, “taxes are at the lowest point in 60 years.”
That is false.
Taxes, as a percentage of GDP, may be lower, but overall, they are up.
Do you know why?
No why are they up?
The new link here shows taxes down not up.
No why are they up?
Because the GDP outpaced government spending. Until recently.
Click on the “Federal Receipts & Outlays” on the left side of the page you previously posted. Those dollars are in current dollars (i.e., inflation adjusted).
LibertyLover, really? Seriously?
If you borrow money to pay for a tax cut then it’s a new program. It is debt. Until you pay the money back it remains debt. Pretending that it’s not debt is asinine.
The money Obama borrowed for his tax cuts is debt. The money Bush borrowed for his tax cuts is debt. Debt is fucking debt.
#67, Listen, dude, I know where are trying to go with this and it won’t happen. People love to say that tax cuts are “spending” because they think the money is already in the coffers to start with.
Use whatever accounting jargon you want, the fact of the matter is the cuts were not spending. The things we kept buying after that was.
If your boss cuts your income by 20%, that is is not extra spending. That is revenue reduction.
Now, if you continue to spend like you did before your revenue reduction, then that is spending.
And stupid.
See the difference?
It is a game of words but regardless of what it is called, a tax cut or an expenditure, both act as an increase in debt when expenditures exceed tax revenue.
So–most of the time, this word play dispute is a quibble and a distraction. What should the government spend, what should the government tax. Separate questions, but interactive and linked issues.
Then we could throw in and appreciate the impact of paying higher interest on the debt. same issues, just more subtle depending on the reality you wish to bring to the table.
Dogma never brings reality.
Yea, verily.
Listen Dude. ROTFL
Jargon? Seriously talk to your accountant. Or better yet, talk to someone who runs a business or a hospital.
A reduction of 20% of your salary is a reduction of income.
You have two options. Spend 20% less. No duh. Got it. I can do the math without a calculator.
Borrowing the money to cover the 20% loss is debt. That’s what the Obama and Bush administrations have done. They paid for the reduction income by borrowing.
Bush Sr and Clinton both raised revenue and cut spending to balance the budgets. Jimmy Carter just cut spending to balance the budget. Eisenhower did both. That is how grownups do it dude.
#70, ROTFL
Just trying to keep it light, hoss.
talk to someone who runs a business
Um, I do own my own business. And when revenue drops, I cut spending. I don’t borrow more money to keep going like I was.
Borrowing the money to cover the 20% loss is debt
I agree.
Where we disagree is that you want to call the “20% loss” [in revenue] an expense.
#70/71, (hit submit a bit too fast).
They paid for the reduction income by borrowing.
They didn’t “pay” for the reduction. They wanted to keep spending so they borrowed more money so they could.
Big difference.
Loser–after you are through quibbling, what do you achieve? – – – – – – – – thats right-failure.
You should deal with the SUBSTANCE of foobars concerns at some point in your life.
You want your life to have meaning don’t you? Or are you a total tool? No meaning except that derived by people using you?
Ha, ha.
Yes, Dogma turns people into drill bits.
Yea, verily. ((Don’t you DARE say you’re a Hammer of Freedom. You are a drill bit of dispair.))
I crack myself up. How many bad jokes would I tell in order to highlight the stupidity of turning touchstone values into dogma? I’d give that about a 10 to 1 ratio.
Ha, ha. Yes, everything is connected.
I like LibertyLover. He brings game. 😉
foobar–a game is a game. What we see now in Congress re the debt ceiling is the same game.
Its not a game.
I’m word playing in this posting, but I’m not gaming.
Ideas have real world consequences. Excess spending, tax cut, increased interest rates.
Same effect.
Bad ideas actually implement, or actual intent to do harm = no difference.
Not to tax anyone’s notions of reality.
#74, LOL
#76 What a cluster fuck and waste of time this ‘debate’ with you has been. Even bipartisan agreement on tax loopholes and the drivers of debt escape you if it remotely challenges what you’ve been brainwashed to think. If this is what the Teabagger congress is about , we are truly screwed.
My hope is Social Security and the military are the LAST to get paid on S default. Release the Kraken.
#75 Wrong game. I may disagree with LL but I like his style.
Balancing budgets, basic financial services industry governance and investment in common infrastructure is boring long term work. Necessary but not sexy. It would probably take 20 years of sound, practical management to fix systemic problems.
Both parties and their supporters want quick fixes. The election cycles and funding are geared to short term gains and special interest payback. 50.1% is considered a mandate for 1 year of short term stupidity. Practical policy debate is side tracked by partisan media.
Unfortunately, I think the US will have the tough choices forced on them from the outside rather acting well. That is not good for anybody.
#77, bipartisan
And THAT is why you fail. Think outside the square. Both parties are the same, spouting rhetoric to keep people fighting with each while they come in at the last minute with a non-solution.
Happens every time. It’ll happen again.
There is too much money to be made by the politicians through “compromise” instead of actually solving the problem.
Dallas, it isn’t an us vs. them situation. That’s what they want you to think. Try thinking for yourself for a change and stop parroting OBush.
#78, I actually agree with you on more things than not. We just seem to have a . . . difference of opinion . . . on what to call it.
Polemics is not usually something I delve into, but in this case I feel I need to be a hard head.
50.1% is considered a mandate for 1 year of short term stupidity.
Bizarre, isn’t it.
A mindless squabble about what a word means is not polemics. Its just childish.
If 80% of the public want a balanced approach to deficit reduction, ie, one including expense reduction and tax increases then indeed the PUBLIC is us, and the Congress is them.
It is indeed us verses them.
Very often, the “answer” is right in the box. Idiots and fools want to deny that fact thinking outside the box, outside common sense, quibbling about words, calling it polemics.
Idiot liebertards. Would your tax and spend ideology could fall only upon yourselves. But, we are in this together, inside and outside the box as we are.
Yea, verily.
Interesting how Bohner gets airtime, to rebuttal Obama, anytime he wants. And the networks never refuse him. And all he does is to blame the President for everything. When it’s clearly a problem with the parties squaring off in Congress. All Obama can do is approve or veto whatever bill they come up with. Bohner is clearly using this latest issue to Obama bash. He doesn’t blame the Congressional Democrats. Or even their party’s speaker. It’s all Obama’s fault. Clearly, the GOP is out to poison public opinion against Obama, in advance of his reelection bid. Because the GOP has got NOTHING. No a damn thing that they can point to, that they can say they’ve done better. Or anyone of their members, who they can say outshines Obama. Which aging geezer are they going to put up against him in 2012? John McCain again? Or go with some figurehead hairdo, like Palin or Bachman? Does Bohner think he can blubber his way into that high office? I doubt he’ll run. They’d scrutinize too much of his personal finances. And they the poop would hit the fan.
The latest word is that Congress has already agreed not to tax the rich (any more than what little they are). So that’s pretty much Mission Accomplished for the GOP. Any more delaying on this legislation, is mere cover for that windfall decision. If the GOP caved in right after that. It would be too obvious, who they truly represent. The top 5% income bracket. And you know the only spending they want cut, is what any Democrats want for their special interests. Meanwhile, every GOP special interest won’t be suffering from any Taxpayer funds withdraw.
#82, And you know the only spending they want cut, is what any Democrats want for their special interests. Meanwhile, every GOP special interest won’t be suffering from any Taxpayer funds withdraw.
All the while keeping the majority of the people fighting against each other in two different camps, playing them like puppets.
If they didn’t have so much of our fucking money to pass around, this wouldn’t be an issue.
Bingo?……sigh. The record is clear: deficit spending goes on regardless of tax revenue, regardless of the pressing issue du jour. Starve the Beast has been the express Puke policy since Regan….and its working. Debt has been irresponsibly driven up and we’ve about reached the tipping point: important social programs will have to be cut or a massive tax rate increase or a little bit of both now has to occur in order to avoid a down grading of our credit scores.
The Pukes have won. The pressure is on.
Will the idiot war cry of “We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.” continue to win this dispute or will Americans ((EVER!!)) wake up to what they have been Big Lied into believing?
Our society does need major reform. Not the tax/don’t tax stupidity that has captured everyone’s attention but the regulate/remove WallStreet Fraud that continues its rape of our economy. Hard to fight the real monster when something as simple as tax policy is debated by our deep thinkers.
Yea, verily.
OK – I am hard ass Norwegian; when I hear JCD and Adam’s stupid rant I wonder if Alex Jones and these bozos are in cohorts… Total lunacy and stupidity in the making!
I get sick to my stomach about their lightheartedness about such a huge tragedy. If I would have done anything similar after 911 I’d be lynched, strung up in a tree. I am just this close to give up my Knighthood and the 2. in the making, and just tell these to geezers to f…k off… Sooo close!!!! And I don;lt give shit about Snorre Steen and what he has said…. he have paid up the hundreds or thousands to be Adams best buddy – just like NPR and their ‘whatever-they-are-called”.
And – am I tyhr only one to be sooooooo tired of the tour of Adam and the bimbo! Can we move on please? Media-assasins, where art though?
Although I can appreciate she may be doing alot of things for Adam but this is the Dvorak and Curry show. it is all getting abit wierd with him pitching her websites, trying to promote her photography. Meh, its a minor issue.
I generally dont take much of what Adam says seriously anyway, usually not a considered opinion, generally stereotyping and incorrect and if you disagree you are a “slave” or “stoopid”. classic conspiracy theorist argument logic.
Could they release a JCD version only of No Agenda with Adams voice replaced with “The Noveltones – Left Bank Two”?
When will the congressmen in America put partisanism aside and put their country first? This dreadful times of worldwide economic strife should be this time I believe.
Very often, the “answer” is right in the box. Idiots and fools want to deny that fact thinking outside the box, outside common sense, quibbling about words, calling it polemics.