Will It Blend, one of the best viral marketing campaigns ever is from the blender manufacturer, Blentec.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    I have the VitaMix. Great for Iced Capacinno’s, “instant” ice cream, and grinding flax seeds. With its good powerbase, I wish I could put a food processor and juicer on top of it==don’t know what they don’t do this.

    With that, the bearing on my Vitamix was actually broken from day one but it was such a small thing I thought it was “natural” until the unit broke after the warranty period was up. Past the warranty, VitaMix only gave me a discount on the replacement parts. Fair enough. Knowledge is power.

    That said, I have my doubts about the things that supposedly go thru the Blendtec. maybe so but I’d bet it would jam more and burn out more easily–or maybe even bust that bearing seal? In the link below, it says the Blendtec DOES NOT HAVE a tamper. Can’t make ice cream without it.


  2. Alan says:

    I prefer my Bieber frothy…

  3. johnnybux says:

    the. best. Justin. Beiber. EVAR!!!!!!!!!!

  4. CHARLIE says:

    I’m just glade no unicorns were harmed in the making of this video.

    Unless ,oh-no…do you think that unicorn ha to watch the movie?

    “Oh, the humanity”

  5. jpfitz says:

    Thanks Uncle Dave I needed that for a good chuckle and to inform my wife she shares a birthday with the Bieber. Same day not year. Very depressing day with Norway and the heat and humidity on Long Island is oppressive.

  6. Faxon says:

    What is a Justin Beiber?

  7. Faxon says:

    Is he like “Cubby”?

  8. msbpodcast says:

    Oh crap.

    I wanted to see Bieber get a unicorn’s horn up his butt, but no unicorns were harmed in the making of this video.

    I wan’t to eat a unicorn steak. I wonder if it tastes like mustang.

    (bobbo, the ass-hat your English skills are deteriorating. [So’s your italian. Its called a cappuccino. Get back on you meds and stay away from computers.)

  9. Miguel says:

    In the end, the Universe must blend on itself in one final big crunch of dust and high energy particles…

  10. Zybch says:

    The truth is of course, that the blendtek total belnder is no better than most of the other blenders out there, but, like apple, they make good averts and most people believe that a good ad equals a good product.

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #9–Peepod==my typing will not improve “but” for years now I’ve noticed I needed to learn how to spell cappuccino. It “sounds out” in a variety of ways. Looking at your helpful posting though, a simple rule finally struck me, like a unicorns horn up my butt: all I have to do is be “pc and thank you.”

    Ha, ha. Imagine THAT Peapod–every time now that you see/drink/smell a cappuccino you can think of how you helped a friend become a better speler.

    Tank You.

  12. UncDon says:

    Every time I think of cappuccino and bobbo now, I will think of Justin Bieber.

  13. msbpodcast says:

    You’re welcome (and that’s speller,)

    Personally, I would use the tools at hand and Google a word or look it up in my OSX dictionary utility.

    Sorry, I don’t drink crappa-frappa-napa-puccino. But I’ll think of you next time I’m constipated,

    I suspect from all the missing letters in your post that your Etch-A-Sketch©™® is dying.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Peapod–who among blame ourselves when a tool is laying around? I think I have some sort of hardward acceleration problem, or maybe just a sticking keyboard, or maybe fingers that go on automatic. As argued for above: few things have single determinates.

    Along the psychology of things, I read once that intelligent people who misspell are demonstrating their rebellion against authority. I’ve been lost ever since wearing my typo’s as a badge of honor among the cognoscenti.

  15. deowll says:

    I prefer to blend Ice-cream and milk to make and old fashioned milk shake.

    I’m not a tween girl though I’ve been told some older females lust after him.

  16. jescott418 says:

    I was thinking Gene Simmons would bite the head off Bieber. But I know that’s another artist.

  17. Brian says:

    The great news is that his hair makes it a lot less painful to see pictures of myself with 70’s long hair.

  18. JimD says:

    A retread of the old Frog Joke:

    “What is White and Red and travels 100 MPH ???

    A Beiber in a Blender !!!”

  19. whatsit says:

    Who cares if she will blend or not, just make her go away.



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