Anders Behring Breivik is a conservative Christian who enjoys classical music and the video game World of Warcraft.

Breivik has been named by several Norwegian media outlets as the suspected shooter at a youth camp in Oslo, where 10 80 people were killed Friday and he may be linked to a bombing near the prime minister’s residence that killed seven others.

On his Facebook page, which appears to only have been started July 17, Breivik mostly posted music videos and said his interests include hunting and bodybuilding…

His profile also says he’s a director at a company called Breivik Geofarm.

He lists himself as single and has five profile photos – four of which are headshots…

A Twitter account is also being linked to Breivik, although there is just one tweet on July 17.

“One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests,” he wrote.

The television station TV 2 in Norway reported Breivik had right-wing extremist tendancies and had two guns registered under his name.

The headline is from some unnamed official who was asked about “international” terrorism.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    deowll–I was going to post to that idea, but thought it too cruel. Long time planner too. I read he started an organic farm years ago in order to be qualified to receive nitrogen based fertilizer to make his bomb. Don’t know if causation was assumed from the time line there or not. His hit/kill ratio will tell us how good a shot he was or if he was just close.

    I am very curious about the number/quality of interactions with mental health services he may have had or if he remained undercover for that long and why he or how he gave up at the end and why the Norway Swat Team didn’t take him out for f*cks sake.

    Some people really don’t deserve to live–especially the mentally ill.

  2. jollycynic says:

    @ #57 bobbo

    Well you are indeed right that mental illness is multifactorial. In reference to the brain being broke, I again run into my old interwebs nemesis; tone lost to the format of text. The specifics of how schizophrenics process reality are a subject for whole books worth of reference materials to be sure. It also depends on the type of schizophrenia we are hypothetically dealing with (for that matter are we going off base here, with no confirmation that the guy is mentally ill in the first place?). I feel comfortable ruling out disorganized or catatonic schizophrenia and would hedge my guess on the likelihood of the shooter being paranoid type if he is schizo at all.
    If we are going for a paranoid type and ruminating on cultural socialization as a factor in his outbursts, I have to ask what culture he was socialized in? I don’t have an answer yet and I don’t think any of us do. I will offer up some food for thought though. If he was a paranoid type with the oh so common delusions of persecution, then this looks more and more like a response to the delusion of persecution at the hands of the dominant culture. If I’m not mistaken he did attack the dominant political party of the nation and bomb the capital.
    Ultimately, we are discussing thought disorders here. No two are alike, but when you look at positive symptoms of schizophrenia (positive meaning added behaviors or features) you usually see someone who strongly deviates from the dominant culture/culture they were raised in. In any case, I’m rambling so I think I’m done for now.

  3. So what says:

    alfie in making a list of all of the many things I have that you don’t, the first one that comes to mind is a high school diploma.

    Anyone who is a regular here knows that alfie is home schooled. He is his own best student, of course it makes that affair with the teacher a bit complicated. I mean alfie do you actually fuck yourself?

    I heard they let alfie substitute teach once, here’s the video.

    It was the last time he was asked to teach.

    Have you read any good books on science lately? Aw hell have your read anything other than your fantasy stories about god? Do you use the picture bible to assist in your comprehension?

    I suspect in the end we will find out this guy is just a poor demented individual who believed “god” wanted him to do it. You know kind of like alfie.

    The way alfie is starting to sputter about again, the FBI should probably start checking into his fertilizer purchases.

    Bobbo I suspect the reason the swat team did not shoot him is because he did give up. Had he shown any aggression towards them he would most likely be dead.

  4. President Amabo says:

    #17 – I saw the Assange resemblance also. Being that the Wikileaks supporters rival the “tax the rich” crowd in evility, there might be something there.

    #19 – A mental picture of Eideard whacking off the Nancy Pelosi is NOT something I needed. Thanks a lot. Ugh.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    jolly–well, the “first” lesson has almost taken: you have stepped back from being absolutist and dogmatic. We will never know all the relevant facts in this or any other actual case. Thats not even the point. We aren’t investigators, judge, or jury. We are mental flagellumist. My own penchant is to make up words. Yours may be to repeat the obvious for no discernible advancement of the argument? Oh—when I’m happy, I get needlessly combative for no discernible advancement of the argument. Unless one reflects on the truth of what is simply said–instead of diving into and reacting to the cultural context evoked.

    I thought it was clear the guy was a home grown Norwegian? How can you possible wonder what his cultural roots are coming from such a homogenized socialized group of melanin deficient albinos? Rather dissociative don’t you think?

    “Ultimately, we are discussing thought disorders here. /// Ha, ha. No. Not me. I’m always discussing myself by asking others: “How do you know what you know and how do you change your mind?” But its good you give a definition. So few do that here or anywhere else.

    No two are alike, but when you look at positive symptoms of schizophrenia (positive meaning added behaviors or features) you usually see someone who strongly deviates from the dominant culture/culture they were raised in /// or, depending on how you define it, as I did, you find the schizophrenia strongly influenced by the dominate culture. How do you list elements of this very obvious fact and then speak against it?

    My central argument. Abrahamic religion of a vengeful god smiting all those who disagree with him. fits like a glove. Sadly, you can be expressly anti-god or only atheist and still the culture infuses you like a weak tea. Thats why I smit thee. And why you want to smite me back.

    Fits like a glove.


    Let them bake cake.

  6. jpfitz says:

    Holy shit. I am disgusted by a lot of the comments here. All by somebody who is over taxed. If any person had respect for their own religious beliefs he\she would not attack or threaten with fire and brimstone. The believer or follower would instruct and be pleasant.

    TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. I don’t comment much but over taxed is not what he seems. Troll maybe. So
    why feed the troll. Again, disgusted by over taxed especially considering the amount of dead children and some real thoughtful comments.

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    jpfitz==disgusted? Ha. Ha. Put that notion on the continuum.


  8. jpfitz says:


    Enlighten me. What the hell is Taxed going on about? He has all the earmarks of a troll.


  9. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    jpfitz–its all definitional, but I don’t see Alfie as a troll. “He’s seriously deranged” is all. I could be wrong though, he does display a species of dark humor often enough to make me think he is putting it on. But playing a pontificating pain in the ass as I do is easy because the reality is so close. The same with Alfie I fear.

    Now just what is a troll? All too often, almost always, it is a synonym for someone who simply disagrees. I think a troll ….. well, lets look it up at the Urbane Dictionary:

    One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

    But Alfie hasn’t got anything but derision directed at him. If he actually wanted any disruption and argument at all, he would modify his posts. Maybe he’s just bad at it then? So that goes to performance as opposed to intent.

    But it is YOUR soul jpfitz that concerns me. You weren’t very christian in your own criticism. You should view that in a light to take the most from it whether you ultimately agree with that or not. Its how we can become better people regardless of the stimuli.

    capiche and cappuccino?

  10. jpfitz says:


    Yea, capiche and cappuccino.
    Thanks bobbo I’ll pay no attention to you know who then. It is the spaghetti monster who has my soul so not to worry about damnation.

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    jpfitz===aacckk! You aren’t supposed to agree with me. Zounds. I’m not a troll, but I can see maybe I’m a toll. Close enough?

    Alfie is good to read. Well–I do skip anything over one paragraph, but I have a short attention span, or a long attention span that is highly regimented. Recognize you can learn/benefit as much by rejecting nonsense as you do when recognizing your saints.

    Life is like that.

    Hmmm, hmmm spaghetti-o’s.

  12. jpfitz says:


    The dead are now at 92 and rising. Norway’s toughest sentence is 21 years in jail.

  13. jollycynic says:

    @ #83 Tea As to his being taken alive, I have been trying to find out more details on that. I’d be interested to find out where you found out that he gave up and is willingly assisting police. His behavior in being captured is pretty significant. I had been privately speculating on whether he surrendered or was taken down by non-lethals.

    @ #86 bobbo I guess I should have been more clear. I don’t think that he is mentally ill at all. My speculation over schizophrenia has been mental masturbation and interwebs time wasting. I’m sure I did mention on the side a couple times that I had doubts on the relevance of any diagnosis.

    As to him being a home grown Norwegian, I was more ruminating on whether or not he was raised mainstream or not. Growing up in a given nation doesn’t guarantee that you will have a certain specific upbringing and culture. I think this is an important consideration as far as deciding if he was adhering (in his own mind at least) to a culture, or acting out against a culture. I do think that the question of compliance versus rebellion is relevant.

    As to your perseveration over the Abrahamic religion influence, that comes right back to my questions about how he was culturally socialized. You surely can’t deny the fact that so very many people in this world label themselves with one religion or another in public, but neither believe or adhere to it in private. The number of bar sluts wearing gold crosses on their necks leaves me with a permanent distrust of the religions labels that people apply to themselves.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Nice link. What is cultural marxism? I do wonder but will wait for the reader’s digest version. I just knew there would be a manifesto, but I didn’t want to appear to have any inside info.

    21 x 92 years seems about right to me.

  15. jpfitz says:

    You positive it’s not 21 years max then up for parole? Very progressive country Norway. He won’t be paroled of course but will meet his end at the hands of a vigilante most likely.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    In related news, the schizo Laughner is not doing so well. Is it unchristian of me to think not much effort should be put into treating/warehousing these defects?

    Only one of many first steps on the way to eugenics. Our Brave New World. What can be done, will be done.

    Yea, verily.

  17. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    I googled and found that the cultural epidemiology of schizophrenia is a wide open subject. ie–not accepted, but not disputed.

    in that case: I’ll stick with my own bias, because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

  18. jpfitz says:

    Laughner will eventually be injected with long acting Risperidone or Clozapine if he keeps acting out no matter what his lawyer says. Then he will be calm enough to be found insane and put away forever.

  19. foobar says:

    #87 jpfitz

    CHINO = Christian in name only

  20. Glenn E. says:

    “Anders Behring Breivik is a conservative Christian who enjoys classical music and the video game World of Warcraft.”

    Well most of that sounds like a contradiction. It’s not likely a conservative Christian would waste time playing WoW. I’m not what I’d describe as “conservative”. And yet I’ve always objected to how most RPGs and video games relied on “killing something” to get ahead. Even in the days of text based games.

    So I stuck to just playing arcade style video games. By the time DOOM came out, I’d given video games up altogether. To me many of these 3D games are tools of the Military Industrial Complex. Designed to program the youth to fight their wars. Preserving the war culture in young minds, that movie and comic book westerns use to serve, before PCs and game consoles came along and left less to their imaginations.

    Labeling this Norwegian nutjob, a “Christian” is more than just a stretch. It’s slanderous of the truly faithful. And probably cooked up by some atheist tabloid writer.

  21. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    94–jolly==again, it definitional. If you want to think anyone can kill 92 strangers to make a statement and want to think of them as sane: be my guest. Common sense will tell the rest of use they are “by definition” insane. The legal system calls them sane so they can put them off the street. Its one error compounding another in that our christian roots say you can’t punish the insane. Insane isn’t it?

    Ha, ha.

    I guess its fair that it should take a few rounds of repetition: cultural bias is a weak tea. It infuses and affects even those who actually believe otherwise. I gave my own example and will again: just about everything about Christians, jews, and Muslims (The Abrahamic Religions) is nonsense and I reject it. I reject it even if it is true. And yet I want to strike out and punish people who disagree with me, just like the god we have fashioned for ourselves.

    If I were Buddhist, I would only think those that disagree with me have a longer journey to make.

    Just waiting for Nirvana.

  22. foobar says:

    So will the TSA start profiling blonde Scandanavian Christians now?

  23. Harry says:

    This was a very tragic and senseless mass murder, my heartfelt condolences go out to the victims and their families.

  24. LibertyLover says:

    Either this man had some help or he is astoundingly able.

    No, he was in a gun-free zone . . . with a gun.

  25. Who says:

    I’ll bet Jodie Foster had something to do with this.

  26. jpfitz says:

    @ Taxed,

    I needed a good laugh this morning. Thanks. I never insulted you. Why throw your pontificating
    crap at me.

    On another note you and Breivik are in the same club. I “pray” for your neighbors that you don’t have a gun.

    Last comment on this thread here for me. Not good for my Karma. Adios

  27. GregAllen says:


    I grew up in a Swedish and Norwegian town. The two fought like crazy, so they finally built a wall between them. But, the Swedes just threw rocks over the wall at Norwegians. Incensed, the Norwegians threw dynamite at the Swedes. The Swedes lit the dynamite and threw it back.

  28. GregAllen says:

    >> Glenn E. said, on July 24th, 2011 at 12:07 am
    >>> “Anders Behring Breivik is a conservative Christian who enjoys classical music and the video game World of Warcraft.”
    >> Well most of that sounds like a contradiction. It’s not likely a conservative Christian would waste time playing WoW

    Most wacko extremists are big bundles of contradictions.

    This is certainly true of Muslim extremists. There were a number of stories about the 911 terrorists hitting the strip clubs before the attack.

  29. So what says:

    alfie that last comment is the second funniest thing you said today. The jodie foster quip was actually good.

  30. foobar says:

    #119 GregAllen

    This nut case is a prime example of that. While terrified of all things Muslim he admires the Taliban. What’s really chilling is how he laughed while gunning people down. He is one sick puppie.


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