Anders Behring Breivik is a conservative Christian who enjoys classical music and the video game World of Warcraft.

Breivik has been named by several Norwegian media outlets as the suspected shooter at a youth camp in Oslo, where 10 80 people were killed Friday and he may be linked to a bombing near the prime minister’s residence that killed seven others.

On his Facebook page, which appears to only have been started July 17, Breivik mostly posted music videos and said his interests include hunting and bodybuilding…

His profile also says he’s a director at a company called Breivik Geofarm.

He lists himself as single and has five profile photos – four of which are headshots…

A Twitter account is also being linked to Breivik, although there is just one tweet on July 17.

“One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests,” he wrote.

The television station TV 2 in Norway reported Breivik had right-wing extremist tendancies and had two guns registered under his name.

The headline is from some unnamed official who was asked about “international” terrorism.

  1. chris says:

    I heard about this first from a friend that lives in Norway, thankfully far away though. He suggested some Neo-Nazi connection immediately, although MSM was confidently positing Islamists for several more hours.

    Population-wise this is about the same as 9/11 for America. Also remember that the attack goes directly to heart of their democratic process. The Okalhoma City bombing wasn’t exactly a symbolic target.

    Sorry, it just strikes me as arrogant to say this is less for them. On 9/11 some bastards attacked the political center of our country, yesterday some other bastard(s?) did the same to Norway.

    All Americans are Norwegians now.

    #17 “he looks a bit like Julian Assange”

    I thought the same thing.


    I think you lose a lot of context by trying to lump a bunch of different types of crazy together. It is especially ugly if you are trying to draw blame to your domestic political opponents. Some of these things are hard to reason about, because they are illogical at the core.

    Like your mention of Maoists, how can people still buy into that nonsense?

    There’s a lot of stuff so freaky that it pushes the boundaries of neat argument: AQ, fundamentalist Mormons, Los Zetas, Sendero Luminoso. Things so nasty it makes ordinary extremists squeamish.

  2. Tippis says:


    …and while we’re comparing different expressions of religion in this context, let’s not forget that the one terrorist group to ever acquire and use a WMD was…



  3. cherax says:

    There’s no logic to this fellow’s actions, because the machinery of his mind is broken.

    We will undoubtedly learn that he “has a history of mental problems”, which means that he got into trouble before, was diagnosed as schizophrenic, given neuroleptic (anti-psychotic) drugs, and sent home. Eventually, he stopped taking the drugs, and the voices returned, and he did what they told him to do.

    The guy is schizophrenic, his brain is damaged and therefore doesn’t work properly, and that’s really all there is to it. But, now, cue the legions of folks who are always so ready to jump on such terrible events and somehow, in a bizarre but endlessly-repeated stretch, connect them to the demon of their choice (religion, politics, guns, global warming, etc. etc.). Jeez, at least the schizophrenic guy has an excuse…

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Hey cherax==let me axe you a question, since Greg won’t answer: imagine two environments:

    A–the Abrahamic Religions all touting their various brands of love towards their fellow man, infidels though they all be, and

    B–a Buddhist environment or an environmental/green earth organic foods commune.

    Then put your schizo down in either culture. In which one will the mental breakdown be shaped to do violence and in which one will the same schizo think he is a tree?

    something mentally broken about thinking issues have single determinants. Know what I mean? Greg—you too.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Its all definitional, but the Falun Gong are about as Buddhist as the Mormons are Catholic.

    YMMD. They are all nuts, which goes hand in hand with being schizo. Most religious types like to ignore that.

    Yea, verily.

  6. orion3014 says:

    Damn if this killer doesn’t look like a poster boy for the SS. My first thought on this tragedy was the Old Charlie Bronson movie “Telephon” MK-Ultra anyone? The double-taps on his part was especially telling, it wasn’t just terror, but flat out executions. I note that many of the blogs of norway are calling for the immediate disarming of the civilian population. Hitler would be so proud. What if this happens again, only it’s a real cop in uniform, not an imposter, the sheep will end out as supper. Amazing the lessons of WWII are already forgotten…

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Alfie–#40 is your boilerplate regurgitated copy and paste crap. The dead pan black humor of #41 caught me by surprise though. Caught in her own trap. Another mentally ill, too bad, some effective counseling probably would have helped. Amy Winehouse that is.

  8. jpfitz says:

    @ Taxed,

    Your vitriol is the problem. Get some counseling.
    You sound like rush limbo.

  9. Faxon says:

    Whatever. It’s thousands of miles away, and I don’t give a shit.

  10. jollycynic says:

    @ #38 bobbo

    Your scenario is really not instructive of anything in particular. Schizos don’t socialize via any process we can readily decode. The gears that go pinging around in their skulls do not grind towards a seemingly logical conclusion such as you seem to be implying, where a difference in environment would mean a coherent and understandable difference in outcome. Hell, a loving and caring commune type environment where people try to be welcoming and supportive could actually generate more explosive behaviors from a schizo.
    Their brains are just plain broken, and a hypothetical such as what you pose provides an unintentionally misleading perception of cause and effect.

  11. ktsdad says:

    Starting to hear the “Lone wolf” meme filtering through.

  12. TooManyPuppies says:

    Something we should demand from the lame-stream media whores: When will they publicly –on air– issue an apology to our Al-Qaeda allies (Libya) for wrongfully blaming them for this attack?

  13. foobar says:

    In a million years I never would have guessed that Alfie is an Amy Winehouse fanboi.

  14. msbpodcast says:

    Well, since nobody else has said it….

    His favorite video and song were:

    ♬Boom Headshot!♬
    ♬Boom Headshot!♬

    It sad when some delusional nut bag with a screw loose blows shit up, in Oslo for christ sake, kills seven and goes “Doom goes to camp, kills 85 kids, gunning them down as he laughs.

    That is one demented Norwegian yuppy puppy.

    Lets hear it for gun nuts

  15. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #48–jolly==thank you for a most reasonable argument. I will admit this is one of the few posts/ideas I have made that I can’t immediately go to a link and if not provide proof, at least provide some confirmation. It is only my casual observation that people indeed “go nuts” statistically in a culturally biased way. Perhaps this logical proof is not enough but in America a schizo can/will use a gun. In India, they will use a club or a machete. In Japan, rancid soy sauce. You can say that is a limitation imposed by the environment but that is all part of what a culture is. So thats one “argument.”

    No 2 is my statement that psychosis is a multifactorial issue, complex, not simple. Concordant with that would be a complex interactive set of causation. “His brain broke” somehow just doesn’t catch all the nuance that must be present.

    Thirdly, when a culture does emphasize several values and a crazy person acts consistently with that value, how can some part of causation be denied? It is consistent with culture having an influence. What can ever be proved about human behavior? Abrahamic religions are based on a vengeful God who smites/punishes all who disagree with him. The Western Culture schizo’s will reach out to do the same. Crazy people in India make ropes out of their ear hair. Not the same schizoid behavior at all.

    So–I have three good reasons to suggest that culture plays a role in how people lose their relationship with reality. Pedro for instance will someday no doubt blow a donkey in front of a government building to show his opposition. No dynamite involved because thats how he would roll if a taco shell could roll.

    Now–impress me. Come back with some reasoning, facts, studies, quotes==anything more than a negative gainsaying. I would think some expert has said that schizophrenia is “not culturally influenced.” If not, how can you be so sure? We could then start round two of our dialectic. Only a psycho rejects a reasoned argument without a comeback. A most satisfying Saturday.

    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    I’m bummed by the actual number of deaths it takes to make people notice…

    Cars kill about that many people than that here in the States, just driving to work. (~33k deaths in 2009, and that many again in 2010.)

    33,000/365= 90.4 people per day.

    Yet, we get one lousy sicko killing that many in Oslo Norway and that makes the news.

  17. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Peapod==compare and CONTRAST.


  18. jbenson2 says:

    Where is Dallas’ comment? He’d come up with something insightful such as:

    This is Norway’s Dick Cheney – not Norway’s Bin Laden

  19. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    JB–you’re gonna have to apologize when the perp claims he was duck hunting.

  20. foobar says:

    mbpodcast, it is sad. About 2 million women per year end up in actual slavery, most in the sex trade. Their life expectancy is about 30.

    They are brown and poor so nobody cares.

  21. chris says:

    # 39

    Falun Gong is the Chinese Tai Chi group. The group #36 was referring to is Aum Shinrikyo. That group does claim some Buddhist connections, but the leader also claims to be Jesus Christ so…


    If heaven is filled with people like you I don’t blame him for seeking other accommodations.

  22. chris says:

    “I’m bummed by the actual number of deaths it takes to make people notice…”

    I was more bummed that most people I mentioned this event to had not heard about it, but they had heard about Amy Winehouse. Got some laughs when I called her Amy Crackhouse.

    Some things actually are tragic.

  23. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #63–Chris==thank you for the correction. A little google shows the Japanese government trying to paint various groups with the same terrorist brush. I caught the brush and not the clean up.

    amusing how close the two groups are though. Small minority cults born from single individuals contemplating the universe in their bedrooms in the late 1980s/early 1990s.

    I don’t think its fair to call them any part of any established religion–unless you hate that established religion, or religion in general?

    So–crazy individuals just have magically broken brains but groups of crazy people certainly model themselves on the local major religions? Hmmmm. Sarin gas–not rancid soy sauce. Twice wrong. Who can I shoot?

  24. GregAllen says:

    >> pedro said,
    >>>> #29 ignorantly said: “Liberals are not the drivers of modern terrorism.”
    >> Sure. They only befriend them & support them.

    What a load of crock.

    Islamic radials are the religious right. They HATE us liberals..

  25. So what says:

    I was just starting to miss alfie, I’m over it now.

    Can we get another evolution/creationism story so he goes away again?

  26. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Alfie—do you ever bump into Pedo as you gadfly overhead? Amusing: gadflies. Bothersome creatures never adding anything except annoyance to what the adults are doing. So childish, Pedro with his one line negativity and you with your multi-paragraph religo-paranoiac hypocrisy. Do you ever breed in the miasma creating a schizo blog child of incoherent negativism, or just skip the middle mechanics and quote Limbaugh directly?

    Ha, ha. I crack myself up. fun with words, ideas, personalities. Where are my soma pills?

  27. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    So what==old country song: “How can I miss you if you won’t go away?”

  28. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Ha, ha. “OH NO he din’t” Yes friends, Alfie linked to his tennis pals once again. I couldn’t resist.

    I need help.

  29. deowll says:

    Either this man had some help or he is astoundingly able.

  30. foobar says:

    msbpodcast, sorry for the downer of a previous comment. One thing I do is donate time and money to good organizations like apneaap or kiva.

    Besides the shameless plugs above, pick organizations that you believe in and pitch in. It really does improve your outlook on life.


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