Anders Behring Breivik is a conservative Christian who enjoys classical music and the video game World of Warcraft.

Breivik has been named by several Norwegian media outlets as the suspected shooter at a youth camp in Oslo, where 10 80 people were killed Friday and he may be linked to a bombing near the prime minister’s residence that killed seven others.

On his Facebook page, which appears to only have been started July 17, Breivik mostly posted music videos and said his interests include hunting and bodybuilding…

His profile also says he’s a director at a company called Breivik Geofarm.

He lists himself as single and has five profile photos – four of which are headshots…

A Twitter account is also being linked to Breivik, although there is just one tweet on July 17.

“One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests,” he wrote.

The television station TV 2 in Norway reported Breivik had right-wing extremist tendancies and had two guns registered under his name.

The headline is from some unnamed official who was asked about “international” terrorism.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Aaacck!! Alfie you are a vile creature equating yourself to anyone else here. I do like a well crafted insult regardless of source or target but along with that should be some reasoned discourse? Religious rantings are not reasoned discourse. Equating every subject/issue not consistent with the extreme faction of the Teabaggers as progressive corruption does not illuminate anything except the space between your ears.

    Did Wasserman slime West? Yes, as he completely deserved. Its a lie that defunding the Big 3 “saves” it. Reform it, yes. Defund it, No.

    Was West’s response totally disproportionate? Yes. Just read it–clear to see regardless of other issues.

    Did the Media show their bias, stupidity, and failure to report the facts once again? Sure.

    Keep it up and I may have to report you to our dear editors. Uncensored, but not unhinged.

  2. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, GregAllen, you are right I don’t understand analogies very well, which is why I asked for the explanation.

    The post says this is Norway’s Oklahoma City, not it’s 9/11.

    Now here are some details. How much credence you give them is up to you, but it is where I am starting from.
    1)Timothy McVeigh had a partner, Terry Nichols.

    2)a)Terry Nichols visited the Philippines, b)and acquired his bomb-making ability there. c)Some say he visited with Mohammed Atta there. d)Also, some say there was a third Islamic person involved in Oklahoma City, but I didn’t use that in my posts.

    3)Islamist group claimed credit for the attacks in Norway.

    So now, I am asking for the Islamist group that claimed credit in Oklahoma City, since the two are supposed to be similar, according to the title of the post.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Oh Mickey–using your intellect to remain confused rather than light your way? I’ll play along: Hey–you’re right. I didn’t think of it that way.


  4. Dallas says:

    Gee, a Christian Taliban super loon. What a surprise.

    This is also America’s biggest domestic threat. Never mind the Russian invasion from the east.

  5. chris says:


    I think you aren’t giving Falun Gong enough credit. It is a no infrastructure brand designed specifically to frustrate the Chinese authorities. Those guys play really hard. Aum is a messianic death cult, maybe like Jehovah’s Witnesses on meth and PCP.

    Different things. Falun Gong is, apart from the martial arts folks, an aspirational symbol for people power in China. That is why the Chinese are so afraid of it.

    China is always on the list of most likely nations to have big civil strife in the coming year. If China really breaks down it could be the unexpected obvious story of the decade.

    Maybe the contrast between the US pols and Chinese guys is that the Chinese are terrified of their own people. The right is following a very MAOIST strategy: Destroy the mechanics of government by unstrategically defaulting, destroy education with challenges to science and the legitimacy of public schools, destroying trust in the currency via GOLD FEVER!!!!!!, destroying trust in public order by encouraging citizens to carry arms, questioning the legitimacy of the government’s ability to collect taxes, and generally making Americans appear to be a bunch of inconsistent simplistic twits.

    China already had Mao, and they didn’t like the result. Screwing up everything so the next paradigm appears magically/religiously is NOT an option for their leaders politically.

    It also suggests a lot of shame on the US pols that, in any metric,the Chinese look more reasonable.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    chris–I defer to your expressed competence in things fringe religious. I also agree about the coming collapse/revolution in China. Its just like the housing bubble in the USA. It can’t go on forever and will eventually change dramatically, probably overnight, on some provocation. Tick, tick, tick.

    And like the housing collapse, the issue will be how far, what other dominoes fall, what response will actually come of it.

    The Chicoms are willing to kill their own people. Proud of it too. That stops 90% of most revolutionary fever.

    Hmmmm. With those self interested long term thinking Chicoms, I wonder what their secret plan for survivial/response is? Invade Taiwan? Nuke Japan? Hide in the Gobi? They must be thinking something===unlike our own Congress.

    Ha, ha. Money and power. Fun to watch.

    VOTE ALL “NO NEW TAXES” POLITICIANS OUT OF OFFICE. Silly hooomans captured by dogma of one sort and another.

  7. user_tønsberg_norway says:

    reply to #115

    >> Taxed Enough Already Dude said, on July 24th, 2011 at 7:33 am
    >> #94 Home grown Norwegian?
    >> Perhaps you can verify this fable. It is said Swedes invaded Norway >> back in the good old days, for wives and plunder.
    >> And that 600 of them encountered 3 Norwegians who didn’t run, >> but stood their ground to fight.
    >> So the Swedes askes them, “why didn’t you run?”
    >> They replied, “because over the hill behind us, are thousands more >> coming.”
    >> So the Swedes turned and fled.
    >> The story then is, “600 Swedes chased through the weeds, by 3
    >> Norwegians.”
    >> Is that true.
    >> Inquiring Swedes (born in the US) want to know.

    This is almost true, but it was 2000 swedes.

    No, just kidding. We who live here in the nordic region like to joke around and talk down at the other nearby countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Island, Finland), but at crisises like this we stand together. Here in Norway, where I live, there are almost 5 mill. people, and when something like this happens we stand together..

    One important thing to remember is: if one person can create this much hate, think how much love the rest can crate.

  8. GregAllen says:


    I didn’t realize that Muslims radicals took credit for the Norway bombing.

    They always seem to do this. I’m not clear on what purpose they think this serves them.

    It just makes people hate them more — which may be the goal.

  9. user_tønsberg_norway says:

    to #134
    We are not so many people, so the taxes will be noticed by every working person. But, if we get sick, we don’t get ruined if we stay one day or five month in the hospital.

    The word “love” may take it a bit far, but as you mention “respect” is probably a more correct one.

  10. Dallas says:

    #137 I agree it’s time to change the topic here from religious loonism to oil exploration.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    It must be near the end of the month, Alphie has run out of his meds again.

  12. President Amabo says:

    Norwegians are satisifed because they have no experience of what life is supposed to be. How many live in big houses on large private fenced in yards? How many drive Suburbans on freeways?


  13. tcc3 says:


    You have it all backward. Clearly you’re all turned around.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Derek–way too dogmatic. Truth is more a mix of dogmas all contesting and mixed with one another.

    The traditional match for Rights and Freedoms is duties and obligations.

    Your freedom/right is not balanced within themselves but rather from other people not to be burdened by your exercise of same.

    Your right/freedom to smoke is balanced against/restricted by my freedom not to breath your second hand smoke. And so on with the rest of your examples.

    Back to school with you.

  15. Derek says:

    You dont have to visit my smoking establishment. Start a membership, and have every member sign a form stating that they understand the effects of second hand smoke and waive any liability of that establisment. Now, everyone can smoke until they are black in the lung. You can ban smoking in public venues all you want, and I wont complain a bit. You ban it in private businesses, you are taking away freedom.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Now Derek—aren’t smoking clubs generally allowed. If not, I agree with such an exception to the general rule. What jurisdiction has no smoking club exception, or are you just a tempest in a teacup?

    General discussion requires the general context: the standard situations, not the abnormal.

    Its called keeping it real. You keep things real don’t you Derek? I certainly hope so.

  17. President Amabo says:

    #143 – I have it exactly correct. Without those things, life is too horrible to comtemplate and no one should be put though that misery. Without SUVs, big houses, etc. there is no reason for Earth.

  18. tcc3 says:



  19. MikeN says:

    But this is a country with gun control! And the police don’t carry guns! Oh wait.

  20. LibertyLover says:

    #151, I guess the old adage, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns,” really IS true.

  21. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    When only outlaws have guns, they’ll be easier to catch.

    Ipso dipso.

  22. smartalix says:


    My only argument is hat a gun does not protect you from the government. Ask the Waco survivors, or the Ruby Ridge survivors, or the citizens of New Orleans.

  23. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Say Pedro–what is the homicide rate by gun where you live? How many times lower than in the USA??

    Do the math. In which society are you more at risk?

    Silly gun nuts.

  24. So what says:

    Correct me if I am wrong (and I am sure you will), but weren’t the guns that he used legally purchased? So it would appear that you can have guns in Norway.

  25. moss says:

    smartalix – as usual – is way too rational and appreciative of reality, history, commerce, culture to have his analysis accepted by the crew that still looks under their bed at night for ghosts and goblins.

  26. smartalix says:


    As it was pointed out, the guy did have a legal gun. Heck, a lot of people don’t know that you can keep guns in your house in anti-gun Germany if you have an active hunting license.

    The issue I wanted to open up is the whole guns as protection from government scenario. If you say your guns are important for personal and home defense I would say fine, but they should be registered and you should demonstrate that you know how to use them. If you say you have guns to protect yourself from the government then I must disagree with you as it is impossible to fight the government with force.

  27. Rich says:

    Is that fellow at the top the suspect? He looks like a Thunderbird puppet.

  28. LibertyLover says:


    Don’t confuse them with facts. The only way to win is to fight like they do — put your fingers I you ears and scream, “I’m right! I’m right!”

  29. “I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked at so my friends can see it too. I simply used This is Norway’s Oklahoma City — not Norway’s World Trade Center Dvorak News Blog as the entry title in my bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see it bookmarked the same way


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