William was charged with two misdemeanor counts; one for stopping in the roadway, and another for failing to inform officers of his weapons.

From the video:
“Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth…I am so close to caving in you’re goddamn head…you’re just a stupid human being…People like you don’t deserve to move throughout public. Stupid idiot.” “I swear to God man this little bull crap you just pulled right now has got me so hot. You know what I should have done? I’ll tell you what I should have done. As soon as I saw your gun, I should have taken two steps back, pulled my Glock 40 and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop. And I wouldn’tve lost any sleep. And he would have been a nice witness as I executed you because you’re stupid.”

After the video surfaced, the Canton police announced that Harless had been put on indefinite suspension last month, and the case forwarded to Internal Affairs. Ohio gun activists are raising money for William’s defense. And the rest of us get to hope the next misunderstanding ends more amicably, rather than less.

When you look at the cops build and attitude, then you will see classic symptoms of ‘Roid Rage. This piece of garbage should be in prison, period. The threat is around 13:30.

  1. Glen Woodfin says:

    How ironic that the cop yelled at the innocent victim screaming he was stupid and irresponsible, therefore didn’t deserve to to be in public.

    All the while the cop threatened to blow his head off and arrest him under false felony charges and to physically assault him.

    The docile innocent victim of police brutality remained calm and cooperative submitting to every maniacal demand of the officer.

    Don’t worry about the corrupt criminal cop, his superior will defend him as well as the state’s attorney and the judge will take bribes to make sure the cop will be empowered to become an even greater danger to society…situation normal…all…f…..up.

    The criminal cop is a danger to society and should lose his badge in disgrace and never be in a position of government authority to be a god with a gun.

    I wouldn’t trust either cop to mow my lawn or scrub my toilet.

    How do human beings become so corrupt?

  2. Benjamin says:

    I’ll weigh in here. I have a concealed carry permit and I have been in a traffic stop where police officers were present. The laws of my state don’t require a notification to police. I don’t know if it is safer to notify or not. I chose to notify and the officer took temporary possession of the gun for the duration of the traffic stop.

    The first cop didn’t feel safe around people with guns, he said. The safest place for any handgun is in a holster. Unfortunately the cop handed my gun to his partner who proceeds to try to unload my gun. I carry a revolver and our police carry glock 40’s so he had to play with it to figure how it worked. As he was doing so, he inadvertent pointed it at me and the first cop. Remember, he was safer with the gun in my holster than letting his partner wave it around.

    After the stop, in which I didn’t even get a ticket, the partner handed my gun back along with a hand full of bullets. They then left.

    However, I did speak to a police sergeant the next workday and she said that officers are expected to have muzzle control and not inadvertently point guns at people. She promised to have a word with them about gun safety. I emphasized that I didn’t want to get anyone in trouble, but it was a safety issue that needed to be addressed.

    Upon discussion with other gun owners, I the consensus was that you should probably not notify police officers that you are carrying. My instructor in the permit to carry class is a sheriff’s deputy, so he said that you should probably notify. No guidance under the laws of my state on what is advisable. In my state we also get to choose if we want to carry open or concealed. Therefore we don’t have to worry about accidental showing which is illegal in my concealed only states.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    #33, During training here in Texas, it was strongly suggested that when stopped to place your hands on the steering wheel and inform the officer as he was coming to your window that you were legally permitted to carry a concealed weapon and where it was located in the vehicle. Then wait for the cop to give you directions. Don’t try to dig out your wallet before he gets there. All the cop sees is you trying to hide something under your butt.

    Example: “My name is John Doe and I possess a CHL. My pistol is on my right hip next to my back pocket where my driver’s license is located. What do you want me to do?”

    Cops want to feel comfortable with the situation. This goes a long way toward that end.

    Also, it is the law in Texas that if ever asked for identification from a LEO, you are to present your CHL as well, whether you are currently strapped or not.

  4. GregAllen says:

    As much as I criticize the cops — I also have compassion for them.

    The right wing rhetoric about arming yourself against the government has (literally!) put them in the crossfire.

    I am NOT defending this cop but I understand how this extremist right wing interpretation of the Second Amendment could make a few cops break.

  5. GregAllen says:


    Why do you feel a need to carry a gun?

    In this situation, you would have been safest with your gun locked up at home. I’d argue that this is almost always true.

  6. John E. Quantum says:

    #29 Howard Beale I was not clear enough- the fact that the driver, passenger and the female standing outside the car were of different ethnicities was not what I was refering to that caused the a$$hole officers suspicions to be raised, rather the fact that the female was a suspected prostitute (without regard to her skin color) and that the incident took place in an area known to be frequented by prostitutes was what aroused his intuition. The fact that the driver was white in a black part of town could be construed as profiling, but statistically the driver’s presence in the area was unusual.

    #28- Guns kill more owners than anything else–except their kids.

    References please.

    Finally a joke- A little old lady in Texas is pulled over for speeding and when the Texas Ranger approaches her vehicle she immediately says “Officer, I have a concealed carry permit and I have firearms in the vehicle”

    The officer asks “What firearms do you have in there?” thinking to himself how unusual it was for a little old lady to even have one firearm in her car, let alone several.

    “Well, I have a 40 caliber glock in my purse, a 357 magnum in the glove box and Ruger 9mm under my seat” she said.

    The officer looked at her and with genuine curiosity asked her “Ma’am, what on earth are you afraid of with all of those weapons in your car?”

    She looked him dead in the eye and said “Not a goddamn thing”.

  7. Benjamin says:

    #36 GregAllen, you don’t really know my situation or why I carry. It is probably safer if you don’t inject your opinion when you don’t have all the information. I’d argue that this is almost always true.

    For your information, though, I don’t carry because it is “cool” to walk around with a gun on my hip. I’d been to the gun range that day and I really hadn’t made it home all day afterward. I really didn’t feel like leaving it in my pickup truck visible on the passenger seat for anyone to break in and steal. Also, for legal reasons it is best to carry a firearm on your person in a pickup when you have passengers without permits.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #37–Johnny==Its on the internets, you can look it up if such facts made any difference to you. I’m only being slightly hyperbollic.

    #38–Gee Benji==Greg was only asking you a question and your answer was excellent. Boy, with such a quick temper, I hope I never run into you on your way home from the range. Ohhh Wheee!

    Makes me think I need an automatic weapon to protect myself against all those people with guns.

    Just a little mini arms race the logic and rationale of which is just as valid in reverse.

    Silly gun totting Hoomans.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    When people ask if I am expecting trouble when they find out I carry a gun, I ask them if they have a fire extinguisher in their kitchen. When the answer is yes, I ask if they are expecting a fire.

    Peace only works if both sides agree to the agreement. As the criminals don’t agree to abide by that agreement, I have to be prepared to defend against their transgressions.

    Has nothing to do with fear. Has everything to do with my natural right to self defense.

  10. haymoose says:

    That guy thinks he is fucking Batman.

  11. orion3014 says:

    This cop was just pissed cause he was aching to commit cold blooded murder, but his tiny reptilian
    brain reminded him that he was on video, and if he executed this guy, he might not get his retirement pension. Hopefully, after several years of violent, repeated rape in the big house by some pipe hittin’crack smoking midieval brothers, his new primary concern will be terminal anal leakage.

  12. TooManyPuppies says:

    HA! Fox News decided to run this story during a cunt bump circle and typically leave out half the story.

  13. TooManyPuppies says:

    #36 Greg,

    People like Benjamin are welcome to good Law Enforcement officers. Most often during my patrols it was good citizens like him that came to my aid to back me up, while my department back up was typically 10 – 15 minutes away.

    Too many times people ask the police or are puzzled as to why we don’t help them, or protect them. That’s not our mandate. Never has been, never will be. There is only 1 person legally responsible for the lives and well being of you and your loved ones, that’s you. Our job is to react after the fact and investigate and to bring forth a suspect to a justice of the law. In fact, the majority of sworn peace officers recommend and prefer the public be legally armed.

    “In this situation, you would have been safest with your gun locked up at home. I’d argue that this is almost always true.”

    Your argument is invalid with established fact.

  14. Benjamin says:

    #39 bobbo said, “Gee Benji==Greg was only asking you a question and your answer was excellent. Boy, with such a quick temper, I hope I never run into you on your way home from the range. Ohhh Wheee!”

    Really? I did not lose my temper at Greg. I just said he really didn’t need to know why I carry a gun, but I gave him information about the situation that day.

    I am confused though. Do you really think they would give a gun permit to someone that would lose their temper and pull a gun on someone? I don’t think so. In my state the right to carry is rather new. We need to carry our weapons responsibly or we may lose the privilege for everyone in the state.

  15. Benjamin says:

    Thanks #44. That is better said than I could say it.

  16. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Hey Benji—you said: “I just said he really didn’t need to know why I carry a gun…” and yet you offered your story here on a comment blog knowing/wanting some version of the response you got. You were “looking for” an argument. You have a hero fantasy knocking around your head looking for a way to express itself. Maybe you will age out of it, or like Michael Douglas in Falling Down or that newer flick to the same point. Middle Class white armed guys in control as long as things go mostly their own way. Thats the trip trigger.

    The gun argument has been codified. Facts and studies and logic prove one side, talking points and rhetoric contest it. In the end, it comes down to values. Values and the Second Amendment and an activist conservative Supreme Court.

    Our problem is too many mosquitoes in the swamp. The answer is to drain the swamp–not add more mosquitoes.

    Ipso dipso.

  17. derspankster, not taking this shit anymore says:

    #4 – “we’re the good guys.” Yeah, self proclaimed. What you really are is insecure assholes. Spineless little pricks playing cowboys and indians whilst protecting the “public”. Give me a fucking break!

  18. thatsmychin says:

    I know we have a few bad apples out there…actually probably more than we’d like to think. Still it’s important to remember there are some good ones out there.


    Way to be Office Lyons

  19. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    chin–I fear there is more harm done by the bad cops, than good done by the good cops. The only saving grace for the Blue Line is that they are by and large aimed at the bad guys. but they really can be aimed at anything with all the same effects.

    Of interest–why did Officer Lyons stop that guy? Looks like he had nothing or he would have arrested or cited the guy?

    Everything is a matter of degree highly affected by how bright the sky is.

  20. TooManyPuppies says:


    They probably got a shit your pants call about a “man with a gun”. OF Lyons is an example of how we were taught here in CA when I went to the academy in ’91. When we get those we typically ask “well, is he waving it around at people?”. The answer is always “well, no. But IT’S A GUN!”. So we have to at the very least come have a look. Typically 80% of the time, I never had to disarm the individual. I let them keep it holstered so long as they were polite, co-operative and didn’t move about in a quick jerking manner. We’d have a friendly conversation, shoot the breeze for a bit, shake hands and go on our way. We have no law prohibiting the lawful open carry in our county and local city and our Sheriff is very pro concealed carry for our county residing citizens, mostly due to the fact that if you call you’re in for a 20 minute wait no matter the emergency.

  21. Benjamin says:

    #47 bobbo said, “The gun argument has been codified. Facts and studies and logic prove one side, talking points and rhetoric contest it.”

    I think the same thing was said about global warming. In fact, it is the typical liberal response to announce that any issue has been decided in their favor and that only right wing wackos contest it.

    #47 bobbo said, “You have a hero fantasy knocking around your head looking for a way to express itself. Maybe you will age out of it, or like Michael Douglas in Falling Down or that newer flick to the same point.”

    I don’t even know what you mean. I’m not a big movie person. Maybe you could summarize the movie for me. Be sure to post a warning about spoilers for someone else who hasn’t seen it either. Keep in mind that movies aren’t real. They are just stories.

    What is real is the responsibility that is required to exercise the right to bear arms.

    #49 That guy was asking for trouble. He was very lucky he ran into a police officer who followed the law and was as polite as possible.

    #51 TooManyPuppies said, “They probably got a shit your pants call about a ‘man with a gun’.”

    We got someone calling on us back in high school when we had drill rifles. Like anyone one looking to storm a school and shoot it up would be carrying M1 Garands and marching in formation.

  22. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #51–puppies==I’m of two minds. What are the police trained to do when they get a call that says “A man is sitting in his house minding his own business”? IOW–a complaint that is groundless is a violation of law when responded to. Its called the right of privacy, to be left alone, to be approached only on reasonable suspicion. People can reasonably disagree about where that line is.

    The guy in the video was so “calm” as a matter of fact I wonder if the gun training class does or should spend most of their time on how to deal with the cops when they question their gun possession.

    I am quite verbally confrontational and argumentative in just about every situation except one–and that is when the cops are eyeballing me and talking to me. I will give them lip as a witness or a bystander but that stops too if they focus on me. It takes very well selected and trained people to do that job even half way correctly. I respect good cops and those trying to be so. The others get my acquiescence because I want to live to mouth off another day.

  23. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    #52–Benji==you say: “I think the same thing was said about global warming.” //// No, thats a different argument. Close, but not the same and THAT is what lazy thinkers do: mischaracterize or honestly not understand most of what is told to them. Just as you demonstrate. Heh, heh.

    Logic: if there were no guns, people would not die from guns. Given the logic of that certitude, all arguments saying guns save lives are suspect. Logic, Benji==logic.

    I did summarize the movie for you and used it as an insight into motivations. Every case is unique. Take from it what you will.

    I could go on to facts and values but why waste my time? I indeed have had the argument enough to be satisfied as to what the opposition is. Short term, self centered, egotists. Not a sharpshooter in the bunch.

  24. LibertyLover says:

    $48, Yeah, self proclaimed.

    Nope. Told that by a couple of cops AND an assistant DA. When they see someone with a CHL, they know that person passed a background check and isn’t a felon.

    What you really are is insecure assholes. Spineless little pricks playing cowboys and indians whilst protecting the “public”. Give me a fucking break!

    I never said anything about protecting the public, just myself and family. But as you brought it up, you don’t have to use a gun to protect the public if the situation warrants. The use of deadly force is justified in quite a few different situations (protecting your neighbor, stopping a rape, etc.).

    Personally, I think you are Yellow because you refuse to defend yourself or your family.

  25. Mr Diesel says:

    I was just pulled over in Ohio. I handed the officer my driver’s license and both concealed carry permits. I informed him that I did indeed have my weapon with me. He didn’t even flinch. He wrote up a ticket and gave it to me and asked if I had any questions. I asked if everyone notifies him when they are carrying. He said they do if they want to keep their permit. He said he could take them to jail or make it a learning experience.

    Police I know do not want to have someone blurt out “I have a gun”.

    Bobbo, I carry because I have been threatened and shot at. I have a good reason.

  26. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    Mr Diesel–no one knows all the details as completely as you do. Many in your situation would be using such a gun as a security blanket that actually put themselves more at risk than at safety.

    Its actually an issue at the very heart of how we understand our selves and the world we live in. YOU individually may have “a good reason” but what is the cumulative build up of such a rationale?

    Take eating Blue Tuna. Every individual is correct that they have a right to eat Blue Tuna BUT if everyone did, there would soon be no Blue Tuna for anyone. So–should individuals be restricted so that EVERYONE including those same individuals can have what their long term goal actually is.

    As I stated. Facts, Logic, values systems on a continuum against short term and long term objectives.

    Remember to squeeze that trigger.

  27. Dallas says:

    My guess is 90% of those applying to be a cop are power starved egomaniacs like this. I’ve been stopped by my fair share of them.
    Thank goodness for the nannycams installed in these cop cars.

  28. Publius says:

    Crimes against the public need to be brought before the public to decide. Time to terminate so-called Internal Affairs.

  29. Publius says:


    “people ask the police or are puzzled as to why we don’t help them, or protect them. That’s not our mandate. Never has been, never will be.”

    turn in your badge fucker

  30. Publius says:

    Correction — #44

    turn in your badge fucker


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