William was charged with two misdemeanor counts; one for stopping in the roadway, and another for failing to inform officers of his weapons.

From the video:
“Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth…I am so close to caving in you’re goddamn head…you’re just a stupid human being…People like you don’t deserve to move throughout public. Stupid idiot.” “I swear to God man this little bull crap you just pulled right now has got me so hot. You know what I should have done? I’ll tell you what I should have done. As soon as I saw your gun, I should have taken two steps back, pulled my Glock 40 and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop. And I wouldn’tve lost any sleep. And he would have been a nice witness as I executed you because you’re stupid.”

After the video surfaced, the Canton police announced that Harless had been put on indefinite suspension last month, and the case forwarded to Internal Affairs. Ohio gun activists are raising money for William’s defense. And the rest of us get to hope the next misunderstanding ends more amicably, rather than less.

When you look at the cops build and attitude, then you will see classic symptoms of ‘Roid Rage. This piece of garbage should be in prison, period. The threat is around 13:30.

  1. Publius says:

    If there is a possibility of actual roid rage then the states for one thing can review the accident rates of police during nonemergency travel.

    The data needs to be shared with the public including the universities who like to work on statistics exercises to make discoveries.

    A nonequal accident rate or insurance cost during nonemergency road travel, compared all citizens, would be actionable information.

  2. jescott418 says:

    Makes me a bit nervous all the legally concealed weapons laws. Makes me wonder how long before the nut jobs start killing people who are just A holes because they can carry a gun? We know its going to happen.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    The gun holder should have been more aggressive in announcing his possession of a permit and a weapon.

    And the officer is a dick and should be brought up on charges of Making Terroristic Threats.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    #2, If you are going to kill someone for being an asshole, you don’t need a permit to do it.

    Individuals with permits are at the very, very bottom of the crime statistical heap. Here in Texas, you go through a DETAILED background check before you are issued the license. We’re the good guys.

  5. Faxon says:

    It’s interesting how a gun can get people so excited, when it is in a holster and unused.

    Handguns are particularly advantageous to people who are confronted with powerful criminals. They are the equalizer, and as such, serve an extremely important function in society. Too bad California is loaded with dumbshit politicians, and won’t allow concealed carry.

  6. The0ne says:

    Human nature, this is why one shouldn’t trust everyone. What every copy video like this shows me is however the shear stupidity and disregard to the camera that is in THEIR car. It’s not like they don’t know its there. That’s the scary part people.

  7. John E. Quantum says:

    Officer #1 acted in a stupid and aggressive manner, but his sixth sense that something was not kosher with the situation (white guy with a possible prostitute and pimp in a bad part of town) may also have been correct.

  8. deowll says:

    Go with 6 and 7 however guys that are so strung out that they threaten to kill people on video need to taken off the street. A fact somebody in law enforcement must have known or we’d have never seen the tape.

  9. The Pirate says:

    Another cowboy cop who disrespects his own badge and what it stands for. This guy does not have the observational or memory skills needed to be in law enforcement.

    His integrity is as shameful as his attitude. he’ll kill someone someday pulling a cowboy move, mark my words. This guy has disaster written all over him.
    Turn in the gun, turn in the badge Officer Daniel Harless, you are not worthy.

  10. Grandpa says:

    Just well trained law enforcement officials doing their jobs as best they can. It’s not their fault everyone else are stupid idiots that don’t know how to comply with the well written laws. They should get good conduct medals for resisting killing the bad citizens and bringing them in unharmed.

    I think they passed the test for border guards.

  11. Miguel says:

    Guns just bring trouble. Here in Portugal it’s even illegal to carry knives with blades longer than 4.3 inches…

  12. Buzz Mega says:

    Inside the culture of Policemen is the eternal aspect of “us versus them.”

    Those of us who are not police are the THEM. Glock-fodder. And when they tell us to shut the fuck up, how dare we not tell them essential things?

  13. robman says:

    Cop is a psychopath and a danger to society and should never be allowed in a position of authority or carry a gun again.

  14. alex says:

    #11 – Wow, there must be no crime in Portugal.

  15. So what says:

    “Portugal has a relatively low rate of violent crime; however, crime in all categories is steadily increasing.”


    Contrary to popular belief you don’t need a Rambo combat knife to kill someone. A good solid two inch blade is more than sufficient, as is a simple screwdriver philips head preferred to slot as slots catch on clothing.

    No its not personal knowledge I have a coworker who used to work in corrections.

  16. Miguel says:

    Yes, there’s not much violent crime, but this has increased substantially in the past 3, 4 years, with unusually highly organized and extremely violent crimes being perpetrated, sometimes with no discernible reason. With the current economic crisis, less organized crime, and hopefully less violent, will also increase significantly.

    Do bear in mind that criminals do not have any problem in arranging powerful and deadly firearms…. Not that they care about the law, of course…

  17. Glenn E. says:

    You’ve missed a prime dirty cop (police) story, from my hometown of Baltimore. Something like 50 cops were involved in a deal with a local towing garage, that they got kickbacks from, for sending cars there, instead of a county approved garage. And sometimes they damaged the cars, to get more insurance money for repairs, to that garage. The cops involved netted something like a million dollars, over the years.

  18. Holy Schnikey!!!! says:

    #10. Gramps…are you high? What part of that psychopath’s behavior looked well trained to you? Go back to sleep.

  19. Peppeddu says:

    The fact that the video made it all the way to the police station was because the cop was stupid enough to think that he was on the right side.

    Obviously this accident has nothing to do with the cops in general, but with the fact that the cop’s selection process needs to be revised so that people like this officer are never allowed on the street where they can endanger the exact same people they are supposed to protect.

  20. Who says:

    I always carry a concealed weapon on me. I hope everyday that some nut job won’t force me to make them die of lead poisoning.

  21. Where are you, Joe Friday? says:

    I hope the police officer gets the lion’s share of the punishment. Not the permit owner. Do you think that insisting on telling the officer “I have a gun” would have anything better? The officer already started his descent into a raging, threating, unprofessional brute. He was looking for a reason.

    SIDENOTE: Being that unaware and focusing on being loud; in another situation he won’t even hear the gun.

    Just stupid and dangerous.

  22. TooManyPuppies says:

    I remember when we had an officer like this. He went off one night just like this officer, except one thing was different. When he started going off and made a direct threat against a citizen, we (2 other officers and I) stepped in, took him to the ground with an eye strike, neck strike, then knee strike. Disarmed him, then put him in his own handcuffs.

    We ran him out of the department and the city. Sadly he got hired elsewhere in the state and ended up shooting two unarmed people in the back.

  23. Fritze says:

    It shouldn’t be required to have to tell a police officer if you are carrying a weapon, they should always ask, thats their job not mine. Whomever made that part of the concealed carry law in that state needs to remove it. Those officers need to get alot better training, the one whom did all the yelling even more. I live in a concealed carry state and I always let LE know that I have one when approached out of courtesy, but its not required by law.

  24. omfgoats says:

    Good old Canton. Look up Bobby Cutts and you’ll start to see the caliber of the officers that CPD hires. That being said; The are the douche was found in was a known drug and prostitution area. This guy was from the country getting some city lay.

  25. TooManyPuppies says:


    No, he did not. Our local new training by the Feds is to establish full verbal and physical domination of the scene. If the driver attempted to verbally dominate the officer he would have been shut down forcefully before word 3 got out of his mouth. Then there is the fact that this stop and search was conducted in a manner that goes against everything that we’re trained to do. Control over each individual was not established, proper permission leading to probable cause to search was not obtained by the owner. In fact, he was completely ignored for more than 5 minutes during contact and wasn’t even removed from the vehicle for a proper, legal search to be made.

  26. McCullough says:

    Good call, I agree. If you indeed are a cop, you are one of the good ones. And we need good cops.

  27. bobbo, the pragmatic libertarian Existential Anti-Theist says:

    I wonder what the odds were that if the driver had yelled: “I’ve got a concealed……” if he would have finished the sentence before the officer would have shot him in self defense? “He threatened me with a gun and then made a move.”

    Guns kill more owners than anything else–except their kids.

    Ha, ha. also of note–there was no underlying reasonable suspicion of any illegal activity either. Hard to be an act of prostitution when the chick is standing outside the car.

    Meanwhile, House Republicans continue their hostage situation in Washington to command the transfer of Billions to the Already Too Rich. Not a cop in sight.

  28. Howard Beal says:

    i bet officer Mark is hoping for a new partner one who passed his anger management classes and takes his thorazine

    thanks for your input and service ManyPuppies

    #7 Quantum
    that just sounds like racial profiling to me, I married someone of a different race and i’am often in cars loaded with a mixed race of people all over town and somehow i’ve managed to never do any drugs or hire and prostitutes

    in my state no license is required to carry a handgun either openly or concealed. you are required to inform an officer you are carrying during an encounter, i can only hope the officers give you a chance to say so before they establish such full verbal and physical domination that you cant get a word in. if it were my job i’d assume everyone is packing and up here i would not be to far off

    i don’t own a gun but this case has my interest it seems like -lets call him “the john” for Quantum- might have wanted to inform officer dick¿
    but was never given the chance.

    i know the police have a dangerous job going to work with an attitude like officer dick here only make it more dangerous for every one police and civilian alike

  29. The Watcher says:

    The OH notification requirement is a poison pill. It’s “Immediately”, but that’s not defined, making it the whim of the Officer…. (We had a prior case where a licensee notified in about 41 seconds by the dashcam timer and was cited.)

    Officer’s are trained to “take and keep control”, and licensees are supposed to try to break that. If ordered to shut up it’s also a crime to not shut up – same one as not notifying….

    My vote is to notify as soon as is convenient, with no penalty. No officer wants to “find” a gun unexpectedly, and nobody wants an Officer’s Glock screwed into his ear either, but it’s a whole lot simpler to make it a matter of respect.

    Meantime, an Officer who doesn’t assume a subject is armed isn’t going to stay on the job too long….

  30. TooManyPuppies says:

    I feel bad for the partner referred to as Officer #2. You’ll noticed he kept his mouth mostly shut and kept a distance and didn’t interfere with OF1 and the driver. Sadly, this is how training is these days, you’re not to let any other officer know when he has crossed the line. You do that in private, and lose your job unless there is media attention which we now have, hopefully OF2 keeps his job.

    Pricks like these, that have become the new normal majority in law enforcement, are precisely why I left 6 years ago. I run into old colleagues all the time that are in their prime for this line of work but they tell me they too left due to the way departments are being overrun with this type of behavior and federal training.


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