William was charged with two misdemeanor counts; one for stopping in the roadway, and another for failing to inform officers of his weapons.

From the video:
“Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth…I am so close to caving in you’re goddamn head…you’re just a stupid human being…People like you don’t deserve to move throughout public. Stupid idiot.” “I swear to God man this little bull crap you just pulled right now has got me so hot. You know what I should have done? I’ll tell you what I should have done. As soon as I saw your gun, I should have taken two steps back, pulled my Glock 40 and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop. And I wouldn’tve lost any sleep. And he would have been a nice witness as I executed you because you’re stupid.”

After the video surfaced, the Canton police announced that Harless had been put on indefinite suspension last month, and the case forwarded to Internal Affairs. Ohio gun activists are raising money for William’s defense. And the rest of us get to hope the next misunderstanding ends more amicably, rather than less.

When you look at the cops build and attitude, then you will see classic symptoms of ‘Roid Rage. This piece of garbage should be in prison, period. The threat is around 13:30.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    This cop is an embarrassment to all cops. I counted an illegal arrest, illegal search, and five counts of threatening. And they gave the cop a gun?

    The release of the “pimp” is only a departmental thing.

    Countries with few guns also have far fewer killings / murders. Yet, the wing nuts think they need a gun for protection. They are much more likely to see that gun used to kill or injure one of their own family members than to use it in self defense. Yet, they’ll never understand that fact let alone accept it.

    • Rev. James Rosselli says:

      I’m afraid Mr. Fusion has it wrong.

      Well-meaning people assume that countries with stringent firearms laws have less crime. I don;t think this is their fault, because on one level it seems reasonable, and on another the anti-self-defense lobby is very loud and supported by the media. So, if you want actual information, you have to gom looking for it, and what’s the motivation to do that, if you think you already have it?

      There are hard statistics–not philosophical statements or speculations– about crime rates. In the United States, the lowest crime rates are in states with the fewest restrictions on firearms carry by law-abiding citizens. Compare the FBI state-by-state statistics with the state-by-state concealed cary laws, and the pattern is obvious.

      Starker still, because most of the resrictive firearms laws are fairly new, is the dramatic increase in crime of all kinds post-restriction. Australia, with its almost- immediate 64% jump, is just one example, but all over the U.K. the story is the same.

      In fact, the instances of criminals taking an armed citizen’s firearm and using it against him are negligible. The annual instances of prevented carjackings, muggings, rapes and robbieries are in the hundreeds of thousands.

      The media make it difficult to get the facts out into the marketplace of ideas, but the “new media” are, thankfully, making it more and more possible.

  2. GregAllen says:

    >> TooManyPuppies said, on July 23rd, 2011 at 12:56 pm
    >>>>> “In this situation, you would have been safest with your gun locked up at home. I’d argue that this is almost always true.”
    >> Your argument is invalid with established fact.

    And, by “established fact” you mean “tortured NRA statistics.”

    But I was speaking the specific situation details. Benjamin had his won gun dangerously waved in his face. What’s less dangerous than that? Having it locked up. Duh.

  3. GregAllen says:


    I hold to my position — in the situation you described, it would have been saver to have your gun locked up than waved in your face.

    That’s the think about gun ownership for self-protection.

    It’s safer in fantasy scenarios. But in real life, it’s safer to have the gun locked up.

    Americans watch too many movies where the hero gets the drop on the bad guys and then picks them off the roof tops, one-by-one with his handgun.

    In real life, unless you are walking around loaded, with the safety off and AIMED, the bad guy almost always gets the drop on you.

    But bad guys aren’t even the biggest danger with guns. Deaths by suicide and accidents outnumber homicide. http://tinyurl.com/24kho9 in all those cases, the gun would be safer locked up or never purchased at all.

    BTW: I am still unclear why you own and carry a firearm.

    Just for target practice? I have no problem with that, if you keep the gun locked up when not in use.

    My biggest problem is with the flood of un-controlled guns in our society… millions of guns just sitting around, available to any criminal, drunk husband, angry high school student or curious kid.

  4. GregAllen says:

    >> Publius said, on July 24th, 2011 at 3:08 pm
    >> Correction — #44
    >> turn in your badge fucker

    I was surprised by his take on law enforcement too!

    Did his comment make you wonder, even if for a moment, that he was the cop in the video?

  5. GregAllen says:

    >> TooManyPuppies said, on July 23rd, 2011 at 12:56 pm
    >> Most often during my patrols it was good citizens like him that came to my aid to back me up, while my department back up was typically 10 – 15 minutes away.

    Let me try to picture this.

    Let’s say, if you are trying to subdue an armed drunk, you feel _safer_ when other people in the bar start drawing weapons? Hard to imagine.

    Even if these are “good citizens” you have absolutely no clue about their state of sobriety, criminal history, kind of training, or even I.Q. Yet, you invite them you join you in your police operation?

    Again, very hard to imagine.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #64, That number is still lower than the number of deaths due to driving accidents.

    There are 235,000,000 guns in the US.
    There are 250,844,644 registered passenger vehicles.

    Seems it’s safer to own a gun than drive a car.

    Assuming you believe the article you posted.

    #66, Bad example. Every single CHL law has severe consequences for those who are drinking (or in some cases in the bar to start with) while carrying.

    And if the drunk is armed and waving his gun around, only a fool would try to get into a shoot out with him. You hide and then call 911.

    Use your brain first, your weapon second.

    Perhaps it’s a good idea you don’t carry. You would kill somebody by accident.

  7. Pieman211 says:

    What a moron this cop is. Major POS!!

  8. influence is the game says:

    Please tell me that the officer attempted to apologized.

  9. Mr Diesel says:

    #67 libertylover

    Wrong, Ohio does not allow carrying a weapon in a bar or under disability (drinking or drugs).

    Other states DO ALLOW drinking AND carrying in a bar. Not all, but some.

  10. LibertyLover says:

    #70, Which ones?

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, LL

    Apples and oranges.

    Automobiles have a purpose in society and when used as intended have relatively safe results. Autos are used millions of times every day.

    A gun has the sole purpose of killing, period. When a gun is used as intended someone dies.

  12. LibertyLover says:

    #79, Yes, the purpose of a gun is to kill. That is the reason I carry it. To kill. With that ability comes a great responsibility, one I am willing to shoulder because I refuse to be a victim.

    If it helps you sleep at night, this is kinda like the union thing. Not everybody voted for it but everybody gets the benefit.

    What is interesting is that something that is meant to kill when used as intended still kills fewer people than something that isn’t.

    Oh, as for your, “purpose in society,” ask the Japs why they didn’t invade CA during WWII and what was one of the first things our troops did after their surrender.

  13. John E. Quantum says:

    In a perfect world, nobody would need or possess firearms. In the world we live in, bad people can and often do possess firearms.

    If there were no bodies of water, no one would ever drown. It is just as impossible to eliminate all bodies of water as it would be to disarm America.

  14. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Define Moran: Gun rights activists.

    Give Example: “What is interesting is that something that is meant to kill when used as intended still kills fewer people than something that isn’t.”

    //// Its math people!

  15. Benjamin says:

    #75 bobbo said, “Give example”.

    He did. Refer to post #67. You are more likely to die in a car crash than get killed with a gun. Are you just posting without reading previous posts?

  16. Itsa Littlerapey says:

    Is it wrong to giggle whenever I hear about a cop getting off’ed? What a jerk of a cop. No wonder everyone hates pigs.

  17. D says:

    Seek therapy now officer


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