Merton, England, officials declined to say how much it had spent on trying to protect this minute patch of green.
The council also declined to say which officer had made the decision to send a workman – or team of workmen – to hammer in the sign.
“The sign was put up to remind motorists that it is illegal to park on the footway, and is designed to deter indiscriminate parking,” a spokesman said.
Ummm – OK.
That “Lawn” is in need of a Groundskeeper !!!
The steel post is a lot more robust than what I normally see holding up a sign.
I think the sign is just there to draw attention to post so people won’t run into the thing.
LOL. Love it
Well, it does say to stay off the “grass” and not “grasses” so it’s appropriate. 😉
I job for Pedro.
@#2 Knowing EU cities parking situation, that is likely correct. They installed steel post so no one can park over that patch or sidewalk. Which is frequent practice there. Sign is just additional alert.
Pedro, your work here is sloppy. No more government projects for you!
Placed there to stop people parking on that small stretch of pavement. The rest of the pavement has been lowered to allow car access.
There have probably been numerous complaints about parking on the pavements.
Some jobsworth idiot has come up with this solution rather than enforcing any parking restrictions/laws.
The papers will report this stupidity, people will take the p**s out of the council, it will be removed. The jobsworth wont face any sanction, lots of money wasted.
This is happening all over the U.K.
Are you sure that wasn’t just some more anti-drug propaganda?
I mean, it’s almost symbolic of how serious our entire society is about the environment. So obviously, it doesn’t have anything to do with saving the earth or anything.
It should have said; “Danger: Upward Pointing Knives!”
They should have just put in a fire hydrant. Dogs need love, too…
In English, it is a “bollard”. With a sign on it.
Knock that shit down, pave over it and be done with it, Jesus WTF!
If they’re going to insist on keeping grass planted there, it should be turned into a putting green for nearsighted golfers, with a tiny little sprinkler system so it doesn’t dry out in hot weather.
I think it looks photoshopped, although I can’t imagine why someone would bother.
There’s some office construction going on up the street from my work, and one of the contractors is: “Hyman Restoration, Inc.”
Pave paradise, put up a parking lot. Even a tiny one.
Maybe this sign is an anti-MJ message. And it just happens to be near some legitimate “grass”.
Perhaps a Do Not Litter sign would have been more appropriate. What’s that, a squashed juice bottle in the gutter? Apparently this grassy patch is between two private driveways. And I’m thinking there’s big money involved in getting this sign put up. So someone doesn’t park there, and block two driveways.
Hmmm. Another thought just occurred to me. Because I have the same problem. The grass strip between the two homes might be where one homeowner puts their trash bags/cans for pickup. And wouldn’t you know that people walking there dogs, allow them to poop wherever they like. And dogs like to do it, where it smells of other dogs and trash leakage. So this could be an attempt to kept the poop off the one spot the resident parks their pickup containers. Dogs walkers, in my locale, like to stop their and beneath our mail box. I’m thinking of putting up 9 dummy poles to confuse the crap (literally) out of these little buggers. Let’s see them wiz 10 times.