Executive Producer and 323 Club member: John Turek
Art By: Jesse Anderson

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  1. Faxon says:

    I get my news from John and Adam, and I work for ABC in San Francisco. Does that explain it for ya?

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    John, ease off the high doses of fluoride man.

  3. Apparently, my last comments had some impact. I accused Adam of impotence and he went out and did something about it. This is clearly evidenced by the sheer volume of verbal jerking off he mustered over the clips.

    However, this time it was Dvorak who showed up flaccid to the mental Bang Bus. The phrase “passing the buck” derives from poker. The “buck” in this case does not refer to money, but to a knife with a buckhorn handle. The thirty seconds it took me to discover this was far beyond Dvorak’s intellectual stamina. Everybody send in donations for a new dildo! Dvorak’s wife is, most likely, quite a frustrated woman.

    Finally, I will oblige those of you who would ask me to refute the analysis offered on this podcast. There is none. There is only wild speculation based on whatever bad television Dvorak watched this week and the relative deviance quotient of the porn Adam indulged in prior to recording.

    By the way, everyone, Adam is disappointed you aren’t sending in more money for his vacation. You see, Adam is such a unique and special person that his whole life should be subsidized by you. Don’t forget that people who don’t listen or don’t donate are stupid slaves and douchebags!

    And to those of you who donated, I should tell you that you can watch The Daily Show for free on the internet (That’s what we call Arpanet now, Dvorak). I say this not as an advocate for The Daily Show, but simply as someone who noticed that significant portions of this episode were directly lifted from Wednesday’s Daily Show.

    Thank The Jesus and Baby Jesus that these two are here deftly proving Ayn Rand’s most important thesis. Idiots can be easily led with pseudo-intellectual nonsense. And they’ll pay for the privilege.

  4. interglacial says:

    #3 Turlet,
    OK, but did you like the show?

  5. Rasputin says:

    Read Turlets tweets.
    Laugh hysterically at the Faux patriot chest beating, hitting every cliche in the book.
    Envision Turlet in his woodland bunker waiting for the ‘commienazi brotherhood of gay muslim Media Jews’ to come and try to take his land.



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