Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we again look closely at what appears to be a classic mixed market up and down…and what about Apple?
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  1. msbpodcast says:

    What’s with all the Apple coverage?

    I bet Dell and Lenovo wish that they could get one tenth the press that Apple gets.

    Do you think that it might be because in the race for the corporate bucks, a race that turned out to be a race to the bottom, in search of quarterly profitability they jettisoned all notions of R&D (it costs money and may not be profitable in the near term, if ever,) and don’t produce anything of any interest to anybody?

    <sigh> Well, the accountants took over the boardrooms and the sad shape that the industry is in is the result.

  2. chris says:

    To Andrew: I agree 100% with the borders being too comfortable.

    A lot of the action was always in the coffee shop. It’s great to have different ways of making money, but isn’t a coffee shop w/o a big bookshop attached more profitable if nobody buys the boooks?


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