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#62–chris==I sense that paroxysm is for me or near me? Can’t really tell. If for me, make your criticism more particular. If not for me, please post more cogently.
Not a bad thing===but it could have/should have been so much better. The epitaph for Obama?
I haven’t read through all the comments but just wanted to say that I think the Rep just wants this to drag on, wearing the president down, upping their image while downing the Dems, and at the end hope to come out looking like the Hero. I agree with what John Steward said about this whole thing and I must admit it appears to be working really good for the Reps.
The “Plan” ???
Was quoting %53 but hit accidentally sent to post too soon. Had nothing to do with you.
# 60 Phydeau said:
“The Koch brother… Richard Mellon Scaife… there are others, Somebody. But don’t look.”
God, no! Otherwise, you might find this:
Don’t miss this part:
Together, 536 elites have directed at least $75,750,000 to McCain, and 560 have gathered at least $76,500,000 for Obama.
So, how does this fit your narrative again?
I’m sure you will neither remember nor think about this.
# 63 chris said:
“Tarp was obviously an Administration\Fed creation. Bush II was in at the time, so…”
Since neither the FED nor the WH can pass legislation, it is not all that obvious that they created TARP.
“Not a bad thing, by the way.”
Are you kidding me? TARP is the ultimate proof of Republican (only) evil. Just ask Bobbo.
I guess in your world, it got no Democrat votes?
This is really unnecessary at this point but,
Coup de grâce anyone?
Somebody==you repeat your mischaracterization: “TARP is the ultimate proof of Republican (only) evil. Just ask Bobbo.” /// For the 2-3 time, I didn’t say that. for the 2nd time what I said at Post #23 was: “From Obama’s first day in office the Pukes have been pushing their magical thinking on the American Public with piling on by too many Dumbo’s: the TARP program was 1/3 jobs stimulus, and 2/3rds Magical Thinking: we can continue raping the American Public and blame the other side. This continues right now.” //// Whatsamatteryou? can’t keep more than 5 words in a row in contemplation as you evaluate how they related to the following 5?
TARP was signed into law by BUSHtheRetard. It was supported by Dumbo’s. Its CONGRESS that is evil by both sides being corrupt and getting away with it by blaming the other side.
This kind of stupidity only works with deep readers such as yourself. Strike that. Obviously, you can’t read. I think you should just like to Limbaugh’s audio feed so we can get the toxic BS straight from the source. Second shit shat shouldn’t speak.
Ha, ha.
Say Alfie–Didn’t Obama submit a budget that called for deficit spending and tax increases so NONE of the Pukes in the House voted for it==meaning it could not be passed. So, the Dumbo’s facing a budget that could not be passed went ahead and also voted “no” so that they could not be blasted for wanting more deficit spending.
Since then, CONGRESS has failed to issue a budget which is their obligation to do.
It all hinges on the Teaparty Faction refusing to raise tax revenues even when removing unworthy subsidies to corporations already sitting on 1.5T dollars in reserve.
The very same issue preventing raising the debt ceiling now although now it is more clear just how “firm” the Teabaggers are in their desire to remove the New Deal.
Its not the Dumbo’s who have lost their way. Imagine the RICHEST nation on Earth telling its old, poor, and sick to buy insurance?
Ha, ha.
In the House TARP had a Democrat sponsor, 233 Democrat co-sponsors and 41 Republican co-sponsors.
So, explain why it’s the Republican’s “magical thinking” with the Democrats just “piling on”?
Actually, I did misread your first post.
Thought it was your usual crap.
You are almost being fair.
I should give you that much credit.
Somebody–well there you go. Thank you. sometimes I feel like Ann Coulter. She deserves to be despised but hasn’t said half the things attributed to her.
No doubt, it won’t be but a day or two you can more accurately level your complaint against me.
I only wish I could “be” more liberal. Instead, I’m pragmatic.
>Since then, CONGRESS has failed to issue a budget which is their obligation to do.
Not true, it is the Senate which has failed to do this.
Mickey–I fear for your sanity. You aren’t being accurate more and more wildly in the past few days. I post here only in concern for your physical health. How are your electrolytes?
What part of the government is the Senate a part of? Saying it is the Senate would only be appropriate if I had said the House failed to pass a budget. I did not say that. You really have to either read more carefully, stop forgetting the basics, or using your intellect to find agreement. You aren’t even quibbling, your just wrong.
Now, go get some help.