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Very limited in size.
Based on the 100x video it appears it would take 20 minutes to do a full rotation.
So if it’s 1 mile radius, then you are moving 20 miles an hour. And if that is one of the inner two rings, then the outer rings is moving 20 miles an hour in the other direction!
This could be a good microgravity orbiting space city design.
#21–Yank==Bravo. China could actually do it. Building a new Chicago every few months from scratch out in the farm fields. I’ll bet they just never thought of your excellent recognition.
Above ground or under? I can see advantages to both. There is a “charm” to growth that comes helter skelter but the efficiency of circular mass transit could have many unexpected benefits.
Hey, do you know the way to Shell Beach?
Whoever had that vision obviously has no idea what happens beneath a city. Perhaps that city planner(s) has been playing a few too many video games (and now has a very warped sense of reality)?
Just for starters, does this city planner even know just how far down even a modest 10-story building has to be excavated when it’s not moving? Calling this idea crackcpot may be a compliment. I think I’d call it insane!
#23 is right… same effect by moving the walkways (or using other mass transit in the rings)and much easier and cheaper to build.
Where does the poop go?
It certainly would make landing at Rotating City Airport that much more challenging.
Brought to you be the department of “What could go wrong?”
Why even post this idiotic shit? C’mon….really?
This blog sucks my balls.
The energy needed for movement can be harnessed from “passengers” steps using vibration harnessing techniques already proven that can be stored as energy. Multiplied over millions of people … Obama needs to invest in this right now.
Start small with Walmarts and harness the millions fatass Republicans in the Icecream aisle.
I believe you are taking this too literally. This video came from a website called digital From what I see, this is nothing more than an exploration or a brainstorming of alternative ideas, as our present model of civilization is not sustainable based on the rate of population expansion and resource consumption.
As populations increase, as energy becomes less available, as the amount of arid land expands we will be forced to provide cities in undeveloped areas that provide land for farming (that rotates for even some exposure for maximum yields) controlled use of water and highly exploitable solar energy.
Part of the reason for rotating buildings is to provide alternating sun and shade exposure to buildings decreasing the heat load for air-conditioning and the cooling load for heating. Rotating buildings also addresses are decreasing attention span and increasing attention deficit disorders with a constantly changing visual input.
This is simply an attempt to look at the future differently.
#44 Good point. It is indeed a conceptualization of urban planning ideas but the desire to attack it’s implementation flaws is where most head to. …Usually the party of no
Disney would love to have this. Speed it up and you have one heck of a ride. Call it Earthquake city.
Where to start, first you’d need a geologically perfect location. Because any rumble would have it’s effects magnified through the structure.
Then the sheer amount of energy to move the rings would far outstretch the energy of car/train use. People tend to weigh a LOT less than hundreds of sky scrapers.
The point regarding the electricity and plumbing is a very important one. No to mention the effects of the actual rotation on the people.
But, I’m rather hoping that this is just a fun little experiment of “blue sky” thinking of the solutions to transport in a modern city. The designer turned the problem upside down, the people stay (relatively) in one place and the city moves.
If you want a more realistic interpretation, check out this video of Walt Disney’s plan for EPCOT.
Part of my loves the idea. Part of my remembers Logan’s Run.