Shelby SuperCars (SSC) is an American manufacturer of supercars founded in 1998 by Jerod Shelby. The company is known for the Ultimate Aero TT; equipped with a twin turbocharged V8 which produces 1,287bhp (960kW) this car beat the Bugatti Veyron as the world’s most powerful production car. On September 13, 2007 the Ultimate Aero was clocked at 414km/h (257mph), resulting in the title of fastest production car in the world. This record has been reclaimed by the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

SSC has developed a new car which should take the title once more.

It’s called the Tuatara, a foppish pronunciation of Twitter. Who knows why? :)

  1. GregAllen says:

    >> Gorgo said, on July 19th, 2011 at 4:11 pm
    >> My first new car was a 69 Datsun 2000. Nothing I’ve owned since has come close to the fun those cars gave me.

    I always wanted one of those Datsun 2000s. What a great car that was. I’ll bet you wish you still owned it.

  2. GregAllen says:


    Cool, you owned a Bugeye! That’s a bit of an exclusive club.

    I remember reading an interview with Donald Healey saying that the Bugeye was his favorite creation because it embodied what he hoped sports cars should be — pure fun.

  3. GregAllen says:

    If you want a good ratio of fun + cheap + reliably, I recommend a used Mazda Miata.

    They made so many of them that you can pick one up cheap.

    And, I tell you, they are great driving fun. But, unlike the old British sports cars, you can trust them enough for a long road trip.

  4. Dallas says:

    #24 Well, not sure if Toyota made the Prius intentionally fugly but I got this bad boy for a good price.
    It also hauls me around for 60mpg and carries more bags of cypress mulch than that piece of shit Shelby sold to Republicans with pinky dicks.

  5. hpbear says:

    well, i wonder what type of times it’ll turn on the “top gear” tracks in the US and the UK with the stigs behind the wheel. that’s the true test of a car.

  6. Gildersleeve says:

    All that dough and that’s the best name they could come up with? Why don’t they call it “Burn”, or “Velocious”?

  7. Fridge says:

    I think you will find the new name is a prehistoric age lizard still found in New Zealand.Maybe Reese Millen or his father are involved.The are fast kiwis living in California.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    in #17 bobbo said: I feel sorry for the kiddies. Lego cars just don’t have the torque.

    What the fuck do you think gets a Tesla to its top speed in 5 seconds while pinning your ass into the back of the seat!

    Bobbo, you’re a total waste of your father’s sperm…

  9. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Peepod you had me at “in.”

    I thought Tesla’s were high torque electric motor based cars with hundreds of little lithium batteries being the storage medium.

    I don’t think Lego’s have anything like that.

    Ha, ha. Turns out I’m wrong. Who knew there were “Master Lego Fabricators?”

    Man–if you just keep yourself open to carefully crafted opposing points of view, entirely new vistas of info open up to you:

  10. The0ne says:


    I just like cars in general. I’m an engineer but know diddly squat about the mechanics of them. I love them all though 🙂 IF I was rich, I’d buy me a nice Saleen car. I’m always a fan of quality built vehicles.

    This one with it’s shape and design appears to achieve the speed partly with its good(?) aerodynamics and g-force implementation. Would be great to see the numbers on this car. I don’t like it but having been able to achieve this goal and its appearance is very intriguing.

    Gripes, my spelling is atrocious tonight. So many corrections!

  11. cgp says:

    1000hp ??? that’s a large aeroplane engine.
    Is the design marvel that achievement.
    Ever seen a car with a merlin engine?

  12. Caleb says:

    Did they record this in a toilet bowl?

  13. Kiwi_Chris says:

    Who the hell are FOX news calling tiny island nation.
    FOX suck our $#%@$

  14. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    #40–Theone==there are so many aspects of cars, each valuable on its own, all coming together:

    1. The look/art of the car
    2. The mechanics
    3. The fun of driving it
    4. Performance, often at the cost of reliability?
    5. Ease of maintenance
    6. Utility
    7. Mileage/cost per mile

    come right to mind. As a kiddie, I wanted to go under the hood and see how everything worked. Today, I’d be happy if everything was a sealed unit–which they basically are. Damn things are so complicated now you can’t even change the oil without special tools.

    Pro’s and Con’s to all we do.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    ’round here, even the Interstates are a maximum 70 MPH. Generally though, people drive up to 9 MPH faster. Every once in a while, they get a cop in the air or overpasses to time drivers and WOW, do they get caught then !!!

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    My favorite was a ’72 Capri with a 2.6 V6. My buddy did a few tricks with the carb and distributor and that sucker got quick.

    Alas, it tangled with a ’85 Buick in ‘1986 during a snowstorm. The Buick won. My replacement ’77 Capri just wasn’t the same.

  17. chris says:

    Wow, that is AMAZING!


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