Executive Producers: Michael Zelina, Craig William Ducar, In Memorium: Sir Craig William Ducar Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
Executive Producers: Michael Zelina, Craig William Ducar, In Memorium: Sir Craig William Ducar Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
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Why the mesh net hate?
How do we know that’s not a photo-shop image of Obama in the mirror?
the only thing photoshopped on obama in this img is i put some red glow on his eyes
Sunday July 15th? Lol
#3 Good work.
At one time I wanted to visit England. Now it just comes across as being a big police state prison camp.
Murdock was going to make a big TV channel purchase and they blocked it. Other than that I don’t see the phone hacking as being that big a story. What Parliament is doing on the other hand is.
take a look at the video
I look at this weeks cover art and I think of the lyrics from Michael Jackson’s song “Man in the mirror
“…I’m Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I’m Asking Him To Change His Ways
(Change His Ways-Ooh!)
And No Message Could’ve Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make That …
(Take A Look At Yourself AndThen Make That …)
Nice work nicktherat. Love it.
the charging icon coulda been a tad smaller and the copy kinda sucks, but thanks! was another great show
Already posted this to the old article, but I gonna paste it here too anyway. The Pastafarian thing is a hoax:
since I’m not in the mood to translate the whole article, I give you a short summary:
There are in fact no religous exceptions for the pictures in driver licenses. The only criteria is that the face must be visible in full.
The exception rule for religous headgear only applies for EU-passports.
This rule says that headgear on the picture is only allowed if it has to be worn because of religous or medical reasons.
Mr Alms statement that the administration granted him the right to use the picture because of religous freedoms is not true.
Also it is not true that he “fought” 3 Years for his license. It was available for pick up at the license-office since 2009. Mr.Alm simply didn’t pick it up.
Trust me to view from the other side of the pond of America is exactly the same, Big police state with sound weapons and Government hits.
Dont believe everything Curry and Alex Jones tell you, or you’d never leave the house 🙂
Why not visit sunny (ha ha) old England and see for yourself, we’re just the same as you guys with less of a tan and a passion for casual violence. 😉
In # 5 deowll said: I don’t see the phone hacking as being that big a story.
The story is that we go to war with our governments over their trying to pull shit like this. We call them all kinds of cames and rake them over the coals for doing this kind of thing.
Lemme get this straight.
You’re going to give a pass to Rupert Murdoch for arrogating powers that we cede only grudgingly to our own governments and doing whatever the fuck he wants, to whoever the fuck he wants to, for power and profit.
Whatever dude.
Your priorities are fucked up… I just hope that its your daughter’s phone that’s hacked next by some tabloid pimp…
Hand in your I’m a Human Being card on your way out.
Re: The daughter thing, that was the worst.
For #5:
They hacked into the voicemail of a girlw ho had been murdered, at the time noone was aware she was dead, they deleted messages when the voicemail became full. Giving the parents false hope that she was still alive.
But yeah.. blocking murdoch is just unacceptable, such a lovely guy with fantastic ethics. pffft. I agree with #13, your Human Bieng card has expired and we wont be renewing it.
It would be great if all the people all worked up over the phone hacking story would be as worked up over the US citizenry being spied upon by our own government with warrantless wiretaps. Not to mention the passive reaction to the naked body scanners.
Nicktherat, I agree one of the great conceptual pieces ever done for the show.And funny on many levels. Good one!
you and adam fill my head with ideas … probably not always a good thing 😀
JOHN, darn it, have you ever gotten the two small paintings i sent you? judging by the amounts of times ive asked, the fact i sent them a month ago, and not hearing anything about it… i am sadly going to guess they were lost in the mail 🙁 *raGE* !!!
# 16 John C Dvorak
“passive reaction to the naked body scanners.”
Nothing passive about my reaction to the scanners! I get all so exited when I bare myself in-front of big burly women TSA agents!
excellent image.
FTI – What’s the possiblility of adding .jpg files to the podcast so that it becomes a slide show or a “slidecast”. It seems like the additional bandwidth would be manageable.
Damn! Should have been the Skull & Bones episode.