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Deep Fried Butter? – Really??
Yup! Yummy!
What the fuck.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Actually the deep fried butter wasn’t that bad. Not something I would want to add to my diet on a daily basis. But state fair food is not known for its culinary or health aspects. These guys go around to the state and county fairs and try and trump each other every year with some new strange deep fried food. I think the new one this year is deep fried kool-aid, must be for the tea party folks.
Ah, Home sweet home.
How I miss America!
Americans are not fat! Saying Americans are FAT is more liberal fear mongering propaganda along with their abundant lies like climate change science, evolution science and wanting more regulations on banking, oil companies, nuclear power, credit cards. When does it end? Stop restricting our abundant and rotund freedoms!
Viva la Bush!!!!!!!
Deep fried zucchini. My mom used to make it, and it was the only way I would eat zucchini. How about deep fried ice cream? Or has that been done?
Chi-Chi’s used to have Refried Ice Cream, wherein you take a very cold scoop and coat it, then flash fry it for a few seconds to me the coating crunchy.
If it ain’t fried, it ain’t done.
My heart started fluttering just reading this.
UGH! I could HEAR my arteries clogging at the thought of eating Deep Fried Butter™®©.
But if you don’t have it every friggin’ day, why not? 🙂
Its got to be better for you than eating pig slop, (sorry, corn and corn byproducts,) that every food processor is trying to force down our gullets because its cheaper than using real products.
Even Micky Dees used to be healthy once.
Then came Nixon trying to feed the soviets and Earl Butz trying to get corn into everything from pencil lead (a replacement for graphite [fail]) to gasoline (ethanol).
The food industry’s been trying to kill us ever since…
Where’s the Lipitor ad from the fair sponsor?
And you wonder why we are a fat slobs!!Who eats this crap.Oh I see two wide-glides looking at what to get lol.
SCARF EM UP, FOOLS !!! is now defunct but someone has archived the better entries.
The best ones disgust your skinny angels while appealing to your fat angels.
>> JimD
The most boring people I know have no vices.
While Portlanders tend to be food purists, the joint with some of the longest lines is Voodoo Donuts which offers things like Bacon Maple Bars.
I suspect, however, that most of the customers are visitors.
… and by visitors, I mean tourists.
What’s all this crap about “Oh, this is why Americans are so fat”? I can’t think of a single American who eats this kind of stuff on a regular basis. Oh, wait: I remember seeing a TV program interviewing the guy who first introduced fried Coke. He was pretty much a slob.
I remember once in Glasgow stopping into a “chippies” (a fish and chips joint) where you could get you fried fish or chicken or sausages or the candy bar of your choice skewered on a stick, dipped into the same batter as the fish and chicken and sausages and deep fried to a golden boiled-in-oil brown. Nope. Didn’t have one.
What I did have (and enjoyed) came from a street vendor in Belgium. Parsley. Battered, deep-fried quickly and serve din a paper cup with a sprinkle of salt. Yum.
By the way, my favorite fried food is a chicken-fried steak. And Texas fair food leaned more toward deep-fried turkey legs and funnel cakes than fried Twinkies.
Just make sure paramedics are around for the after effects.
Anyone else notice the bag assed guy in the blue shirt in the middle of the picture? Wonder if he’s trying to make a decision on what to get.
I’ve tried chocolate-covered bacon, and IMO it’s not a good combo. I love all sorts of chocolate stuff, and bacon is food from god, but the two don’t play well together.
#16 I believe it was Winston Churchill, and I paraphrase he has all of the virtues I detest and non of the vices I admire.
Or from the movie Serenity, “Do you know what your sin is?”
“aw hell I’m a fan of all seven”
#21 agreed, but deep fried bacon frakking rules when its fresh.
In #18, Animby said: I remember once in Glasgow stopping into a “chippies” (a fish and chips joint) where you could get you fried fish or chicken or sausages or the candy bar of your choice skewered on a stick, dipped into the same batter as the fish and chicken and sausages and deep fried to a golden boiled-in-oil brown. Nope. Didn’t have one.
In Glasgow you could have taken the chance. (Okay not, with a Whimpie’s burger, [which taste like deep fried sawdust, {God they were bad. Ruined Napton on the hill for me, my ex-wife and two of our friends.}])
At least you could have digested the thing (after a few hours of holding your stomach and a few more minutes of the throne having an epic, if not an orgasmic shit,) because they don’t use corn for every fuckin’ thing.
McDonald fries didn’t used to be toxic waste.
Now I walk past the one on the corner waving my cane like Joan of Arc beseeching at the English to leave France.
Oh I’m sure it is all totally organic grease, and therefore, healthy as hell.
Crisco grease balls deep fried in batter, and topped with a dollop of butter. Chocolate sprinkles on top are an extra treat. Wash it all down with a glass of pure corn syrup.
Excuse me, I have to visit the bathroom for a minute now.