Unless a laws changed its still a felony to remove the plates from a car you don’t own. That’s why police stations have to have deputizing contracts with the impound lots that store cars for them, so their employees don’t get charged when a pissed off owner cant pay to retrieve his car before the date it gets crushed. They have to remove the plates before disposal and turn them in.
At least that’s how it works here, Perhaps NY is different.
When I live in Central America, cops used to take your license plates when they wrote you a parking ticket. You got your plates back when you came to the station and paid your fine. The fine wasn’t much but it was a pain in the “pie hole exit.” (Thanks, Bobbo.)
So, one day, on a lark, I had a mechanic weld the plates on! I figured that wold stop the plates removal. And it did. I did not expect it to stop the cops from writing tickets. But it did! I guess the bureaucracy didn’t know how to handle a citation without a license plate.
I suffered a gash in my paint at Costco last week. My sister remarked she has heard of SOOOO many accidents in Costco parking lots. I immediately told her why this is so. Can anyone here guess? It is SOO obvious and true.
FAXON, Been going to Costco for years in many different states and cities and even Canada and have never suffered even a door ding. Maybe you don’t know how to park.
My wife used to work in a building where a CPA owned a Rolls Royce. He had three ‘reserved’ parking places and parked the RR in the center one. If someone dared to use one of the others , they often found their tires flat. Class act. (his firms logo also looked almost exactly like thee RR’s except one letter was a P. any guess what his ego was like)
Emptying a tube of superglue into the car’s keyhole. It’s even better if it’s an old vintage model.
Spray some cooking oil on the car’s windshield and windows. If they have a plastic coating it’s gonna blurr it so wonderfully if the owner isn’t quick enough to remove the oil stain.
I thought pissing down the side of the window into the door cavity was bad, but you all are doing major property damage.
Let’s set it on FIRE
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Oh, that’ll solve the problem of a car taking up a spot – let the air out of the tires. Sure, I can move it >now<
Unless a laws changed its still a felony to remove the plates from a car you don’t own. That’s why police stations have to have deputizing contracts with the impound lots that store cars for them, so their employees don’t get charged when a pissed off owner cant pay to retrieve his car before the date it gets crushed. They have to remove the plates before disposal and turn them in.
At least that’s how it works here, Perhaps NY is different.
John is this your driveway? C’mon, admit it, we understand, you cranky old beast.
So, buy 10 junk cars, deliver to parking lot, rinse and repeat? How would that work for you?
Doesn’t it make more sense to work together? When we devolve to threats, we have already lost.
#4 Go ahead then, you be the first.
# 4 What?, Yes Moma your right, devolving is bad.
I’ve always preferred an honest relationship. This fits the bill.
#4 Junk cars are worth money at scrap yards. They will make money and it will cost you.
When I live in Central America, cops used to take your license plates when they wrote you a parking ticket. You got your plates back when you came to the station and paid your fine. The fine wasn’t much but it was a pain in the “pie hole exit.” (Thanks, Bobbo.)
So, one day, on a lark, I had a mechanic weld the plates on! I figured that wold stop the plates removal. And it did. I did not expect it to stop the cops from writing tickets. But it did! I guess the bureaucracy didn’t know how to handle a citation without a license plate.
I suffered a gash in my paint at Costco last week. My sister remarked she has heard of SOOOO many accidents in Costco parking lots. I immediately told her why this is so. Can anyone here guess? It is SOO obvious and true.
#5 – I’m with you.
Toss the threat – just do it.
(probably less likely to get legal flareback)
FAXON, Been going to Costco for years in many different states and cities and even Canada and have never suffered even a door ding. Maybe you don’t know how to park.
My wife used to work in a building where a CPA owned a Rolls Royce. He had three ‘reserved’ parking places and parked the RR in the center one. If someone dared to use one of the others , they often found their tires flat. Class act. (his firms logo also looked almost exactly like thee RR’s except one letter was a P. any guess what his ego was like)
Tires SLASHED and Car KEYED !!!
Alternate Sign !!!
How about:
“Unauthorized cars parked here become the property of the landlord.”
All you need is a court case to make it stick….
#13 igeek,
Two vandalizing things that work wonders on cars:
Emptying a tube of superglue into the car’s keyhole. It’s even better if it’s an old vintage model.
Spray some cooking oil on the car’s windshield and windows. If they have a plastic coating it’s gonna blurr it so wonderfully if the owner isn’t quick enough to remove the oil stain.
Lots of born haters here!
With Love, Take a deep breath and remember “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.” Charlie Chaplin
+10 on the “Lots of born haters here!”
I thought pissing down the side of the window into the door cavity was bad, but you all are doing major property damage.
Let’s set it on FIRE