Found by Chris Pirillo via Twitter.

  1. …Thanks. I was blissfully unaware. Now every single time I drive past one of those, I’ll cringe.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    I take all my grammar lessons from men with long, curly hair who wear Crocs.

  3. McCullough says:

    I always get a kick out of a “Slow Kids Playing” sign.

  4. BoffotheClown says:

    Weird Al fights the good fight.

  5. noname says:

    I can see our government going crazy and arresting Weird Al for defacing public property. Some cop is waiting for an excuse to taze, grope and manhandle good ol Yankovic.

  6. sargasso_c says:

    Another fine American intellectual.

  7. Special Ed says:

    I like the Julio/Pedro crossing sign:

  8. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Here, CONTEXT controls.

    WALK is correct.

  9. UncDon says:

    Is he wearing Crocs?

    Crocs are not a fashion statement, Al.

  10. Cephus says:

    Slow Children Playing = the American Educational System

  11. noname says:


    I don’t think Al was trying to make a fashion statement, do you!

    Another sad example of someones education level; thinking Al is making a fashion statement instead of a simple astute grammar statement!

    “Is he wearing Crocs?

    Crocs are not a fashion statement, Al.”


  12. noname says:

    # 12 Taxed Enough Already Dude, why have good ol Yankovic write your song; are you lazy? Why not write it and post it here yourself?

  13. SaidThePotToTheKettle says:

    @ Taxed (Cognitively)
    Talk about someone needing a new shtick! Geesh!

    Great advice from someone who’s been singing the same one note song daily for years.

  14. AlanB says:

    Whenever I see the sign that says “Right Lane Ends” I want to pullover, pick some up and take them home to make a patio.

  15. AlanB says:

    Also, why is it every time I see a “Speed Zone Ahead” sign I have to slow down instead of speed up?

  16. Glenn E. says:

    I knew it should read “SLOWLY”. You probably knew it should read “SLOWLY”. So why don’t the guys who compose the signs, know it should read “SLOWLY”? Does it take an English degree? I blame the international signage committees, for the “dumbing down” of the English language to suit their agenda. No punctuations, no use of preposition. What are we, Lone Ranger’s Tonto? And wouldn’t a better sign read, “SLOW DOWN, MORON”. What’s with the nice “Caution” crap?


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