Executive Producers: Joe Travis, Dwayne Melacon, Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
Executive Producers: Joe Travis, Dwayne Melacon, Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to show. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. |
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Realistically, what would it take for this show to go away? If your “producers” started billing you for the time they’ve wasted on the show how big would the debt have to get before you’d stop? Dvorak: You’re a half retarded relic who hasn’t written anything relevant or useful since calculators were called “abacus”. There are those currently working in tech who would gladly pay you to stop writing. And that’s really what you want, isn’t it? Curry: You need to take your medication. The delusions that your opinions matter to anyone NOT living in 1987 are destroying your golden years. Don’t continue the charade. Your analytical abilities are not what you think they are. Stop pretending you can get it up, much less decipher our modern political climate.
A good show, and a great picture.
How about the style of poster #1 — nice and oily.. Obviously a pro, somebody paid him $33.33 to write something — he’s living the dream and just getting by – adios mofo!
The two have a tendency to go off half-cocked sometimes, but the fact that they bring things to my attention that I otherwise wouldn’t devote the time to finding on my own, and provide it in an entertaining package, makes it worth enough that I’ve subscribed through paypal for three years.
Everyone loves to moan (esp. me) but I suspect alterior motivations to your comments, John’s outlook comes from experience and having been through the boom and busts, seeing “the next big thing” come and go.
Try watching the interview with him regarding baiting Mac users for numbers and realise you have fallen victim to the wonderful madness that is JC Dvorak.