Perhaps they’ll open the movie with this classic PSA.

We’re all gonna DIE!!!!! Now if we can just get a vaccine for FUD.

  1. scandihoovian says:

    The talent they amassed for this madness is pretty astonishing considering Matt Damon narrated Inside Job. I’ll just keep taking my vitamin C with that relaxed look of office chair w/ feet on desk look though. BOO.

  2. kerpow says:

    I love the line “Someone doesn’t have to weaponize the bird flu… the birds are doing that.”

    I almost sprayed coffee on my screen. I’m predicting a War on Birds.

  3. Nolimit662 says:

    I agree with #1…..why such a blockbuster cast? They must really want to push their fear agenda!

  4. scandihoovian says:

    A Public Scare Announcement? Keep it coming McCullough, this is gold and a great laugh on a Friday.

    However, now I just realized Bryan Cranston is in this movie. For Fucking Shame.

  5. Dallas says:

    Combine air travel and Chinese eating raw chickens and monkeys and we got a problem that God didn’t account for. I welcome the chicken flu vaccines. This shit is in fact what will decimate humans some day. Intentionally or accidentally.

    Oh and nice flick!! Matt Damon, of course, is so yummy and Gweneth Paltrow is awesome.

  6. UncDon says:

    I blame the army of the Twelve Monkeys.

  7. spsffan says:

    Typical Hollywood crap. What did you expect?

  8. bobbo, high culture art critic says:

    Why watch it if Bradgalina isn’t in it?

  9. msbpodcast says:

    In # 2 kerpow said: I almost sprayed coffee on my screen.

    Well I did. 🙂


    I too loved> the line: “Someone doesn’t have to weaponize the bird flu… the birds are doing that.

    Nature’s ultimate revenge.

    Now … Go lie down on a beach near the ocean. (Can you say tsunami?)

  10. msbpodcast says:

    WTF is happening with the posting system?

    [Sticky mouse button? Fixed -ed.]

  11. Rick says:

    Pretty much every virus originates from China. Nuke the country and the rest of the world is much better off.

  12. sargasso_c says:

    Definitely Oscar worthy. Waiting for that.

  13. UncDon says:


    No, just isolate pigs and ducks in China:

  14. H1N1 Vicitm says:

    My wife got H1N1 when she was six months pregnant, ended up in the critical care unit for a week and nearly died. It was a scary fucking disease and it all happened in under 24 hours. Thankfully, she got though it, thanks to some heavy hitting drugs, and everything was OK in the end.

    I know this blog loves to make fun of the Brid Flu, Swine Flu etc.. However, these are real diseases and they affect real people, so keep that in mind.

  15. Floyd says:

    In the 70s, a month or two after I got out of the Army, I got a free immunization from the local health department for the swine flu vaccine. No side effects, and I haven’t had the flu since. I hope H1N1 is as efffective as that was.

  16. GregAllen says:

    I’m old enough to remember when the old folks still talked about the 1918 flu pandemic.

    It was not FUD. It was death on a massive scale by the H1N1 people now scoff at.

    Some of our neighbors lost all their kids.

  17. deowll says:

    #18 The flu is a killer but most cases of flu are moderate to mild. If you are old or for some other reason have a compromised immune system it can kill you. I do take the regular flu shots and some of those contained material that would have helped with H1N1.

    However it was clear very early that the CDC and WHO were fear mongering for reasons not clear.If you looked at the number of cases and numbers of deaths from the early data you of Mexico you already knew this was nothing even remotely resembling what happened in 1911. It came down to one or two deaths per thousand of reported flu cases and the Mexican authorities were saying most people stayed home and never saw a doc. I’m not sure if even 10 people died of H1N1 in the state of TN.

    The bleeper with H1N1 is if it did get nasty and you started to run a high fever you needed help fast. That is a fever is normal with most flu cases but with H1N1 running a fever meant you were critical or that’s what the publications said. I can’t actually name anybody that I know for sure had H1N1. For a while they were calling everything H1N1 and having a hissy fit.

  18. GregAllen says:


    The kind of scary thing about the last H1N1 breakout was it was more fatal in kids than adults.

    I suspect that my daughter and I both got the H1N1 in 2009 and it was definitely harder on her than me. This was very atypical. Normally she shrugs off the flu and it hits me like a locomotive. Not that time.

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Don’t you just love how Hollywood sticks up for the “under dog”. Or in this case, whatever isn’t doing as well, financially, that it needs a movie to scare or inspire people into paying for it. Whether it’s the horse racing industry (Seabiscuit, Secretariat, to name the two most recent), or Contagion, to bolster sales of the Flu vaccines (which apparently aren’t selling as well as hoped). And of course there are “CARS” and “CARS 2”. To introduce the kids to the environmentally unfriendly sport of auto racing. Which, like horse racing, might start to lose public interest, without infusing each new generation with the mania of it all. Me, I can’t see the attraction of watching cars drive in circles for hours. And possibly getting hit by a flying tire. And when some jerk starts talking about me giving up something necessary to fix Global Warming. And I get no response to them giving up auto racing, to do the same. I say screw the hypocrites and their own personal obsessions. Like having or watching bigger and faster cars, that pollute worse than anything.

  20. Glenn E. says:

    I’m sorry for anyone who gets sick. I’ve not gotten any flue for years, and not gotten any vaccines either. The military killed my trust in them. I got sick from the vaccine they insisted I had to have. And then dropped the whole program, only after a bunch of elderly civilians got serious ill from the shots. That was 1978’s Swine Flu scare.

    Since then I’ve learned that about five strains of flu circuit the world every year. And they only poor money into a vaccine for the one they “think” will most likely infect the US. What they do for the rest of the world? Who knows? But with air travel being so prevalent these days. I say it’s outmoded thinking, to believe that only one flu strain will show up in any one country. So the only one you can get, is only good for maybe 20% of what’s coming at you. And just by washing your hands, keeping your fingers out of your nose, and avoiding people who run around sick as dogs in public (movies, concerts, shops, etc.). Then you’ll probably have a better chance of defeating this year’s flues, than getting a shot for only one of them. Which could end up doing more harm than any good.

    I just wish they’d make a vaccine for the rest of us facing drivers, with cellphones glued to their faces, driving oblivious to the world around them. Now that would be a life saver!

  21. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, where are all the REAL WORLD problem movies, they don’t make? Like all the harm and death caused by recreational drug abuse? Hollywood can’t point a finger at Meth users, because why? It might upset someone?! Or how about air travel screw ups at airports, because they refuse to improve and adopt better taxing procedures. Or train foreign and domestic pilots to follow the damn rules! Or movies about how some of the industry exhausts regional pilots to the point of flying asleep. And qualifying, new airline pilots far too quickly, as captains, to meet the demands. Or tons of very real problem that aren’t addressed at all, by the Hollywood scare machine. Who’d rather make movies about Meteors hitting the earth. Or the Russians invading the US (remember “Amerika”, “Red Dawn” and “WW3”?). Yeah, let’s worry about that, and forget the real stuff that happens every damn day!! That no movies will ever touch as a subject. They completely missed the Mortgage meltdown. They did a documentary on EnRon, a couple years too late. But so far nothing on how Bernie Madoff, AIG and others screwed us. But hey, look out for those Killer Bee swarms, that never showed up.


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