Here’s the original story.

Charges against the woman who planted a vegetable garden in her front yard have been dropped, her attorney said Thursday. But other charges against Julie Bass have been resurrected for not having licenses for her two dogs — even though she took care of that issue, lawyer Solomon Radner said.

“This is really nothing other than a personal vendetta against the Basses either because somebody doesn’t like them, or because they had the nerve to fight this unjust prosecution,” said Radner, who plans to file a motion to dismiss.
“Based on the games the city has been playing, I would not put it past them to drop the charges just to get the media off their back.”

He reported Bass got licenses for her dogs after she was charged in June, and showed the paperwork to officials. Typically, cases are closed after the issue is addressed. But Radner spoke to an Oak Park city attorney colleague who informed him that the dog license charge is not dead against Bass, something he called “a very dirty move.”

Misdemeanor charges — including failure to have a dog license — typically carry a 93-day jail sentence, Radner said.

Potential 93 days for no dog license? Insanity! Littering probably gets you life! Sounds like time for a regime change in that town!

  1. Animby says:

    I don’t know if she will go to jail or not but it doesn’t matter. The mere fact that failing to obey a minor civic ordinance IS a jailable offense is simply an atrocity.

  2. Hairy German says:

    You probably ONLY get a ticket for a DUI too.

  3. BoffotheClown says:

    I have two sentient points (such as my ego informs me)to make:
    1) in this country (in practice) you are guilty until proven innocent

    2) there are such a multitude of overbearing, and overreaching, antiquated laws in this great country of ours that the moment you walk out of your house (and some might argue even before that happens) you have immediately broken 9 separate laws that the police could kick your face in for such insolence, and throw you into the slammer for at least 9 consecutive weeks.
    *Yes, I like the number 9 today for some odd reason.

  4. BoffotheClown says:

    nine is evenly divisible by three. Fancy that; an odd number being evenly divisible by it’s own factor. I hate mathematics. They are too precise.

  5. Axl says:

    Can’t be that difficult to find out who is behind this harassment. Unless this town is full of robot and these are the daredevils opposing the conformity. Maybe that is the case.. The appeal is that public wake up and start throwing shoes at their politicians!

  6. sargasso_c says:

    I think it is time for the State Department to order an audit of a particular police department’s charge book.

  7. Zybch says:

    Hang on, wasn’t 93 the number of jail-days for having a nice vegetable garden in the front yard??
    This idiotic council seem desperate to get this woman in jail for 93 days. No more, no less.
    Freaking odd.

  8. Mr Fog says:

    Hmmm. 93 days later her garden will have dried up and look like crap.

    Here’s a public nusance ticket for you. Normally, it would just be a fine but in your case –

  9. Gasbag says:

    This is starting to sound like an episode of Stephen Fry´s Kingdom 🙁

  10. Robman says:

    Nazi police state at work.

  11. ace says:

    This is a ridiculous law 93 days for no dog license! the penalty should just be a fine even a large fine but instead taxpayers now have to pay to house, feed, cloth, and guard these law breakers, how much does that cost? Probably more than a 1,000 times the dog license fee.

  12. Dallas says:

    I’m sure the city wants to get this hairball, tax dollar sucking case off their back.

    What we have is the city enforcing an ordinance found in most municipalities. Usually preventing morons and poor white trash from building shit hole projects and raising chickens on their front lawn thereby reducing property values for everyone within a 5 mile radius.

    In this case, the PWT owner elects to take on the ordinance and hire a friend attorney to get on and other worldly news organizations. The city is burdened with the case and the PWT is having a ball.

  13. Zybch says:

    #11 Ace. Remember though, that she HAS the license and has tried to present it! But this vindictive bunch of a-holes won’t accept the paperwork and are still trying to go after her.

  14. Publius says:

    #3 is correct

    Our kids are still being lied to in high school: “To serve and protect” and “innocent until proven guilty”.

    Once you get close enough to see the system, it is this:

    The more accurate description, much more accurate, is cops and judges SERVE summonses as much as possible, and protect their own.

    Furthermore, judges in the US consider citizens GUILTY when accused by government workers, UNLESS they can prove their innocence.

    It makes the judge’s work go faster, that’s one reason for it. It enriches the state, that’s the other reason for it.

  15. Publius says:

    Throw the bums OUT

  16. Animby says:

    Looks like a fun film! I love a good medical comedy.

  17. WhamaLamma says:

    I would think that malicious prosecution might be costly to the city…

    Here’s hoping!

  18. spsffan says:

    She should insist on a license for her pet fish, Eric. He’s an halibut.

    Seriously, you get some royal nitwits in local government. Oh, scratch the local, I keep forgetting about Wiener, Edwards, Nixon, G W Bush, Larry Craig, Foley, Agnew, Bill Clinton, Blagojevich, Rostenkowski, Schwartzenegger, etc.

  19. msbpodcast says:

    Your local government run amok, ir what? LOL.

    They should name the government officials.

    Hey, its their legal right to face their accusers.

  20. deowll says:

    I may be wrong but I think the state of TN imposes some sort of limit on what a municipality can do to people. The people elected to run this police state municipality are nuts. This is not a good place to live.

  21. cdbarber says:

    #4… Wouldn’t nine be oddly divisible by three… i mean well… it comes out even but isn’t that odd?

    …never mind

  22. Rick says:

    Praline: What’s that then?

    Clerk: This is a dog license with the word ‘dog’ crossed out and ‘cat’ written in, in crayon.

    Praline: Man didn’t have the right form.

    Clerk: What man?

    Praline: The man from the cat detector van.

    Clerk: The loony detector van, you mean.

    Praline: Look, it’s people like you what cause unrest.

    Clerk: What cat detector van?

    Praline: The cat detector van from the Ministry of Housinge.

    Clerk: Housinge?

    Praline: It was spelt like that on the van. I’m very observant. I never seen so many bleedin’ aerials. The man said their equipment could pinpoint a purr at four hundred yards, and Eric being such a happy cat was a piece of cake.

    Clerk: How much did you pay for this?

    Praline: Sixty quid and eight for the fruit-bat.

    Clerk: What fruit-bat?

    Praline: Eric the fruit-bat.

    Clerk: Are all your pets called Eric?

    Praline: There’s nothing so odd about that. Kemel Attaturk had an entire menagerie called Abdul.

    Clerk: No he didn’t.

    Praline: Did!

    Clerk: Didn’t!

    Praline: Did, did, did, did, did and did!

    Clerk: Oh all right.

    Praline: Spoken like a gentleman, sir. Now, are you going to give me a fish license?

    Clerk: I promise you that there is no such thing. You don’t need one.

  23. GregAllen says:

    Another OBHUBS.

    (Overblown Hyped-up Blogger Story)

  24. Pays2think says:

    Where is this place?

  25. noname says:

    She needs to setup a vegetable juice stand in her front lawn and give out free juice to her neighbors and collect legal fee donations!


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