A 30-year-old woman in Marietta, Georgia was convicted of vehicular homicide this week – and she wasn’t even driving a car. The woman was crossing the street with her three children when a driver, who had been drinking, hit and killed her four-year-old.


  1. bobbo, one true libertarian balancing all the equities says:

    More telling: the drunk driver with previous convictions for other hit and runs got 6 months. The mother gets 36 months. One can only hope terms of parole are different?

    Yep, the world turned upside down. Goes to one of my themes: that the loss of a child is punishment enough===even for Casey Anthony. Takes a Karmic frame of reference, which I don’t believe in, but the reference can still be utilized.

    What a country.

  2. dusanmal says:

    @#1 Look at who did what and who got punished for what. Drunk got punishment for drunk driving and fleeing site of accident. However (no matter how much you dislike it) by the law in Georgia (pedestrians MUST cross on marked crossing and are NOT allowed to cross wherever) mother was the person who have caused accident by behaving illegally on the road. As the person who did something wrong in traffic that ended in accident she is guilty of vehicular homocide (as much as she would be guilty of it if she was crossing street on red light and drunk driver with right of way came along).
    Yes it looks mean but Law is and must be blind.

  3. Special Ed says:

    Yeah, running over her child wasn’t punishment enough. Isn’t it weird that she gets more time than the mother(fucker) that planned and killed her child intentionally?

  4. Faxon says:

    Jaywalking killed this child, not the drinking driver.

  5. bobbo, one true libertarian balancing all the equities says:

    #2–Well now dismal, you must be cumming in your pants over the fantasy of a poor woman being prosecuted for homocide “under the law.” Law and Order man huh?

    YOU KNOW: the roots of this is the “Felony Murder Rule” where the initiating crime was “so serious” that any death or injury resulting therefrom was charged against the initial illegal actor. But it was a FELONY as related in the title of the rule. Is jaywalking a felony? Gosh, I hope not since “everyone” does it.

    But the law is supposed to met out its punishments proportionate to the heinousness of the crime. How can the third offending drunk driver not be more responsible than the mother? Even a dismal disgrace of a human being law and order man should have a concern about that one—were he not more interested in whats going on in his pants. So self interested.

    The mother is victimized by not having enough money for her own car but still raising her kiddies, probably on her own as the guy is gone, victimized again by not having any public transportation, victimized by not having properly designed safe crosswalks out in what looks like the country, victimized again by losing her child who I assume she loved, and now by the likes of dismal.

    Makes me hate the common man so much, I might start voting puke. Heh, heh. That’ll teach all these law breakers.

    Yea, verily.

  6. Jeanne says:

    #6 – All I see in your comment is name-calling, without any type of reasoned response. Care to explain why your abilities at civil discourse are so severely lacking?

  7. sargasso_c says:

    Out in six months and 1 hour later hitting a bar and a road near you.

  8. Coby says:

    Come to Canada where every trial with every stolen car and dead innocent victims always seems to end up that its the victim’s fault and with the drivers -society has wronged them
    and it all goes back to residential schools
    more money to be paid out
    when will it all end ?

  9. bobbo, one true libertarian balancing all the equities says:

    #10–PedoBreath==hah,hah. Hurting just a little bit? You have been correctly called out by a casual poster here at DU. Yes, I name call and belittle—but its the rhetorical spice on substantial criticism. You offer nothing but empty calories==no thinking at all.

    You save most of your estrogenic remarks for Dallas. I think secretly kinda likes being a foil to your stupidity. For me, its water off a ducks back. I like insults with a little class, a little word play BUT even then only when attached to something substantive. You offer neither.

    Get clever. Get funny. Get relevant. Get a dictionary. Estrogenic means nothing–its about as insightful as Alfie calling everything progressive except Alfie could be right 10-20% of the time if he could ever figure out what gets his motor running. Nothing is estrogenic on this blog except Sister Mary Handgrenade. Ha, ha. And you only have to be close with hand grenades.

    Pedro==I’ve seen you post intelligently 3-4 times. When you get criticized for your standard product, you should man up—not estrogenically ooze out.

    Ha, ha. What a dolt.

  10. foobar says:

    Read some of other news stories around this. 1/2 mile walk to the nearest cross walk. They were waiting on the median and the kid stepped off.

  11. Drive By Poster says:

    Take the drunk driver, prosecutor, the jury, and the judge (for not dismissing the charges out of hand) and let the mother run them over with a steam roller.

  12. msbpodcast says:

    He JCD, can’t we get rid of bobbo, … as he just makes noise and waste everybody’s time skipping over his insane screeds.

    Fun’s fun but this is really boring.


    This would require something a strict constructist judge is not capable of, rendering a just and fair opinion and doing some, gasp, advocating from the bench.

    He should have thrown the fuckin’ book at the drunk driver (which the guy deserved, get this god damn scum bucket off the damn streets,) but have limited the recourse the grieving parents could seek because they had been engaged in an illegal activity at the time (though the crime of jay walking rarely carries the death penalty.)

    What the fuck is wrong with people? Shit…

  13. bobbo, one true libertarian balancing all the equities says:

    Common sense would “hope” that all the facts are not presented? LIke the Mom was drunk or drugged out? Or maybe there is a specific law on the books for children hit while jaywalking with Mom?

    “There but for the grace of God go we all.”

    Hmmm. Actually, god is even worse.

    Never mind.

  14. JohnnyBGoode says:

    I blame the neocons for this. “Southern justice” reads well in the paper, being “tough on crime” has its negative side.

    You get heartless bastards on the bench who throw the book at a jaywalking family. Fuck that.

  15. Special Ed says:

    #7 – He is probably in this country illegally and when he’s not here talking out his ass he is hanging out in front of Home Depot trying to get day jobs.

  16. WmDE says:

    Where does it say the driver was drunk?

  17. Buzz Mega says:

    Georgia says you may legally cross unless BOTH ends of that block have lights or stop signs.


  18. Axl says:

    Only in America…..!!!

  19. Micromike says:

    So in Georgia anybody on the road but outside a crosswalk is fair game and can be killed by drivers with no charges if the driver doesn’t flee the scene. Blind respect for stupid laws is just stupid and no excuse for this upside down case. I have never had any reason to go to Georgia but now I have 2 good reasons NOT to go there, this dumb ass law and the stupid policy on aliens that is depriving Georgia farmers of workers to harvest their food. Because of stupidity in Georgia the whole country will enjoy higher food costs.

    Thanks Georgia.

  20. Rich says:

    Someone should fix the typo’d headline. A macabre and inappropriate idea came to mind when I read that.

  21. None of this makes any sense
    what was the non-combatant driving
    Reminds me here in Manitoba where we have a government auto insurance monopoly which over time the evil bureaucrats realized their powers of being affiliated with the police
    One poor fellow was found 51 % at fault when his car was pulled out of garage by a tow truck to be taken to the dealership and damage was done to the bumper of the new car being towed
    Only problem was that this driver was in intensive care as a patient at St Boniface hospital in Winnipeg

  22. jmayson says:

    Jaywalking killed the child? Seriously?

    Image a cruise ship with 2,000 passengers sinking and only 25 passengers surviving because there was only one life raft. Now imagine some troll saying the other 1,975 passengers died because they didn’t use a life raft.

    The fact is in most suburban locations in the US pedestrians have no choice but to “jaywalk” because there are no marked crosswalks. Jaywalking laws were written for the convenience of drivers and not for pedestrian safety. It makes me gag hearing about smug entitled drivers who think they own the road and shouldn’t have to share it with others.


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