From New Jersey:
Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr., R-Westfield, introduced legislation to the New Jersey Senate on Wednesday that makes it a crime not to report the death or disappearance of a child.
From Massachusetts:
It started with a click of the mouse. When 22News reported last week on the movement to create Caylee’s Law, an online petition had just over 200,000 signatures. As of Wednesday that number had quadrupled- over a million people pleading with lawmakers to make it a crime not to report a child missing. Now legislators are listening- and responding.
From California:
California legislators are seeking to increase the penalty for parents who fail to report their children missing in the wake of the controversial verdict handed down in the death of a young Florida girl.
It’s happening all over the country. In response to the not guilty verdict, there’s a push to make not reporting a child’s death or disappearance a crime. Good idea? Not needed? Over reaction to a specific, unusual case where the prosecution fell down on presenting enough evidence so the verdict was correct? Still needed despite that? Political grandstanding to mob outcries or a reasonable idea that should have already been law? Sound off.
With each new law, we end up with unintended consequences. We have too many laws already.
Another case of exepecting da gubment to solve e’rythang.
Just an opportunity for some public servant (snicker) to grandstand. How many of these do we have now? Legislation in reaction to emotion.
Good law. We should not allow criminal parents to merely store their ‘accidentally drowned’ child in the mulcher for 30 days to hide cause of death.
If your preteen has gone missing for 48 hours you should be required to report it to the authorities.
So, some of you would object to a law that stated that you have to report a missing child under 10 years of age and in your care, within 24 hours?
“200,000 signatures. As of Wednesday that number had quadrupled- over a million people” I reckon the reporter figured “quintupled” was beyond his reader’s comprehension?
Before we pass a law, someone should show there is a need for it. One kook in Florida should not be stimulus for a nationwide movement! If someone hasn’t reported a child missing, chances are there is foul play afoot. Let’s learn to successfully prosecute the parent on existing laws.
By the way: missing child up to what age? three years? 10 years? 15 years? That 15 year0old missing in Alabama probably just went out and married her cousin…
Except for the fact that I believe I saw that blonde bag lawyer blathering about something like this for about ten seconds on cable tv, (I forget her name), I have NO idea what this case was about. And I don’t care. It doesn’t affect me in the LEAST. You see, I don’t watch television news. Ever. Not since 911. Don’t have to in order to enjoy my life. For you who do, that’s your choice. Go ahead and clutter up your minds with the stupidity of it.
P.S. I surely love that every picture of Anthony you see now is similar to the one above. Her hair is finally down and she has a little grin on her face. Like she was just pardoned by Cotton Mather. Hah!
Can we just make it a law that everyone updates their Facebook status every 20 minutes truthfully so that in the case where someone doesn’t we can know their last known whereabouts and the authorities know where to begin the search? Certainly that would help solve a ton of missing person’s issues wouldn’t it?
#5, yes, some of us object to more useless laws. Anyone who cared about the whereabouts of their children would already report them missing.
The only kind of people who wouldn’t report a missing child would be those, like this Anthony clan, who are involved with the child’s murder and/or the coverup. Too late by then, and they aren’t particularly worried about the law in the first place if they are in on a murder.
#5, see #10
we don’t need no more stinkin’ laws.
The implication is that California already has such a law? Anyhoo, laws are meant to reflect/enforce the VALUES of society. See a problem: pass a law. In a real sense doesn’t even matter how often it will be used or even enforced. Are there “really” too many laws if they don’t apply to you? Is any LIEbertard burdened by too many laws if this law was passed? How would they be burdened?
Laws and Values.
Obviously, we need another law, or an enhancement charge whenever schlongs are mayhemed off a body and THROWN AWAY.
Values people = VALUES!!
Surely we need all kinds of new and appropriate laws. People just aren’t staying on the righteous path.
#5: Yes. Murder is already against the law. Quit letting bleach out, mouthy old hags on cable tv tell you what laws need to be on the books.
Oh, and in case some of you haven’t noticed while you’ve spent the past two fucking years glued to this media driven side show, some other trivial things are taking place. Little things like the collapse of the global economy and a metastasizing World War that is going to kill tens if not hundreds of millions. But hey, get back to your bread and circuses, fuckwits.
#15–nutball==why are you wasting your precious time here when you could be solving the international debt crisis?
At least the rest of us here are out of your way posting on the pop culture issues of the day.
C’mon Bucky–get to it.
#16: GFY
#17–butnall==goofy? That doens’t make any sense. If you can save the world, I believe you have a duty to save it. Please save us nutball–we need your divine intervention.
Or like any other deity–why not give us some vague hints on what we need to do to save ourselves? Free ourselves from the slavery of taxation? Is that your message OH NUTBALL? Or just the slavery of over regulation? OH NUTBALL—how can we tell smart regulation from one that is over?
Over here?—-Over there? OH NUTBALL PLEASE TELL US!!!
Is goofy your messiah to us? All I ever heard was that he was fuckin’ nuts. I see his connection with you. Goofy fuckin’ NUTsball. I didn’t know you were Gay NUTBALL! Why do so many people who follow you and your taxes are slavery dogma seem to hate the gay?
So many dark mysteries. I guess its good for us in some way that when we understand, we will understand NUTBALL and why fuckin’ goofy is the one true way to salvation.
Yea, NutBalls.
JCD: I’ll open the bidding…$500 to put in a user selectable system to filter out the 13 year old(S) that is(are) cluttering up the comment section of your blog. I won’t ask for a ring, or a knighthood. I just want to be able to filter out his comments until the collapse, at which point I imagine his neighbors will string him up and beat him like a pinata once there is no more law enforcement to restrain them from doing away with annoying assholes.
JCD: I suggest a fund be set up for the same system required by NutnoBalls. I don’t really know what he is “bidding” on but do assume it would cost more than $500 but he may not have more than that in GoofyBucks. I’ll contribute 5 cents to that goal because I don’t think its needed, but I like supporting any community effort.
Wah, Waaah, WAAAAHHHH—and the little NUTnoBalls ran crying all the way home. The other kiddies laughed at him when he pulled his pants down and said: “Look at MEEEEE!” Seems his family at home gives him the personal support he needs.
The public can be so cold.
Ha, ha.
A hyphen & a space
do not a dash make
overreaction is one word