How should the debt ceiling crisis be handled? What should the Congress and President do to avert what will happen on August 2nd if we default? Who should blink first? Or should neither side give in, keep the ceiling, tax levels, etc. as they are and screw the result? Do you have an alternative that neither side has proposed? Speak up!
Uncle Dave’s poll is ridiculousness x4. Three non-answers and a Joy Behar joke. Wonderful.
Serious problems require serious people. Not cutesy cracks and pretending you solved the worlds problems, aren’t I clever bullshit.
Grow up Dave.
tcc3–I can’t thank you enough for kenning my motives if not the effect. Perhaps AwwwwNimby will see this blog is not for him alone, but he is a physician, and we know what that means without having to parse.
While I know it was a typo, I thought we were in a quantum state of interaction as you gave your “Lets thinks….” the full self effacing/humorous effect that always comes to me by accident. I do take credit for my subconscious though===all the good bits.
It’s really not a political issue either way. It’s a question of weather or not you want to have a country.
No country = default on debt
God bless America = raise my taxes and pay the debt
It’s nice to know Obama is willing to throw Granny under the bus BEFORE he stops foreign aid.
#69 Foreign aid is not the same thing as debt.
#56 Good point. Want to recap your idea correctly…. “we will default and show those little dem/puke fuckers who’s boss. We’ll hunker down and see what happens but pull the plug now!”
I thought about it for 10 seconds and still siding with economist and financial market professionals on this. It seems the health of our economy is today oddly linked to world financial markets, personal wealth, stability, imports and exports and other pesky variables.
These professionals seem to think that when there’s a large building fire, it’s best to pay the firemen and put the fire out.
Dallas…remove “puke” and your recap is word-for-word what you’ll see on the Fox News comments. Thousands of times.
#72 I would imagine it’s their interpretation. Boehner I believe said this problem is Obama’s! Yup, that’s the bipartisan spirit needed in ‘negotiations’.
The Pukes know their best option to regain power is to nuke the economy. They figure they can deal with the rubble later.
One of the major points holding things up seems to be taxing the rich. I read an article this morning that reminded my of another tax on the rich (The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990) and how well that turned out.
Falling Tax Would Lift All Yachts
New York Times Published: February 07, 1992
Dims never learn.
Wondering if the United States government defaults on its debt what impact that will have on internet services and communications maintained by the federal government that we use?
Stupid PUKES are truly amazing. Idiot pukes now saying the debt ceiling doesn’t need to be raised and we can still pay all our debts and all the government checks will still go out. Rep Joe Walsh. WHAT A RETARD!!!
He should read the wiki link above.
Unthinking DOGMA. The shithead(s) actually believe these talking points.
Funny how Wallstreet is finally coming to grips with this fantasy play and recognizing a failed society “really” doesn’t do them any good. Push come to shove, the moneyed class actually do want a society to live in/spend their money in. Too bad they have SUCH short term horizons==but not as short as the Teabagging PUKES.
I feel just about like I did the morning of 911==watching a catastrophe unfold. But the Pukes are blinking right now. Will their vision improve enough to pass a bill? I would think so. A clean short term bill looks like the default to keep the bloodletting flowing. Obama would sign that.
Nothing resolved.
VOTE ALL PUKES OUT OF OFFICE—They are trying to KILL America, but they can’t do it without your vote.
#78 BTW, the correct spelling is beeatch, not beatch. OK, beeatch?
#80 Estrogenic? Sorry, I don’t speak gibberish.
Are you referring to the democratic party? What failure? All I know is the last one worked pretty darn good and this one is cleaning up the shit left over from the other party.
Just a “pro” note, according to Urban Dictionary you can spell biatch just about any way you want to. Seems Pedo and his ilk have been adding variants for quite some time. Each has its charm.
How cute, somebody got a “Word of the Day” calendar.
#83 if you stop using words you like ‘estrogenic’ maybe you can find a date on Match.com .
Estrogenic? Using words like that is how you get dates in high school.
When the hell is some idiotic group of morons going to try and storm Congress and overthrow that monument of fools? I’d even be half tempted to join a moronic group like that if I knew I could line up those Washington traitors up on a firing line with real bullets! (Hell! I can day dream can’t I?)
But that’s probably never going to happen. Not unless they get their s**t together!
But frankly, I do have some power. In fact, I even have a bullet that might solve all our problems too. It’s called a VOTE! The only thing that annoys me is that I don’t get to shoot my bullet but about once every 4 years. And that bullet usually doesn’t have much impact unless I can get others to shoot with me at the same target – or not shoot. (hint hint!)
So take my advice and be sure to fire your bullet in the right direction. Don’t listen to the sound bites or political rhetoric that might make you miss your aim. Get informed or don’t hit the firing line.