1. Chris Mac says:

    vimeo.. another hobson’s choice

  2. © says:

    if cameras took drugs …

  3. Dallas says:

    But what does it mean?

  4. AlanB says:

    so what’s the secret to see this video.

  5. faustus says:

    awesome stuff just the same

  6. bobbo, sometimes a doll is just a doll says:

    Guy–is the password “mattress?” … Well done sir.

    I can only hope my serial additions are at least informative as they will never be as entertaining as yours.

    Now, lets see if I can find any addenda by searching the www. I’m sure there is something that will relate to humor, information, time lapse photography, or mattresses?

  7. sargasso_c says:

    It looks cold.

  8. mharry860 says:

    Nice relief from the buffoonery in D.C.

  9. Great American says:

    Great vid mofo! Prettier than Tejas according to Rick.


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