“I think Iceland can be a test tube to try out progressive things because we are a small country and we don’t have a massive lobby for tobacco,” said Thorarinn Gudnason, a cardiologist at Landspitali University Hospital in Rejkyavik. ”We are taking care of people who are dying of this disease in their 40s and we’re fed up with it.”
Iceland’s smoking rate is already one of the lowest in Europe. Just 15 per cent of the population lights up compared to an average of 31 per cent across the continent. However, the story among young Icelanders is more worrisome: 20 per cent of children and teenagers smoke. Dr. Gudnason hopes the new plan will dramatically reduce that figure and cut overall smoking rates to less than 10 per cent…
Tobacco and nicotine would be classified as addictive drugs and second-hand smoke would be treated and controlled like other carcinogenic substances. Lighting up in public places such as parks and in cars with children would be outlawed.
Eventually, smokers who are unable to kick the habit through treatment and various addiction programs — or those smokers who simply refuse to quit — may get a prescription for tobacco from their doctors. Once cigarettes become available only through physicians, the price will go down again — as it would be unfair to tax those unable to quit supporters of the plan say.
“Tobacco is very addictive and we would recognize them as addicts,” said Ms. Fridleifsdottir.
Bravo! It would force a lot of people with lazy personal ethics to confront a personal problem. They can still maintain their addiction if they wish.
Saving their lives is a side effect.
JCD: You’re seriously passing up on some easy money not offering a bozo filter. You wouldn’t even have to butcher my name on NA to get it 😉
This is great! Iceland is coming along so nicely as the new model for world control. No government can be too big. Apparently that was were the USSR went wrong, it just didnt have ENOUGH government. We better follow california’s lead and get right on that. Maybe they can even come into my house and make sure that I had the right breakfast. Dont forget your vaccinations!
Yeah. Let’s create yet another black market. You’ve already made tobacco so expensive I just buy it from truck hijackers.
Oh, wait. Hijacking is a job, right? So the government finally IS creating a few jobs. Never mind.