I think the time to address this is now…..but, I won’t hold my breath.
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You know we’ll see some weird stuff on eBay.
I’m sure I read that most of this stuff would be joining the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
In any case, it’s doubtful any of the flotsam would be radioactive. Any brief exposure to “fallout” would have washed off long ago.
Clearly a case of FUD.
However, when it hits our shores, I think we should impose an import tax.
I call BS.. #2 has it right.
It is headed for the middle of the Pacific. It it will take a while to get there.And yes, on the way past North America since it is a clockwise loop. I doubt we will have radioactive anything wash up on our beaches.
There’s no way radioactive trash will wash up in California because I said so.
“I think the time to address this is now…..but, I won’t hold my breath.” /// We will address this issue as we always have: ignore it.
The image in my mind is that the ocean is sitting there like that lake in Africa. Going alone just fine, beautiful, feeding the people around it…..then…..it upchucks a cloud of toxic gas that is constantly building up in its nether regions. I don’t think the ocean is going to belch gas, but its going to stop feeding the people around it.
Imagine: all our food being grown in buildings. No soil. No ocean. Organically grown carbon forms in a tube is the only thing that is going to save us. Tastes good too!
The future is so bright……
Radioactive Rotting Bodies.
That’s the name of a band I was in around 1983.
“…I gotta wear shades. ”
Why are we worrying about this?
Instead, how about wondering about food that’s never been anywhere near any real dirt.
Just grow your own vegetables in your back yard. Done that, very satisfying to grow them and they taste good too.
To add to #2, most of this debris was already washed out to sea before the reactor melted down.
Haven’t you people been watching Japanese movies?
They’ll come ashore as giant, mutant, radioactive zombies.
Beach combing bonanzai!
You never know, some of those old red Fiestaware dinner sets, or a few glow in the dark wristwatches could wash ashore. Personally I think I would be more afraid of the mantles in my old Coleman lantern though.
Back when it happened they said that the shoes of some of the dead that were washed out to sea will float once the rest of the body is gone so the beach combers should be sure and check any shoes to see if they have a foot inside and contact the authorities if they do.
In # 6 Olo Baggins of Bywater said: Radioactive Rotting Bodies.
That’s the name of a band I was in around 1983.
Prove it.
That is a seriously cool name for a band.
Back in my Punk/Nihilist phase (about the same time) I was writing “topical” lyrics for a couple of punk bands in Montréal, one of which was “Captain Cadaver“. (I had stuff about Chapais [which means nothing unless you’re into disasters in Quebec,] and the trials and tribulations of altar boys in La Belle Province [this one even grossed out the punk rockers, who called me “fuckin’ twisted” and refused to play the song… :-])
By the way, we’re as likely to find one of those 15,000+ bodies washing up on out shores as we were to find one of the 100K+ bodies from the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of 2004 washing up on our shores.
And the feet that had been washing up on the Olympic peninsula in Washington state were identified as belonging to a cemetery that got floded.
California lets in all sorts of “trash” already. What’s the big deal with a bit more?
# 7 Floyd said, “Just grow your own vegetables in your back yard. Done that, very satisfying”
I found it frustrating. Too damn many zucchini!
# 15 msbpodcast said, “feet that had been washing up on the Olympic peninsula … belonging to a cemetery that got [flooded].”
Hmmm. Did every body in that graveyard get buried in running shoes? Not me, fellas. If my family is reading this – when my time comes I wanna be buried in a nice comfy pair of well-worn moccasins. Maybe with asbestos soles just in case Alfie is right.
So in two years, Admiral Ackbar of the US Navy Seventh Fleet will say, “It’s a trap!”.
Maybe with asbestos soles just in case Alfie is right.
Alphie is right. Far right. Way way far right.
msb…lol I made that up. I was in a band then, but have no memory of its name.
Dibs on the good stuff.
>> Floyd said, on July 10th, 2011 at 12:18 pm
>> Instead, how about wondering about food that’s never been anywhere near any real dirt.
Shellfish, especially. We have poisonous “red tides” here in the northwest and shellfish hold that poison after the tide is over.
Maybe radiation is completely different, but maybe not.
Here on the Oregon beaches, we do get Japanese garbage but it’s not massive amounts. (We also get trash from Russia.)
I guess I can’t say where the little bits of random stuff comes from — but it’s not like the beaches are covered with it.
So, if we start getting lots of junk from Japan — it will surely be from the tsunami. From what I gather, a whole ton-o-crap got washed out to sea.
Cool, free shit from Japan.
Seems to me the fish will get most of it?
>> jescott418 said, on July 11th, 2011 at 12:47 pm
>> Seems to me the fish will get most of it?
Did you see the video? There are houses and vehicles floating in that mess.
Great. More shoes with feet in them washing up on the shores of the Pacific Northwest. Gotta collect them all!
#17…To answer your question “Did every body in that graveyard get buried in running shoes?”
No. But those who did ended up with little “life vests” on their feet. Those who were buried barefoot, or with leather shoes, had nothing that would float.
The foot broke away from the leg, as expected. However, the foot, being stuffed inside a floating rubber shoe, stayed there.
So the question is not “buried in running shoes”. The question is “buried in indestructible form fitting plastic container that floats.”
Animby: if you have neighbors that garden, find out what they’re doing right.
Example: when I tried to grow squash in New Mexico (easy to grow in the Midwest), my first try yielded lots of squash bugs. The next try was cherry tomatoes, garlic, and leaf lettuce, which came out great. We kept this up while we bought a house that could protect the plants from the heat.
I live in an apartment complex right now, and haven’t been attempting to garden other than a few roses, though others in the complex are growing vegetables. Maybe later.
Floyd – Nah. I live in northern Thailand these days. Lots of my friends have small gardens where they grow chilies or squash and many of them have a banana tree or two, and a couple of have mangoes or coconuts. But my zucchini story referred t when I had a large garden on my land in Arizona. Never had much of a problem with bugs. My wife always planted onions and other aromatics all around the other plants. In any event, if you want me to ask them for tips on growing bananas, let me know.