Indian health officials have taken an unusual step to slow the nation’s birth rate – offering prizes that include a car in return for being sterilised.

One lucky man or woman can win a free Tata Nano in exchange for ending their fertility.

The first person to volunteer for sterilisation in Jhunjhunu, west of New Delhi, will be given a Nano, the world’s cheapest car, with other prizes including motorcycles, televisions and food blenders…

Reports also suggest that those volunteering to give away their baby-making ability will be paid a cash incentive of Rs1000, and Rs200 to those who urged them to go under the knife.

The move comes as India tries to control its rapidly growing population, which a recent census estimating it at more than 1.21 billion people.

Times change. When I got my vasectomy as a young man in a very Catholic state, the surgery had to be “underground” because it was illegal. As was the sale of contraceptives.

My urologist had me swear I’d say I had it done in Rhode Island. :)

Thanks, Honeyman

  1. McCullough says:

    10 minutes in that piece of crap would probably make you sterile anyway.

  2. Special Ed says:

    I had my vasectomy done in a lumber yard.

  3. MikeN says:

    Better than the forced sterilisations they were doing before. Still, the fertility rate is declining there, so overpopulation is not a long-term problem for them.

    Even funnier is that China had a declining fertility rate, until they instituted their one-child policy, and then the fertility rate stayed where it was.

  4. Steve S says:

    That’s a big step up from the transistor radio they used to offer for getting a vasectomy .

  5. sargasso_c says:

    Old people like to openly discuss their operations. Don’t ever raise the subject in polite conversation, they’ll be flashing you their postop photographs.

  6. bobbo, how irrelevant can the rich be says:

    I like it. As stated: “Better than a scooter.” The “choices” in the USA should be openned up. I’d like one of those compressed air cars too. My driving is all short distance and local. Easy to rent a car for the longer hauls. Where is my choice????

  7. Gildersleeve says:

    Whoa – I hope your’re talking about choice in modes of transport and not choices of goodies for getting a vasectomy!

    Yes I would like to have a cheap small car for the daily run to work – all I want is a comfortable seat, a roof over my head and a reliable heater. Automatic tranny would be nice too. And I’m 6’4″ so please don’t skimp out on headroom / legroom issue.

  8. ROB WEST says:

    I always thought when you renew your drivers license, where they ask if you would like to be an organ donor, if they offered you a $500 check, most people would sign up.


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