It’s summertime, so let’s harvest some locally-grown, organic outrage. A Michigan woman is facing up to 93 days in jail for planting a vegetable garden in her own front yard.

This stuff writes itself.

Found by Aaron Fown

  1. deowll says:

    I like it. I like to grow a few veggies myself. Let me guess the zoning board won’t let people grow veggies.

  2. Big Sue says:

    Michigan with their new republican regime have become the nazi’s of the west.

  3. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    I have to think she researched how to grow plants by accessing the internet. We need to appropriate fund the Secret Service to stop these outbreaks of “Home Grown” terrorists.

    It is fun to see how much food you can grow in what looks like a more “standard” lawn. The thing with plants is if you dont like it, its easy to change. I can see neighbors “not liking” her current interest but why not leave people alone?

    FREEEEEDOM: other people doing what you don’t like.

  4. Daniel says:

    Actually bobbo, from the article it sounds like the neighbors didn’t have an issue with it. It was the city who didn’t think it “fit” with whatever everybody else had.

  5. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Daniel–be careful. You could have posted you like food plants as landscaping too, but you chose to be disagreeable.

    Or would you say informative?

    Heh, heh.

    I was speaking generically, but what are the city authorities but our neighbors, if not our families?

    Carrots make a fine driveway liner.

  6. chuck says:

    wow, she’d get less jail time if she’d simply murdered one of her kids.

  7. Derek says:

    I guess so much for the property owner’s rights.

  8. Breetai says:

    Fuck You Monsanto

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    You can thank the Hank Hills who think a backyard should be nothing but a carpet of grass.

  10. Skeptic says:

    Actually, that’s not a complimentary picture. A lot more info and better picture at this link. The garden doesn’t cover her whole front yard and looks ok from the road. It looks like she could use some organic fertilizer though.

  11. msbpodcast says:

    Some damn fool is going to be embarrassed in ten years when everybody’s forced to turn their dying water consuming grass lawns (which serve no fucking purpose whatsoever) into gardenscape to try to feed their families because Earl Butz agrarian reform fails and food prices skyrocket after RoundUp Ready seeds are found to cause cancer or birth defects or some form of ecological disaster, or plain stop being efective.

  12. Our garden here is doing wonderful! It hasn’t produced any vegetables yet however.

  13. seetheblacksun says:

    But she was sowing the seeds of recovery. You blew it Michigan!

  14. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Some Home and Garden show about an average house/yard in Los Angeles somewhere had front, back and side yards completely planted in veggies. A bit hard to believe ((In fact I don’t)) but I think he claimed to grow all the food he needed to eat.

    Don’t get me wrong–I like potatoes, but its not easy to grow rice. I guess you could.

    I think anyone that has found an interest they can lose themselves into is quite admirable/lucky. I seem to need more variety. Never enough expertise to really know what I’m doing==then off to the next project. Maybe I am consumed by just that?

  15. Raydog1677 says:

    You gotta admit it looks likes shit….I wouldn’t want it on my block.

  16. Animby says:

    # 6 chuck said, “less jail time if she’d simply murdered one of her kids.”

    I’d think dead babies would make an excellent organic fertilizer…

    # 15 bobbo, “its not easy to grow rice. I guess you could.”

    I know a guy down the road a piece who has a rice paddy in his front yard. And about 20 acres in the back, too.

  17. Rick says:

    During WWII the government encouraged home gardens for growing food, and Obama’s wife revived the White House vegetable garden.

    What the heck is wrong with Michigan?

  18. Lou says:

    Everyone is going to jail in the P state that is, the new USA.

  19. andycatus says:

    Anyone over the age of five who uses the word “veggies” in place of “vegetables” should go to jail.

    And while we are here, taze anyone who uses “legos” instead of “Lego”.
    Thank you.

  20. First Obama stops all economic growth
    How quaint
    Shut down coal ( dirty)
    Shut down oil
    etc etc
    regulations to waste our time
    Yet he flies around like Air Force One was his toy
    Michelle to South Africa
    Now they won’t even grow food
    What is next when water utilities are too expensive
    No outhouses allowed ?

  21. Axl says:

    Jeeezzz…. only in America!

  22. Paul Revere says:

    It’s almost here…..

  23. Dallas says:

    Good government regulation to have to protect neighboring property values. That shit belongs in a farm.

  24. Animby says:

    Dallas? YOU belong on a farm.

    A funny one.

  25. noname says:

    I guess our Declaration of Independence “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” and our Constitution 5th Amendment protections to our “life, liberty, or property,”; that we cannot be deprived of any of them without due process of law MEANS NOTHING TO OUR GOVERNMENT.

    I guess both Declaration of Independence and Constitution are just inconvenient truths to our Government and they can ignore them as they please.

  26. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #23, Alphie

    Your underwear is showing.

  27. TheMAXX says:

    Looks about a million times better than the standard “green parking lot” look of most lawns. I guess they don’t like their neighborhoods to attract people and their families.

  28. f_w says:

    The world of the free as we know it.

  29. GregAllen says:

    I think lots of cities and condo agreements have rules against front-yard farming.

    Was she ignorant of the rules?

    Even so, jail time is ridiculous.

  30. GregAllen says:

    >> pedro said, on July 8th, 2011 at 9:37 pm
    >> Damned! That woman should have made those things on the backyard. Butt-ugly house to drive by with that on front.

    Portland allows front-yard farming and I support that law in the spirit of individual liberty.

    But it does make the neighborhood look junky.


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