1. Mac Guy says:

    That’s actually how I dispose of hard drives. High-powered rifles or shotguns with a 12 gauge rifled slug.

  2. The sisters here at the convent are much better shots than these assholes. I guess they should have called them Slo-Mo-Fos.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    I don’t think much of the head banger music but I had felt that way about my old LinkSys wireless router.

    I actually resigned from one job for which I had to wear a pager (remember those god-awful things,) and took the miserable cock-sucking nagging fucker that had robbed me of my sleep for one too many nights nursemaiding lousy month-end reports, set it up on a fence post and cut loose with a over-under double barreled .20 gauge.

    The recoil damn near took my arm/shoulder off. I was sore as shit and couldn’t hear too good out of one ear for a couple of days, but I felt good.

    (I had already found another job. 🙂

  4. ± ; political parties are for people who need to be told what to think says:

    Guns are cool indeed, but value per time spent watching compared to what the values of what it could have been, this barely gets a C-. Don’t watch it unless you don’t know what a gun is.

  5. Buzz Mega says:

    Production Values:

    Music: A good solid 3. On a scale of 27.

    Video: A good solid 3.5. On a scale of 51.

    Editing: A good solid 3.62 on a scale of 70.

    Concept: A good solid 3 on a scale of 100.

    Story telling: A good solid 3 on a scale of 145.

    Verisimilitude: A good solid 3 on a scale of from here to eternity.

    If this is the best an NRA member can come up with, our second amendment rights are in Big Trouble.

  6. Buzz Mega says:

    and the lighting was remedial.

  7. admfubar says:

    uhm the Spike and Mike Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation had a great intro with some slow mo gun shooting that would put this to shame.. especially the bikini wearing gun fairy making her deliver to Mike.. 😀 pity there isnt a youtub posting for it.

  8. JD says:

    #1 Mac Guy
    That is how I dispose of drives too, but WD makes a tough drive. Here is a pic of one that took a direct hit from my .45 1911.

    I guess the center of the spindle is the strongest part.


  9. Uncle Dave says:

    From Tarantino’s film, Jackie Brown.

  10. Animby says:

    Redneck Recycling.

    Boring video, annoying music. Mediocre slo-mo.

    Could be improved by having Sister Mary and her sisters be the shooters. Or some bikini babes.

    For shooting slo-mo there’s a game show on cable called Top Shot. I download episodes when I run across them. I don’t care about the game but watching bullets leave the muzzle or striking the targets. Sadly they choose not to feature marksnuns nor bikini babes. -sigh-

  11. HabboX says:

    Pretty basic slo-mo, looks like it was shot at the typical 30 fps and slowed down in editing. Try watching bullets at 1 million FPS!

  12. CountSmackula says:

    HabboX FTW!

  13. Mac Guy says:

    #8 – JD, I wouldn’t use a .45 ACP on a drive. It’s a fat round and is too slow. I’ve see the same results from a .45 round, and have only had one round actually penetrate the outer casing (still didn’t go all the way through). Even 9mm and .40 S&W, which are slimmer, hotter rounds, have the tendency to get stopped by a drive’s casing.

    That’s when I decided to switch to high-powered rifles only.

  14. Dallas says:

    #2 You crack me up!

  15. McCullough says:

    Thanks Uncle Dave, now I have another audio track for those once a day obnoxious credit card telemarketers. Press 9 to speak to a representative, put the mic on the speaker, turn it up to eleven. Rinse and repeat……

  16. John E. Quantum says:

    #14 After hitting the drive with the .45, did it still work? Would Spinrite save it?

  17. brian says:


  18. Be Afraid, Very Afraid says:

    This video appears to reinfore that open wound that there are too many guns in the hands of mindless sheep.

    In almost every clip (excuse the puns)- there are glaring safety issues, along with painfully inferior targetting and firing skils of most participants.

    At the very least – shooters MUST go for a re-test every two years before renewing their shooters licene / permit to carry. If those skill failures are identified in public forums like this – the retest shod be immediate before their firearms are returned from impound.

    I have and love guns and hopefully the skills to enjoy them as a job, hobby & sport, but this is really is pron of the worst kind.

  19. deowll says:

    They shot Taz!

    Okay, I’m partial to the Ak-47 but on full auto its recoil means you spray and pray and you aren’t apt to hit a barn door at any distance. Something was really wonky when the babe fired one and the barrel didn’t rise.

    They aren’t tack drivers on semi auto either but they are about the most dependable gun ever made and the round has excellent stopping power.

    For personal defense inside the home a shot gun loaded with bird shot gets the job done without killing the neighbors.

  20. Rich says:

    I don’t know who they think they are kidding. NOTHING can kill a D-Link router.

  21. GregAllen says:

    If people accuse me of hyperbole when I say America has a gun fetish, I’ll send them the link to this video.

  22. WanKhairil says:


  23. Voice from above says:


    Meh indeed.


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