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Looks like something out of a SF movie.
My sinuses started closing up just watching that clip.
I’d seen dust storm like that on the Arabian peninsula. If you leave a window open, even a crack, you literally get sand drifts in your house.
Drove through it yesterday on the way home to Maricopa. It was…interesting. Far more intense than the haboob we had three or four years ago. 85 mph winds recorded at on point.
I recall a population health study which correlated increased cancer in arid urban areas that are subject to regular dust storms. Must find that.
Did anybody survive?
If they sprayed the desert with oil, that wouldn’t happen.
Put me in mind of some dust storms in Australia.
This is sandblasting grit.
Given enough time and wind, it will take your car down to the metal and frost your windows unless you’ve got an indoor garage.
It’s a dry dust.
The forest fires in Arizona and New Mexico were worse. Ash, dust and smoke.
Nice video. If I had a truckload of air filters, I know where I’d sell them — Phoenix.
My pool looks like coffee. Today the cleanup begins
#7 an indoor garage? as opposed to an outdoor one?
i’ll take living in the great lakes region over other parts of the country. we have so little extreme weather or natural disasters. and we have 1/5 of the worlds fresh waters supply… >:D
Mr Windows,
Can you give us more specifics? Anything would be great. Just wanna know how it’s like good or bad. Thanks.
I used to live in Michigan City IN.
Weatherwise, you’re forgetting about things like the Great Lakes in the winter (The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald), various other maritime disasters, and the admittedly rare waterspout or small tornado.
There is the three week period in southern Lake Michigan when the lake is actually warm enough (I’ll guess 40 degrees F) for people to briefly go swimming in the lake.
I can also tell you about briefly (that word again) swimming in Lake Superior during a backpacking trip to Isle Royale. Beautiful trip, but Superior is even colder than the rest of the Great Lakes.
…currently sitting about 200 yards from southern Lake Michigan as I type…
I’ll take this weather any day over the crap many of you have to put up with. Today it’s 80F, the humidity is low, and the sun is shining. More of the same all week, with an occasional t-storm.
Plenty of people in the big lake today, but the real fun is on the inland lakes, which are just about perfect right now.
Don’t move here, it sucks. It’s awful bad nasty. I already have enough neighbors. lol
Olo, I can remember days like you’re describing. Still, there are lots of lakes in that area, and a lot of Chicagoans on the weekends.
The only things I really miss about that area are Red Haven peaches, and beers at Redamak’s. A hobbit would like Redamak’s…
Don’t forget Utz and Blatz.
“Opposite” SF story would be great. Dust storm comes, and when it settles, a complete city has been deposited.
# 6 Skeptic said,
“If they sprayed the desert with oil, that wouldn’t happen.”
Oil coating sounds like a job for Super BP.
I was in the middle of the dust storm living/driving. Been here in Phoenix over a decade. It was a big dust storm but not a bad one. In past years I’ve been in storms so thick you can’t see tail lights one car length ahead of you, storms you can taste and the grit is in your mouth, and dust storms joined with the right amount of rain so you have messy dried mud on everything the next day. This storm was more creepy than bad. Visibility for me driving was about 700ft for structures and 1000 for lights. It was a fine dirt not sandy.
Now, the next afternoon, in my development we have a light coating on everything, one large broken tree and murky pools. No big deal.
The monsoon thunderstorms about to start are worse and they usually don’t do damage. Every spot on the globe has their weird weather. I hate cold and I don’t have to turn the heat on most years. No snow, let alone shoveling. No raking leaves. No cleaning gutters. 7-8 nice months and 4-5 with the AC on. Also, light clothes instead of layers rock, especially on the ladies. I’ll take Phoenix over the Great Lakes every day.
PLEASE, We get 3 or 4 of this type storm a year big deal……
To each their own. I don’t like temperatures below 0 and I don’t like inhaling dust so I guess I stay here in TN.
Home, sweet, home. How I miss Phoenix.
I was visiting a salt-lake oasis in NW Egypt (i.e. the Sahara desert) when a storm like this blew in. The Bedouins gave me a scarf to cover my mouth and nose with and we hunkered down on the lee of our unperturbed camels. Lasted about 45 minutes after which there wasn’t a crevice on my body not filled in in with sand! When I got back to Cairo, I needed new glasses because the sand had pitted my lenses.
God is Good.
Praise Allah!
Doesn’t this mean “by definition” there is bad or no soil management going on somewhere up wind?
Just saw Michael Pollan on Great Conversations talking about how much more complex and “wonderful” organic farming is: it rebuilds and creates more soil as it goes along.
Yes, that right–indoor hydroponics is in all our futures.
# 25 bobbo, “Doesn’t this mean “by definition” there is bad or no soil management going on somewhere up wind?”
No, it just means we’ve still got dusty and sandy mountains and deserts in central Arizona. If you want to send more water our way, I’m sure we’d all be happy to make more arable land.
BTW – here in SE Asia, hydroponics are big business.
The only thing different about this storm other than those in the past is how many people were time lapse recording it this time.