Didn’t say innocent, which is a completely different thing. On the other hand, despite the bizarre nature of it all, there was no hard evidence of 1st degree murder or even if it was or wasn’t an accident. Only stupidity. Or cleverness to be able to not be found guilty.

Now this is interesting, or something.

Found by Gasparrini

  1. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Great artwork!

  2. dusanmal says:

    Indisputable by evidence:
    -Child last known to be in custody of the parent.
    -Something happened (irrelevant what, accident, murder by parent, murder by someone else) that ended in dead child.
    -Parent have not taken any action to get assistance from emergency services after whatever have happened did happen hence not offering complete and required help to the child who was in her charge.

    Clear evidence of crime. Jury just on this trivial set of well known facts must have made her guilty of both child abuse (If your child is dying or appear dead to you and you do not offer maximum possible and obvious assistance – it is abuse) and at least manslaughter (we know that child in her custody was alive, than dead and no help was requested by her).

    Rest of evidence is than open for reasonable doubt discussion of murder or not.

  3. chris says:


    “Clear evidence of crime.”

    But not of 1st degree murder. More of a loss by the prosecution than a win by the defense.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    The Prosecutor screwed the pooch on that one.

  5. nauc says:

    Thats awesome! Dexter RULES!

  6. Micromike says:

    Now even poor white people can get away with murder.

    Bad prosecution is an understatement, this stinks to high heaven.

    No wonder, with our president eschewing due process and sending out hit teams instead, justice is nothing but a joke in America.

  7. Ryan says:

    “Didn’t say innocent, which is a completely different thing”

    Under the law, she is innocent. In the US you have the presumption of innocence. You are innocent until proven otherwise. Since she isn’t guilty, under the law, she is innocence.

  8. Guys, now would be a good time to hit on her. If she got pregnant and you ended up paying child support, you’d only have to pay for ~2 years.

  9. Dallas says:

    Well we did nab that one negro teen for placing a blow up doll in a highschool

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #2–dismal==great example of mob mentality: Hang her, she did something we don’t like so she’s guilty. Unthinking.

    The “crime” she is guilty of is not on the books: failure to report the death of someone you have charge over. Reminds me of when murder was defined as killing a human being and the first few cases of boy friends getting away with murder when they kicked the shit out of their pregnant girlfriends killing the fetus: no crime. It wasn’t on the books. Now it is.

    But like the high crimes of the financial industry, the needed laws will not be put back on the books, and the laws that are will continue to be ignored. Too bad the financial crimes don’t get 1/10th the coverage of Anthony.

    To Anthony–I am pulled towards the “logic” of “abortion is murder.” I agree. By such logic, I don’t much care when parents kill their 2 year old kiddies—who cares? Its their property to do with as they wish, just as if they were unborn fetuses.

    But I am not in favor of abuse. Whipping the same two year old with wire clothes hangers: jail them. You can kill but not torture. Same with abusing drugs while pregnant: You can kill it, but don’t damage/torture the kiddie in utero.

    Morals and logic. Still room for disagreement.

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    I was shocked about the verdict. But after thinking about it, with only circumstantial evidence, no matter how she acted while her daughter was missing, the jury must error on the side of the accused. Justice isn’t always fair.

    Go get her Dexter!

  12. The Pirate says:

    The profit Nancy Grace makes by exploiting a childs’ death will only be surpassed by Casey Anthony’s own book of lies soon to be published.

    Or maybe not. Nancy is queen of the child exploitation dollar.

    Can you tell I despise Nancy Grace and all she stands for? Good.

  13. Dallas says:

    #12 I agree you there. Nancy Grace is a notch more annoying than Bill Oh’Really

  14. The Pirate says:

    Responsible Journalism – Jeffery Toobin

    “The prosecutors committed a cardinal sin: They overcharged and they paid the price. The defense went to the jury with a much more plausible story — that Caylee died accidentally and Anthony’s cover-up spun out of control. It’s not a story that reflects well at all on Anthony as a human being or a mother — but not one that calls out for execution either.”

    Irresponsible Hate Journalism – Nancy “Filthy Dead Child Profiteer” Grace*

    “I’m Judge, Jury, and Executioner in the court of public opinion. I am anti-American judicial system because I don’t believe in due process or the rule of law. It’s all about ratings and my bank account! Love me, hate me, I don’t care. I make millions off of dead children and you don’t – neener neener.”*

    *Note – The above are statements of my opinion and meant as satire.

    Sue that bitch. 🙂

  15. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #14–pirate==Gee, I thought your statements regarding Toobin were quite worthy read without sarcasm. Actually, same with Grace.

    I watched Grace for about 30 minutes once. Your description was on full display. No sarcasm at all.

    The idea of “over charging” the defendant was crowed as a good idea for getting a “pro prosecution death qualified jury.” Lesser and included charges were also rejected.

    Look just a little bit deeper at the legal system itself that well publicized trials usually allow. Was there evidence that in a “just system” would have allowed conviction of first degree murder? If so, then fine–let the jury err on the side of not guilty. BUT if in fact there was NO EVIDENCE AT ALL as to circumstances of death–ie accident or murder, or even who “did” it if doing was done, then I say there is displayed a big problem with our justice system: the Judge should have taken the murder charges off the docket. It is a “legal standard” that judges are supposed to rule upon to keep idiots like dismal from making the emotional responses they too often do.

    Something is ROTTEN AT THE CORE in our legal system: its JUDGES NOT DOING THEIR JOBS.

    You see it all the time: no circumstantial evidence to link the defendant to the crime. He said vs she said? Should be an issue of law–not group prejudice. Conviction by jail snitches?===really?

    The standard is BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. Judges should do their jobs.

  16. So what says:

    I didn’t watch, and I don’t care. Why was this one case singled out? How many other kids died in the intervening three years? Where is the outrage at those? Where is CNN, and nancy (the harpy) grace? Where are the morning shows pounding the airwaves incessantly? Oh wait this one had a face book page, she’s white, cute, and from a suburban neighborhood. Never mind.

  17. llsee says:

    Acting like a dick is not a crime in this country. If it was, Charlie Sheen, Nancy Grace and Glenn Beck would all be in jail, along with a host of others. Someone should have explained that to the prosecution in this trial, because that was their whole case!

    I agree that there is a problem in our criminal justice system, but I won’t lay it on judges. In this case, the police and the DA share the blame. They should never have brought this to trial without any evidence. I think the only reason they pushed this case to trial was because they felt guilty about their lack of interest early on. Either that or they were just plain lazy! So instead of developing evidence, they decided that if they could make people dislike Casey enough, they would convict her.

    But good lord, when your own coroner or M/E won’t or can’t determine a cause of death, how could any reasonable jury find first degree murder?

    I don’t know if Casey killed her daughter or not, but thanks to the poor performance of the police and DA, they can never charge her with it again!

  18. The Pirate says:

    Don’t even get me started on the Police and the Prosecutor. Both failed tremendously and should be ashamed of themselves. Death penalty grandstanding bit them in the ass and hence their failure. Caylee Marie Anthony deserves far better.

    Seeing the Prosecutor on The Today Show less than 24 hours after the verdict was read tells me volumes about what his priorities are. Look for a book from him soon ala’ Marcia Clark attempting to rewrite history and make a buck.

    Another dead child profiteer.

  19. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #17–Ilsee==you say: “I agree that there is a problem in our criminal justice system, but I won’t lay it on judges. In this case, the police and the DA share the blame.” //// The main if not only control over DA’s is judges. going down the chain, again Judges and DA’s are supposed to control the police.

    Judges are at the top of the pyramid. I could even argue that the police and the DA’s should be “zealous” in prosecuting people ((((but NOT ACTUALLY TRUE FOR DA’S–just works out that all too often==see appeals.)))) but judges are there to zealously apply the law. The law about evidence/charges meeting a threshold of legal sufficiency should be independently determined by judges. THAT IS THEIR JOB—and observe how we suffer when they don’t do it.


    Its right there——-just look!!!!

  20. Bobbo, the jury instructions that the colored judge handed out were pretty piss poor. At times, Belvin Perry stumbled on his words and nearly broke out into ebonics. I thought he was going to hip-hop and shit. And who the hell names their kid Belvin?

  21. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Sister==really thats odd. All pretty “standard issue” most of the time. Do you have a link or specifics?

    It is remarkable the (poor) quality of judges in these high profile cases, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

    I didn’t follow this case at all but I agree your advice above is quite astute. You must have been quite a date before taking the habit.

    Lets see…………..yep, thats a new picture. Ha, ha. Keep the good stuff coming.

  22. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Apr 10, 2011 – Belvin Perry’s story arc is well documented. His father, Belvin Perry Sr., was one of Orlando’s first black police officers, …

  23. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Nobody wants to believe a young white mother of such a small child is capable of the murder or at best extreme indifference to the safety and welfare of her child.

    From what I have heard of this case, I have formed the opinion that she is a sociopath. Full disclosure, I have all of 1 semester in Intro to Psychology from 20 yrs ago, but I do have an ex brother-in-law who is a classic sociopath.

  24. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I have tried to write this post 5 times so all I can really say is this:

    Words fail me in describing how horrid Nancy Grace is.

  25. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Here is Nancy Grace commenting on the verdict. completely inane and inaccurate, bunch of FUD. When YOU are charge with a capital crime, the issue is YOU–not the dead victim. Silly to over equate.

    Being certain about that which cannot be known is always good for tv.


  26. Mr Fog says:

    She an evil hedonistic practitioner of infanticide –

    – but great tits.

    How many men on the jury?

  27. llsee says:

    Bobo: Are you saying that in Florida a judge can dismiss an indictment handed down by a grand jury? They can’t do that in my state. If the prosecution had sought an indictment via a preliminary hearing, then a judge can rule insufficient evidence to go to trial. Once a grand jury indicts, the case is going to trial and the judge’s only option would be a directed verdict of not guilty. I fail to see how judges can be responsible for lazy, ill-prepared prosecutors.

  28. MikeN says:

    If Ted Kennedy could walk past a bunch of firehouses and go to a party while his car was in the water with a pregnant woman inside, and he isn’t even charged, then how could the mother in this case be put to death?

  29. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    llsee–yes, good point. You know, I hate getting caught purely emoting. (smile!) I don’t know enough fact or law to say what judges or this judge can/should “legally” do or what his options are/could be.

    That said, I can imagine an “agressive” judge getting a grand jury indictment and still having a nice little conference with the DA, with the Defendants Lawyer present of course, reviewing the case and the proof and “counseling” what the judges best
    haruspication might be.

    Lets take the following hypothetical: UNKNOWN cause of death. Should anyone anywhere be subject to a jury finding of guilty beyond a reasonable doubt when cause of death cannot be established?

    I don’t think so.

    The devil is in the detail. Allow me to restate what my general, not specific to this case, point is: judges should protect constitutional rights more agressively than they do. They rule the justice system.

    Why judges aren’t doing this in Illinois for instance and holding DA’s and Cops in contempt for charging people with disturbing the peace for taking video’s of cops in public is simply beyond me. When 99% of all hypothetical cases would/should go one way, its a form of corruption/laziness to let such cases “go to the jury.”

    mutter, mutter, mutter……..

  30. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    In a related to our issue case, here is a prosecutor proud to be overturned on appeal because it proved his skills as an attorney: he could convict without sufficient evidence.

    Its tongue in cheek, but goes to the issue of judges not doing their jobs. Short read.



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