Didn’t say innocent, which is a completely different thing. On the other hand, despite the bizarre nature of it all, there was no hard evidence of 1st degree murder or even if it was or wasn’t an accident. Only stupidity. Or cleverness to be able to not be found guilty.

Now this is interesting, or something.

Found by Gasparrini

  1. noname says:

    “Didn’t say innocent.”

    Did people forget they are American’s??

    Isn’t that just stupid and contrary to “Innocent until proven Guilty”. You can parse it however you like, agree or disagree. Fact is she was not found Guilty so by default she is Innocent!

    You have to be diehard communist not to believe that!

  2. © says:

    Can’t wait for Dexter to be back.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    I think there are two reasons why the prosecution even took this to court.

    1) This was a little white child. Little white girls are almost as media worthy as blond teen / young female in gathering massive media attention. Little black kids, teenage boys, and old women need not apply.

    2) Nancy Disgrace made this her “Glenn Beck” moment. It boosted her ratings as every night she railed about this “slut”.

    The rest of the media fell onto the band wagon and pronounced her guilty long before charges were laid. I caught some of the trial last week (my wife insisted on watching). All the commentators could spout was how bad the case was going for the defense. Only once did TruTV (how is that for a misnomer) have an attorney that gave an objective analysis. I didn’t see him again, BUT remember, I only caught a small portion of the trial.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    This case was about as interesting as the royal wedding.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Ryan,

    Under the law, she is innocent.

    Nope. No American trial can find a person “innocent”. They can only find an accused guilty or not guilty. To find a person innocent can only come after a person has been found guilty and a Judge overturns that verdict.

    At this stage Anthony is “Not Guilty” of murder. She may still be sued in a civil trial for the same offense or even be tried in a Federal Court if there are any similar Federal laws. OJ Simpson is probably the best example of being found “Not Guilty” in a criminal trial but being successfully sued in a civil trial. Crist v. Bretz, 437 U.S. 28, 37-38 (1978). allows the laying of charges arising from the same instances in Federal and State courts.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #31: If you mean (as some of the jurors are essentially saying now) there wasn’t the proper amount of evidence presented to PROVE guilt as defined by law and thereby render a legal determination of guilty, but any knucklehead could she did something morally reprehensible (from covering up an accidental death to full on murder), then yes, she is, by the legal definition, innocent.

    Or put another way, she’s today’s OJ.

  7. Animby says:

    # 35 Mr. Fusion said, “She may still be sued in a civil trial for the same offense or even be tried in a Federal Court … “

    You’re absolutely right, of course. And I find that objectionable. It is sanctioned double jeopardy and just proves that if they really want you, they’ll find a way.

    I doubt there will be any federal charges. Holder will just assume it was a retroactive abortion.

    I think I heard she has been served a lawsuit by a nanny for defamation for using her name as the “abductor.” Anyone else who wants to sue has to have “standing” and that pretty much leaves it to her parents. Maybe the father will come out just to sue her?

    Of course, she has nothing and any future earnings may already be assigned to the defense team. I heard the lead defender is already talking a book deal. Probably so is the prosecution and several jurors. You know “not guilty and/or innocent” Anthony is probably hiring an agent even as we write…

  8. bobbo, you can think----or decide not to----- says:

    Animby–you are one of the few posting here that might benefit from this advice:

    actually use your dictionary and look up/apply:

    1. entrapment
    2. double jeopardy

    —or continue on to the tune of your own private piper. Your evaluation here is the legal equivalent of bleeding your patients. What educated person does that anymore?

    Well, its hard to be schooled across many disciplines. May we all be judged on that fateful day only in our areas of claimed expertise?

    animby—are you a legal expert? Can I bleed you?

  9. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Ha, ha.—Bill introduced to require reporting the death of a child. And yet Wallstreet is still allowed to Kill America.


  10. Animby says:

    #38 Bobbo – You are a smug misanthrope*, aren’t you? I do not need to consult a dictionary for my understanding of those terms and it is unlikely that I will ever use a word I do not understand.

    As for your comment: “What educated person does that [bleeding] anymore?” Well, how about high tech microsurgeons?

    ^Yes. I know exactly what it means. I posit you use this forum as a way to avoid actual human content.

  11. bobbo, you can think----or decide not to----- says:

    Smug: Having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements. /// No, I wouldn’t say that.

    Smug: contentedly confident of one’s ability, superiority, or correctness; /// Gee, THAT kinda fits==the correctness part.

    You post with the same assuredness I do on issues of double jeopardy when double jeopardy is expressly not raised at all. On that I am correct. Now, how would I convey that assuredness without being labeled as smug? But it is actually a sign of respect: why pussyfoot around with another of equal ability?

    Bleeding to balance humors –not the same as modern bleeding techniques for specific purposes, but there I was==outside my area of expertise.

    Maybe we should bleed our blogging exchange to restore the natural state of balance? Or maybe just me? Now theres a piece of advice.

  12. Glenn E. says:

    I knew I should have bet money on this one. First, it took place in Florida. Where white people don’t get convicted very much, of anything. It’s a “southern state”, which has yet to give any white woman, the death penalty, for any reason. For that reason alone, I was sure the case would fail. And I really doubt the state Prosecutor was all that determined to win this case. About as much as the LA Prosecution was in getting OJ Simpson. Now these FL state lawyers can also retire with a book deal, and news media deal, and whatever other form of payoff they agreed to, to throw the case.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Oh BTW, I understand that some media jerks have offered Casey a movie deal (Tv or feature?), about her “ordeal”. Has the entertainment media absolutely no shame left? Would they have offered Lizzy Borden a movie deal for her life story? Oh wait, they already did do a Tv Movie of that, years after her death. So they saved themselves a royalty payment. Elizabeth Montgomery (of “Bewitched” fame) starred as the infamous LB. Who would they get to portray Casey Anthony? Probably a relative unknown, or Katie Holmes (who’s desperate enough). The big question is WHY DO THIS AT ALL? Is the entertainment media really that desperate for story ideas, and ratings, that they latched onto this? Your media dollars at work.

  14. Animby says:

    #47 Lindsay Lohan, maybe? Looks a little like her and knows jail…

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    I think it says something when the friends of Anthony who were with her after the child went missing were stunned that she wasn’t convicted. They thought she was guilty.

  16. bobbo, pround of what we don't appreciate or don't understand or even what we strongly disagree with says:

    I think its interesting the death level threats against Anthony. so much for the “basis” of american justice: that 10 guilty shall go free to protect one innocent person.

    If you don’t like guilty people getting off then the alternative is having more innocent people in jail.

    Thats reality my bucko’s.

    And I would also wonder what “exactly” Anthony’s friends think she is guilty of. I understand most of them thought she was a good mother until the events occurred. And guilty of what? Murder or “something?”

    We are all guilty of Something.

  17. Casey should become a nun now. We have a lot of ex-cum guzzling community pincushions that she could relate to. Apparently she likes imaginary friends, she’d fit in great here.


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