1. davidt says:

    No Booms. Nice thought however.

  2. jasontheodd says:

    In proud redneck tradition I got really drunk then set off fireworks and fired my shotgun next to a bonfire. Its a family tradition, been doing it since I was old enough to lift a double barrel in hand without spilling the beer in the other.

  3. bbjester says:

    Happy Birthday USA…

    {If} “1776” Then
    {400 more years}
    ElseIf {Divided We Fall}

    Or some such stuff…


  4. bbjester says:

    The above code was written in Virtual DumbA$$… But still, Happy B-Day USA!!!

  5. What happened to calling it Independence Day John?

  6. green says:

    Happy belated Canada Day hosers.

  7. Dallas says:

    Happy Independence Day from England!

    Now let’s work on Independence from … Corporate Masters? Military Complex? China? Religo-Network?

  8. Marsh says:

    No fireworks in my town….we’re broke. Oh well, not feeling very patriotic these days anyhoo.

    #5. Maybe it should be changed to co-dependence day.

  9. sargasso_c says:

    Nobody has ever celebrated “colonisation day”. A peaceful and happy Independance Day to all the DU readers in The United States of America.

  10. Animby says:

    Here in Thailand we celebrated by holding much anticipated elections. The people have elected the politically virginal sister of the prime minister who was overthrown by the military a few years ago (and who now lives an exiled billionaire’s life in Dubai.)

    Extended 4th of July celebrations will probably include riots in Bangkok, several deaths and and overthrow of the government by a military pledged not to do so.

    Saddle up, boys. Might be some fun up ahead.

  11. Todd Peterson says:

    It still amazes me that Americans thinks they live in a free country. It is the worlds most oppressive police state.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Happy Birthday, U.S.A.!

  13. chuck says:

    Ok, let’s get this argument started:

    Where in the Constitution does it allow the Federal government to declare a day as a “national holiday”, then demand that all employers either pay their employees to not work, or pay them time-and-a-half for just doing their jobs?

  14. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    chuck–like everything else anyone doesn’t like: general welfare clause and the commerce clause. Easy Peasey.

    If you are like me and haven’t bought fireworks in years, or even stopped at those stands to look around, here are some pictures of fireworks package labeling. Some good pics.


  15. chuck says:

    #14 – ok, in that case – what DOESNT the general welfare and commerce clause cover?

    In other words, is there anything that the government is prevented from doing?

  16. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    The consent/acquiescence of the governed controls all. You know all this. That bored?

  17. The0ne says:

    Happy 4th everyone. Have fun and stay safe.

  18. Buzz Mega says:

    I always follow my mother’s advice:

    “For a wonderful fourth, drink a fifth on the third.”

  19. akallio9000 says:

    George Carlin said:

    I love America! I love the rights we used to have!


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